Harlan High School

Health Education Syllabus

Mrs. Posey

Course Description

The Health Education Course is designed to enhance the awareness and knowledge of healthy lifestyle choices. The six adolescent risk behaviors (tobacco use, dietary patterns that contribute to disease, sedentary lifestyles, sexual behaviors, alcohol and drug use, and behaviors that result in intentional and unintentional injury) will be addressed while advocating for the students to make healthy choices for their overall health. We will also cover mental and emotional health, nutrition.

Essential Questions

o What do I need to do to stay healthy?

o How and where do I find health information and resources?

o What can I do to avoid or reduce health risks?

o What influences my health behaviors and decisions?

o How can communication enhance my personal health?

o How do making good decisions keep myself healthy?

o How do I use the goal-setting process to improve my health?

o What can I do to promote accurate health information and healthy behaviors?

Units of Instruction

Health Skills, Physical Activity, Nutrition, Body Composition/Eating Disorders, Mental Health Stress, Violence Prevention, Body Systems, Tobacco/Alcohol/Drugs, Diseases, Sexually Transmitted Disease, Human Sexuality/Pregnancy

Classroom Expectations

Our classroom is a place of learning; you are to conduct yourself in a respectful manner. This class is “G rated class” Profanity, criticizing or insulting other will not be tolerated. Use manners, Be respectful. Class meetings will consist of power point presentations, video clips, worksheets, class discussion and computer exploration, which will allow you to make choices that will enhance your health. You are expected to complete homework so you are prepared for the next class. You are expected to do everything possible to be


Course Evaluation and Assessment

Students are expected to participate in class activities. Grades breakdown for Report Cards

o 10% Participation, in- class activities

o 45% Tests, Projects

o 25% Quizzes

o 20% Homework

Class Material

oA 3 ring binder with loose leaf paper, with sectional dividers (optional)

(you may use a one subject notebook)

o A Pen or Pencil, agenda book to record assignments

Class Information

Homework assignments are due at the start of the next

class period. If you are absent, homework is due at the start of the next class period. It is your responsibility to find out what you missed the next day you are in school. You will then have 48 hours to complete the work. If you are absent, please Email me with any questions.

oNo food or drinks in the classroom, except for water.

oAttendance/Tardy Policies- Students need to be in class when the bell rings. Class will begin at the bell. If you are late to class you will need a note from the office.

oElectronic devices- cell phones, ipods and other personal electronic devices are not permitted in class. You will not be given a warning. If I see an electronic devise out, it will be taken and you will have to pick it up from the office after school.

o Binder grade -will be given each quarter. All papers, tests, and handouts should be put into your binder into the appropriate sections.

Teacher Contact Information


Planning Period: 8:15-9:00am

Student Name Please print ______

Parent/Guardian Signature

I have read and understand the course description and expectations for Heath

Student Signature ______

Parent Signature______