Attendance: Amy Kohlmeier, Stephanie Keeney, Liz O’Gara, Carol Hembree, Gail Inch, Anne Kreder, Cyndi Eylofson, Suzanne Hughes, Shauna Waller, Colleen Fletcher, Anne Cirillo, Connie Simpson, Nate Fisher, Skyler Means.

Call to Order: Liz O’Gara (President) welcomed the board back after the holiday and called the meeting to order at 3:30pm. Liz gave the floor to Gail Inch to give the Secretary’s report.

Secretary’s Report

Gail Inch (Secretary): Gail Inch presented the minutes from the December 6th Board meeting for approval.

Action: Carol Hembree moved that we approve the December 6th minutes. Anne Cirillo seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report

Anne Kreder (Treasurer): Anne reported that she has written the check to the Levy committee that the board approved last month. Anne also reported that there was a $100 deposit into the bricks account. There was a quick discussion regarding how the $15,000 grant funds are in fact distributed and Liz explained that after all the grant amounts are finalized (we are still waiting on the scoreboard) then Carol will send a list to the Foundation to authorize the funds to be distributed. Cindy Eylofson requested being copied on the Grant authorization to the Foundation.

Boise Brave Boosters

Treasurer’s Report


Bank of the Cascade Accounts

  1. The current balance in the checking account is $4,451.01
  2. The current balance in the savings account – Closed as of 10/18/11
  3. Total available cash on hand is $4,451.01

Foundation Accounts

  1. The fundraising account is $67,396.92 (no change)
  2. The dues account is $8,224.89 (no change)
  3. The bricks account is $4,269.56 ($140 increase)
  4. Total cash on hand in foundation accounts without bricks account is $75,621.81. Total foundation accounts including bricks are $79,891.37.

Total Bank and Foundation accounts $85,202.38

Recent Activity: $1,000.00 donation to Friends of Boise Schools (Levy)

Up coming Expenses: (15,000 for grants)

Principal’s Report

Amy Kohlmeier (Principal): Amy thanked the board for the grants on behalf of the teachers and staff. Amy reported that Jim Barker from Colleagues on Call is spending a morning with Boise High’s teacher Look to Learn Team. This professional development effort has Mr. Barker conduct a quick classroom assessment and then he spends time in discussions with the team on ways to improve teaching.

Former Ambassador to Venezuela, Patrick Duddy will be visiting Boise High to speak to Government Classes when he is in town for a conference.

Student Report

Skylar Means (Student Representative): Skylar reported that the canned food drive collected 11,000 pounds which was twice what the school has ever collected before. The competition between classrooms resulted in Mrs. Totorica’s class in first place and Mrs. Shoup’s class in a very close second place. Both classrooms were so close that they are both winning a pizza party for their huge efforts with the canned food drive.

Skylar reported that committees for Prom and Morp (the anti-prom) have just begun planning for these spring events. They are considering having Morp be a Sadie Hawkins type dance – girl ask guy.

Nate Fisher (Student Representative) reported that their fundraiser is well into the planning stage with the Civil Wars band scheduled for the Memorial Day weekend. Skylar went on to say that other events being considered include: a carnival, a movie night, and a Guitar Hero competition at lunch. Nate mentioned that the Talent Show is coming up second semester as well.

Faculty Report

Stephanie Keeney (Faculty Liaison): Stephanie reported that each year Mrs. Hartman (Orchestra Department) invites Boise High Orchestra alumni to come back to the school and hold an informal talk about their experience participating in orchestra at the college level. This year’s talk is taking place today, while the college students are home for the holidays. Mrs. Hartman has approximately 20 Boise High students attend this college planning event.

Stephanie went on to report that the next Character Ed meeting is Thursday, January 12th and that the MAC is open M, T, and Th with a reminder to students to go before EOC week to prepare. The Economic Summit went well as usual, with Economics students having fun and learning about other countries.

Committee Reports

Liz O’Gara for Dee Koeger (Fundraising): Liz reported that there is an on-line auction meeting this week at Moxie Java and that all are invited to attend.

Liz O’Gara (Grants): Liz explained that the scoreboard grant is still undecided due to the fact that Tracy Leinen (Athletic Director) thinks that the originally requested scoreboard size is what the school really needs and if the Boosters were to purchase a smaller, less expensive scoreboard it would not adequately meet the schools need. Tracy would like to have the scoreboard by the end of March or the beginning of April at the latest. Tracy already has a cart to transport the larger scoreboard. Liz explained to the board that the funding difference for the larger scoreboard is approximately $1,500. Liz asked Amy to request a supplemental written request from Tracy for the larger scoreboard, including any discounts Tracy feels she can get, so that the board has an exact dollar amount to vote on and fund. Anne Kreder (Treasurer) reminded the board that there is still $410.93 in funds remaining from the lunch buddy account which could be applied to the scoreboard shortfall and that the Boosters are expecting additional fundraising dollars from our upcoming on-line auction which could be earmarked for the scoreboard as well.

It was decided that the board would need to hold an on-line vote after receiving Tracy’s written request to get and exact number to finalize the scoreboard grant. In theory, the board wants to support Tracy’s scoreboard request but the vote will need to take place after we receive the supplemental written request with the exact amount needed.

Carol closed the discussion by reporting that letters and evaluation forms have been distributed to teachers and staff members who have been awarded grant funds.

Anne Cirillo (Public Relations): Anne discussed Jennifer Jones’s great PR plan and thinks that Jennifer’s goals look reasonable. Anne is beginning to work on the Face book page and will send it out to the board and wants us to “like” the page and “share” the page with other Boise High parents and alums. Anne’s plan is to include school accolades, fundraisers, athletic events, etc. Liz is planning to present Jennifer’s strategic plan at the next board meeting. Anne hopes to be able to get the Face book page up in advance of the on-line auction planned for March 12-19th.

Meeting adjourned at 3:57pm.


Action: Liz O’Gara (President) moved via email on January 9th to the board:

To grant funds to the Boise High School Athletic Department for the purchase of an electronic score board in the amount of $3,500 and to increase our granting dollars for the fall granting period by $1,936.23. $410.63 of the funds will be transferred from the BHS school account which is the remaining funds from the now defunct Lunch Buddies program, while $3,089.67 will come from our BEF account.

The email motion passed unanimously on January 12th with 22 members voting.

Respectfully submitted by Gail Inch, Secretary

Upcoming Dates of Interest

Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 7th at 3:30pm, Room 402, Career Counseling Center

FYI:School ResumesTues., Jan. 3rd

Online Auction Meeting (all welcome)Thurs., Jan 5th, 1:15pm @ Moxie Java on Bogus Basin Road

No School, Martin Luther King DayMon. Jan. 16th

End of Semester Testing, Early ReleaseWed-Fri, Jan 18th -20th, 12:15pm

End of SemesterFri., Jan 20th, 12:15pm

PLAN Test for SophomoresSat., Jan. 28th

Late StartTues., Feb. 7th

Boise Brave Booster Spring Online AuctionMar 12th-Mar 19th