August 2017

Spanish 1, 2 & 3

Padres y Estudiantes,

¡Bienvenidos a español!


  1. Classes begin week of August 20 for Spanish 1, 2 & 3.
  2. Thanksgiving holiday- Week of November 19.
  3. Christmas Holiday-week of December 17- Week of December 31. Classes resume week of January 7, 2018
  4. Spring Break –Week of March 11.
  5. I take an extra week off most years. I will announce that date later.
  6. Last week of classes: No later than Week of May 20.


  1. Tuition for Spanish 1, 2 & 3 is $552. You are not paying for a given number of classes in any particular month. This payment schedule allows for two sick / emergency days on my part (with no reduction in tuition).
  2. You may pay the tuition in 6 payments of $92. Everyone also has the option to pay 2 semester installments or one installment for the full year.
  3. Tuition is due on the first day of class each month (September-February).
  4. There is a $10 late fee for tuition not received within the week it is due. If tuition cannot be paid on time, please call me before the due date and I will be happy to make other arrangements and avoid the late fee.
  5. If your student is absent tuition is not pro-rated.
  6. $35 supply fee should already be paid, if it isn’t, please take care of this during orientation.
  7. IF you drop your student from my class for any reason other than serious illness or job transfer, the drop fee is as follows:

October: $150

November: $150

December-May: Balance of year’s tuition.

SCHOOL SUPPLIES-These items are NOT optional and should be in class EVERY time we meet:

  1. Basic black or basic blue pen. Pencil is NEVER acceptable for work that is turned in for a grade.
  2. Red pen. NOT pink. NOT a marker, NOT a pencil. NO multicolor pen for this.
  3. Notebook paper—NEVER NEVER NEVER Spiral paper. I will NOT accept any work on Spiral paper for full credit.
  4. One good quality composition book for class notes. Please label this in BIG letters “NOTES”
  5. One good quality composition book for class exercises. Please label this in BIG letter “PRACTICE”
  6. 2 Spirals or composition books for Journaling. The earliest you will need these is October. Label these: Spanish Journal. If you were in my class last year, I prefer you use the same books you had last year.


I have an online report card: You will receive the link the second or third week of school. I will take time each week to enter grades. Please take time each week to check your student’s grades. This is my best and most up to date communication with you.

Report cards will be averaged approximately every 9 weeks. Students will have quarter, semester and final year average. Final Report Card will be completed by the second week in June. I will not send home hard copies of the report card, if you want a hard copy you will simply print them at home from the grade site.

REPORT CARDS will have the following categories:

1. Homework: online exercises and due class day---15%

2. Video: Edpuzzle quiz, Flipgrid—20%

3. (In class) Assignments: Graded work from class time except for exams—30%

4. Exams: Vocabulary, Written and Listening Exams-35%

5. Semester Project—up to 10% of Semester grade

6. Semester Exam—up to 15% of Semester grade

Partnership with parents

  1. Written lesson exams will mostly be taken in class. These exams will be labeled as Listening, Vocabulary and Lesson exams. In addition, there will also be Semester exams administered in class. Some Lesson exams will be administered at home to be monitored by parents.
  2. Parents will check report card grades weekly.
  3. Parents will monitor at home vocabulary quizzes using vocabulary excel sheets as necessary.
  4. Parents will spot check online homework exercises.
  5. I want to teach the best Spanish class your student will ever experience. For this to happen:
  1. I must be organized and prepared for the class. I commit to you that I will be completely ready for each class and that I will grade all work in a very timely manner.
  2. A second thing that must happen for this class experience to be wonderful, is for the student to commit to giving his very best effort to complete all work and stay caught up with memory work.
  3. The third thing that must be in place is for parents to commit to checking on their student’s progress weekly, monitor any test taken at home, and on a weekly basis make sure you know your student is keeping up with memory work.

Please consider these commitments before you sign the attached commitment agreement and return it on first day of class.


  1. If I will be absent, I will send out an email as soon as I know about my absence. Parents/Students should always check emails before going to class.
  2. I appreciate parents letting me know when your student will be absent but I know this is not always possible.
  3. If a student is absent, it is his responsibility to find out what assignments are due and what sections were covered in the text.
  4. Being absent is not an excuse for not having homework or not being prepared for class (this includes POP Quizzes).
  5. If a test is administered on the day a student is absent, it must be taken on the day the student returns to class (not during class). It is the student’s responsibility to make these arrangements. IF a test is not taken the day the student’s returns, that test will receive a “0”.
  6. All work due on the day a student is absent must be turned in on the day the student returns to class. I mark my grade book with Abs for absent and when the student returns and shows me their work, I change that to the grade they earn. If they do not show me the work that was due when they were absent, the Abs keeps a value of ZERO. Again, this is completely the student’s responsibility.

LATE WORK-Definition of Late work is …. work not turned in on due date at the time I ask for it.

1. Maximum credit for most late work is 50% except for tests (80%). Online HW not turned in 24 hours before class will earn a 0. Grade earned for Homework due class day cannot be changed.

2. Work turned in on time but student did not follow criteria I set for that assignment is graded as LATE (50% maximum credit).


  1. Use spiral paper instead of notebook paper.
  2. Paragraph not formatted correctly
  3. Journal on single sheet

3. Grades earned by complete or incomplete work will not be changed.

After you have read this information, please discuss it with your student and if either of you have any questions please call or email me. I look forward to working with you this year.

Muchas Gracias,

Grace Cooper

15803 Amesbury Dr.

Houston, TX 77084


…use this email address for all communication

…look here for all handouts, homework, vocabulary excel sheet, general info.

Student Commitment

“Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord...” Colossians 3:17

  • I will do my best to complete all assigned work on time.
  • I will be diligent in class to stay on the task assigned.
  • I will show myself to be honest, courteous, and obedient.
  • I will complete the assignments according to the criteria set by Sra. Cooper.

Students understand it is their responsibility to be aware of current assignments, due dates, and what has and has not been turned in. Sra. Cooper provides a website ( for homework assignments and will only ask for the assignment on its due date. The student must remember to turn in past-due work if any partial credit is allowed.

Student signature: ______

Date: ______

Parent Financial Agreement

I understand that tuition is based on a yearly fee ($552), and that 6 payments may be made by the first day of class from September through February. A late fee of $10.00 is due for tuition not paid and received within the week it is due. If for any reason other than serious illness or a job transfer, I must withdraw my student from the class after September, I agree to pay the withdrawal fee listed below:

October: $150

November: $150

December-May: remainder of year’s tuition.

Parent signature: ______

Date: ______