Creative Montessori Preschool Daycare
Policies and Procedures
Revised September 2013
Multi-age program for ages 0 to 12 years
Located at 7271 Francis Road
Richmond BC
V6Y 1A1
Phone: 604-278-1675
Cell: 604-500-2674
Table of contents
Fire drills and Emergency drills Page 3 Missing/lost child Page 3
Natural disaster Page 4
Safe release of children Page 4
Food and drink given to the children Page 5
Care and Supervision Pages 5, 6
Supervised inside and outside Page 7
Behavior guidance Pages 8, 9, 10
Repayment agreement Page 10
Statement for employees Page 11
Statement for Parents Pages 12, 13, 14, 15
Log Book for minor accident Page 16
Children’s records Page 17
Care plan Page 17
Fire drills and Emergency drills
- Fire drills are done once a month, and Emergency drills are done once a year. Fire drills are posted near computer area. Both of our activity rooms have a fire exit
- Licensee is a first aid instructor
- An emergency kit is in place for all children (kept under the bathroom shelf in a blue bag)
- In case of evacuation our meeting place is Ferris Elementary School, 7520 Sunnymede Crescent.Our cell numbers are 604-500-2674 or 604-729-3285.
Missing/lost child
Before the trip
- Prepare the children by giving them detailed information about the place, and the expectations for how the children will behave. Teach children not to talk to strangers or take any thing from strangers
- Take emergency information cards and current picture for all children going on the trip.
- Keep all children are together so they are visible at all times,take extra precaution and be alert of the potential for danger.
- When taking children to a local park, have them wear a uniform-it is easier to locate them. Constantly do a head count every few minutes and be visible to the children. Ask children to stay with their daycare friends.
Search for missing children
When you realize that a child is missing, start looking for the childimmediately. Remember the type of clothing the child was wearing and special features like height, weight, eye and hair color.If you are unable to locate the child the police may ask for the following information:
- The last time and place you saw the child.
- Things about his behavior such as do they like to hide.
- Was there a situation that could have lead the child to leave on purpose
- Has this situation happened before with this child?
Inform the parent/staff helper. Bring all the children together preferably indoors to maximize the number of adults to searchforthe missing child. Keep other children safe and occupied. Search specific areas beginning with the area around you.
After 2 minutes begin expanding the search area. If possible page the child. Get as many people involved in the search possible.
After 5 minutes call 911. The police will need to know the child’s name, address,height, weight and a physical description. Write down the file number the police give you. Call the child’s parents or guardian. Remain calm and describe what happened, and whatis being done.
Natural disaster
Each child has an emergency kit including wipes, diaper, alcohol prep pads, hand sanitizer, flash light, batteries, twist tie, disposable gloves, garbage bag, deck of cards, bell necklace, arm band, emergency blanket, juice, granola bar (peanut free) picture of the child.
Emergency drills are done once a year and in case of emergency, all children will be taken to a safe place away from the center. In case of evacuation our meeting place is Ferris Elementary School, 7520 Sunnymede Crescent.
Safe release of child
Children will be only released to authorizepersons whose names are listed in the enrollment forms. If there are any changes a new safe release form will need to be filled out
If anunauthorized person comes to pick up a child, the parent will be called for approval and the person will need to bring picture ID to the center
Child will not be released if the person appears unfit (dizzy or ill) of providing care. Necessary steps will be taken
In the case of Custody orders all court order documents should be submitted at the time of registration or when the court has issued custody agreement. The child will be release to the person as per the court order.
Non-pick up, licensee will attempt to contactparents. If they cannot be reached licensee will attempt to contactemergency pick up contacts. If all contacts are unreachable, after 30 minutes a phone call will be made to the Ministry for Children and Family Development
Food and Drink given to the children
Parents will be notified of any food given by the daycare.Treats will be given on Valentine’s Day, Christmas, Halloween and Easter(soft candy for under 3’s)
Allergy information will be listed at the entrance
Parents requesting food to be prepared at daycare will be emailed the food menu for the month. Healthy food as per the Canada Food Guide will be provide at all times.Mealtime is for socialization, sharing their food and talking about healthy eating. Weplay soft music, which is pleasant and soothing for the children. Children are welcome to bring their ethnic food for lunch and snacks
Chronic illness
All chronic illness care planswill be followed. Parents need to sign the care plan and fill the Physician’s Direction to administer Emergency Medication form
We respect all cultural values, preferences, beliefs how children should be raised
Care and Supervision
Age appropriate activities and program are provided according to schedule G of the Child Care Licensing Regulation,
Indoors for large motor development gym room has large mirrors. The children can do exercise, drama and dance.
