University of California, Berkeley


Application for Residents of I-House, Spring Semester2013

Dear Resident,

Since 1930I-House has championed cross-cultural learning, and in recent years it has formalized classes and workshops for residents and the campus community. We arepleased to invite 20 select residents this spring to participate in the third I-House Initiative in Intercultural Leadership (ILI). Structured as a professional development opportunity not an academic class. ILI offers an intimate community of resident participants with access to the following opportunities:

  • Intercultural Effectiveness assessment with individualized results
  • Four required 2 hour workshops held one Monday evening per month, February-May 6 2013
  • 3 supplemental intercultural activities (to be chosen by individual participant)
  • One off-site 2-day retreat on Saturday, February23- Sunday, February 24, 2013
  • Optional mentorship with an I-House Board Member/ Distinguished Alumnus
  • Closing Celebration in May 2012

Each participant who completes the program requirements will be awarded an I-House Certificate in Intercultural Leadership. To apply, please fill out the following application and submit it to:

by February 7 at 4 PM

We look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you,

The I-House Intercultural Leadership Team


Application for Residents of I-House, Spring Semester 2013

Name: Room #:

Preferred name or nickname: Phone:

Alternate phone: E-mail:

Home Country: Gender:

How long have you lived at International House?

Do you plan to live at I-House next academic year? (please circle one) Yes No Maybe

Please check after one: Undergrad? Grad Student? Visiting Scholar? Postdoc?

Academic focus and degree:

In a one page statement please tell us more about yourself including some of the following topics:

  1. How would you describe your cultural background?
  2. In which languages are you proficient?
  3. Please describe any pertinent intercultural experiences you have had, such as living in a country other than your country of origin, cross-cultural trainings or classes, etc.
  4. What is your prior involvement in leadership and extracurricular activities?
  5. Why are you interested in participatingin this program? And if selected, what do you hope to gain from this experience?
  6. What do you hope to contribute to this program and its participants?

Please submit your completed application,

personal statement,and resume (if available) to:

by February 7, 2013 at 4 PM


Applicant signature/name Date of application

International House at UC Berkeley  2299 Piedmont Ave.  Berkeley, California 94720USA 