HOF Basketball 2014
League Game Rules
1.Each team play8 regular season games plus the tournament (Single Elimination)
2.Tournament is set for Oct 9th and 13th. Games and Times on Game Schedule
3.6 teams with 8-9 players on each!
4.All games will be played on Monday nights - 6:00, 7:15, and 8:30 at First Baptist Church off Dave Lyle
5.Length of games: 2 – 22 minute halves with a running clock.
6.A two minute break between halves.
7.Each game will be refereed by two certified officials.
8.One 15 second timeout in the first half and Two 30 second timeouts in second half -clock stops. If timeout taken during free throw situation, clock will restart after free throw. Any player can call a time out
9.Substitutions may be made only when team has possession of ball and calls “sub!” Defense may sub at the same time. Any team can sub during any or all dead ball situations.
- 1st offense team receives a warning. 2nd offense, ref. Calls a technical for 2 shots.
10.Clock will stop during the last minute of the game for all dead ball situations or at anytime there may be an injury.
11.Any timeout called in the back court, in the last minute of the game will be advance to half court if the score is close
12.To help speed up the action, all one and one (after 8 team fouls) two and three shot fouls, will be shot only once. For example if a player is fouled while attempt a two point shot. He will go to the free throw line and attempt one shot that will count for two points
13.One and one will occur after the 8th team foul – the player who is fouled after the 8th team foul will go to the free throw line and shoot one shot for two points – this new rule will help speed up the action. During the last minute of the game the one and one situation will revert back to regulation but it will remain after the 8th team foul.
14.The last minute of the game is played like a regular high school basketball game.
15.The clock will run during last minute of a game if a team is behind 10 points or more.
16.The director or court supervisor has the right to run the clock or terminate the game at any time.
17.Games begin with prayer led by home team.
18.Clock does not stop on free throws unless time out has been called or the last minute of the game
19.A player is disqualified after committing five personal fouls - technical fouls are counted as a personal foul.
20.If a player accumulates 2 total technical fouls during the season he must sit out the first half of the next game. (See rule #20) The ROAR director reserves the right to adjust this rule if he feels the technicals were unwarranted.
21.A player who receives a technical foul must exit the game immediately and can reenter upon coaches request
22.Two technical fouls during a one game will result in dismissal from current game as well as next game. ROAR Director will call player. Ex:
- fighting
- cursing
- arguing with referee
23.Each extra overtime is 2 minutes with each team having one timeout per overtime!
24.On free throws, players cannot enter the lane until ball leaves the shooters hand.
25.3-point shots are valid.
26.Coaches are expected to play everyone equal time
27.Please call your coach if you are unable to play a particular game. If a player misses two weeks in a row, he risks losing his spot if there is no communication with the coach.
28.All teams need to help with the score board and book from time to time. Please volunteer to help when your team is assigned. Using volunteers helps keep our registration fees down.