Fine motor skill - toys are provided which encourage pincher grasp, painting, cutting, printing etc.
Self help skills buttoning, zipping, pouring, sweeping, scooping, straining, wiping
Health and safety habits - hand washing, toileting, usage of toy and equipment as per manufactures instruction, not standing on coach and using walking feet indoors
Cognitive development - toys with cause and effects, problem solving game from discovery toys, rush hour etc.
Flexibility – when working with young children it is important to meet their needs – for example, if children are hungry mealtime are done earlier, if it is a nice day children are allowed to stay 15 minutes extra outside earlier and stay longer.
Curiosity and reasoning pop up toys and science experiments increase their ability to think why it happens.
Concept building skills- card games for opposites, classification, and sequencing, sorting Panoramix is a game, which requires spatial intelligences
Art, music, movement, imaginative play, story telling and construction
Art center has materials the children can access at any time to make open-ended art. For movements there is Piano, musical instrument and computer. Fairy tale bags have props the children can do role-play little red riding hood and three little pigs and treasure box with costume and lot of costume behind the large mirror have customs of animals etc.….
Activities and material that foster a great understanding of the environment
Guidelines are stated or circle time and naptime are posted. Shelves are labeled classifying them into math, sensorial, language building, practical life and culture.
Modeling of good language and listening skills
Staff uses calm and pleasing voice with the children to model. Lot of tape, CD and videos are used for language building. Staff has done 4-month course “ Learning language and loving it “ which helps to build language in various routines and activities provided to the children.
The shelves are low so that the children can access the materials and activities themselves to encourage independence. In the bathroom, there is an extra tap for young children to wash their hands. Children are encouraged to change clothes pull-ups by themselves. Children know where their belongings are and are encouraged to use them when required.
Children are encouraged to use words to express their feelings. The solution center has picture cards to help them to solve a problem such as trading toys, asking politely, waiting for a turn, playing together etc.… it also has a popsicle card the child can carry and ask other to children “shall we play together or shall I wait my turn?”
Outdoor equipment
Under 3 years of age: Small slide, Sand box, house helping toys, tricycles and lot of hockey sticks, golf kit, rackets, bubbles, and water table etc.…
Older children: Play structure, sand box, construction slabs, swings, bikes of all sizes, house keeping toys and games etc.….
Children are constantly supervised inside and outside for safety and guidance
Mealtimes: caregiver eats with the children models healthy eating and encourages eating their meal. Enough time is given to finish lunch. We are not allowed to force-feed. However we can help with feeding if necessary
Beverages will not be given at naptime, as it is a choking hazard
Bottles will be given when the child is in a sitting position
Nap and rest time policy
Naptime is 1 pm to 2.30 pm and no pick up or drop off should be planned during this time.
(In case of Emergency please use the front entrance door)
Children have their individual bedding and sheet. Nap books are read to them and
soft nap CD is played.Staff put the children to bed. Staff helps children sleep. Non-sleepers can come out of nap room and play with quiet toys.
Toileting/diaperingare done at regular intervals or when need arises. When your child is ready for toilet training we will work with you for their success. During this period provide enough clothes for changing after accidents.
Hand washing: is done after toileting, before and after meals and after art activities.
Behavioral Guidance
So that children can learn and practice appropriate and acceptable behavior
So that children can develop self-control, self-confidence and self-discipline
So that children can achieve the above when they feel secure, and know what is expected of them,
So that children can have consistent limits and expectations
Guiding strategies
- Establish and state positive, clear, consistent and simple limits
- Offer straightforward explanation
- Focus on present behavior rather then connecting to previous issues
- Provide choices
- Allow time for child’s response to expectation
- Reinforce appropriate behavior
- Ignore minor incidents
- Model expected behavior
- Observe group carefully and take measure to prevent conflicts
- Approach child on individual basis, establish eye contact and use calm voice
- Redirect, model problem solving, offer choices, allow child to experience natural and logical consequences, limit use of equipment, assist children to resolve conflict, encourage them to use solution center, acknowledge feelings before setting limits; use proximity and touch, remind children of limits and/or guidelines. Last resort if the child might hurt himself or others the children is remove from the situation
Strategies used to prevent unsafe behavior includes
Infants/Toddlers (0 to 24 months).
Adults will model acceptable behavior. Although biting is a normal behavior at this age, if it does become extensive and problematic, staff will involve parents in problem solving. Books will be read and children shown examples of other things they can do to satisfy their urge to bite.
Children aged 24 months and over.
Staff will observe and listen. Staff will respond to needs promptly by encouragement, comfort, new props, additional space, etc. Speak directly to the children requesting specific behavior. Allow the child an opportunity to respond appropriately. Give support if necessary. Use a variety of techniques as previously indicated. Set limits and expectations. In situations where the behavior continues (such as aggression and/or non-co-operative behavior), the child may be removed from the situation and sit with staff.
The child will be encouraged to return to the situation when he/she is ready. Staff will monitor the situation and involve and advise parents if further action is warranted. Biting and hitting are normal behaviors at this age
Strategies not used
Physical punishment: striking, shaking, shoving, spanking, degrading statements or any other form of verbal abuse or time outs. Restriction of food or activities.
Behavior Plans
Children must not hurt other children – we encourage using words to express feelings
For young children:
Using redirection to focus attention from inappropriate activities, for example like urge to water the plants in a cold weather direct them to the toy of their interest.
Speak slowly, clearly, and maintain eye contact to state acceptable behavior.
A short thinking time is given with a caregiver. The child will encouraged to use words or gestures to say sorry their behaviors
Young children would be encouraged to ask for turn, physical and verbal help would be given when necessary.
For older children:
Unaccepted behavior for example hitting, kicking or biting will results to thinking time away from other children to reflect on their actions and questioning what he/she could have done.
Help them to develop useful and appropriate vocabulary to talk about their feelings and encourage children to use those words to express their feelings. Children would be encouraged to ask for turn with words independently. Children have an understanding that all children have equal rights and toys are for sharing. When a child request for a turn he/she states when he/she can have a turn. Timer is set.
Letting children learn from their mistake and give them opportunity for amendment. Using songs to expressing feelings and correct behavior, Different techniques are used for different children in a same situation it depends upon the knowledge of the child’s competence. Modeling patience, politeness, kindness, and treating others with respect. When a child is found constantly hitting, biting or kicking other children the occurrence of behavior will be documented. If consistent occurrence of a behavior for a week is shown, parents will be informed. Observation will be recorded and analyzed on the reason of the behavior. Changing the time of activities, removing the object causing the behavior and use of intervention strategies will make it easier for the child. The information will be shared with the parents. The response of the parent would be recorded. Constant aggressive behavior is observed like hitting, kicking and biting, jeopardized the safety of other children. Parents would be informed and behavior plan will be put in place. After 1 months of constant unacceptable behavior and corrected strategies, are used and still no improvement leads to no change in behavior will result in further evaluation for admission will be discussed with the parent
Children with special needs - follow the care plan specified by the parent and involved agencies
Repayment agreement
Deposit amount will be refunded on the last day of care if written notice has been received as recommended.
Withdrawing your child from care
The deposit amount is non- refundable in the event of cancellation of service without proper notice in writing starting on the 1st date of the month. If the 1st fall on a holiday call us and make sure the caregiver receives or returns your call.Termination of daycare should take place at the last day of the month
If the parent has pre registered and doesn’t require care a month’s notice is still required.
Written statement for employee
Employee requirements
- Criminal record check
- Reference letters
- Resume
- Copy of ECE certificate
- Doctor’s note
- Immunization (Tuberculosis vaccination)
Working with children
Clean the art section after the art work is completed involve the kids to help
Clean and sanitize table after every mealtime
Do chores as per the shift requirement without reminders
Put away toys in the right spot
Outside toys should be put away before coming inside
Out door slippers should not be used indoors
Clothing and footwear - same rules apply for staff as for children
Eat healthy food with the children
Free playtime read books to the children
When alone focus on all children and constantly scan for dangerous situation
When you need to be with a child one to one inform other staff
Don’t be afraid to ask to take over a situation when you need a break