

1. Basic periods in the development of surgery.

2. Determination of the surgery as medical specialty and its attitude to other medical disciplines.

3. Antisepsis – definition, historical data, methods

4. Antiseptic agents in use.

5. Asepsis-definition, historical data, methods. Surgical ward

6. Preparation of the operative team for operation. Hand preparation for operation.

7. Skin preparation for surgery.

8. Postoperative period. Clinical observation and care for postoperative patient. Postoperative complications-types, prophylaxis and treatment.

9. Congenital diseases – factors and mechanisms for their development. General principles for treatment.

10. Congenital anomalies of the cranium, face and spine

11. Congenital anomalies of the neck.

12. Congenital anomalies of the thorax and thoracic organs.

13 Congenital anomalies of the abdominal wall and abdominal organs.

14. Congenital anomalies of the genito-urinary system

15. Congenital anomalies of the extremities.

16. Furuncle, carbuncle and hidradenitis-pathology, clinical picture, and treatment.

17. Phlegmona – definition and structure. Local and general symptoms. Treatment.

18. Abscesses – Definition and pathologic characteristics. Components and character of non-specific pus. Local and general symptoms. Treatment.

19. Purulent arthritis – ways of inoculation of infection into the joint cavity. Pathologic anatomy, local and general symptoms. Principles of treatment.

20. Acute purulent infection. Pathogenesis and ways of penetration and spread into the organism. Pathologic processes .Local and general symptoms.

21. Generalized pyogenic infection – sepsis. Toxaemy, sepsis and septicopyaemy – definition. Mechanism of development, clinical evolution and principles of treatment

22. Erysipelas- pathologic forms, local and general symptoms. Erysipeloid

23. Osteomyelitis. Causative agents and ways of penetration. Evolution of the inflammatory process. Clinical picture. Acute and chronic osteomyelitis. Principles of treatment.

24. Anaerobic clostridial infection-causative agents, conditions for development. Pathologic anatomy. Local and general symptoms. Prophylaxis and treatment. Anaerobic non-clostridial infection

25. Tetanus – aetiology, pathogenesis, clinical evolution, prevention and treatment.

26. Anthrax – pathogen, modes of infection, local and general consequences. Prevention and treatment.

27. Tuberculosis – aetiology and pathogenesis, pathologic anatomy. Types and localizations. Indications for surgery. Cold abscessus.

28. Actynobacteriosis – pathogen, ways of penetration, pathology. Common localizations – local and general symptoms. Treatment.

29. Fistulas – definition, aetiology, types. Clinical presentation. Principles of treatment.

30. Ulsers – definition. Causes of their appearance. Pathologic characteristics. Evolution. Clinical manifestations. Treatment.

31. Necroses and gangraenes. Definition, principles for their treatment. Dry and humid gangrene – pathological and clinical characteristics. Treatment.

32. Acute arterial ischemia – causes. Types of emboli. Embolisation in the major and minor circulation circle. Pathologic and clinical consequences. Principles of treatment.

33. Chronic arterial iscemia. Types of obliterative process – endarteriitis, atherosclerosis, diabetic angiopathy, Raynaud’s disease. Clinical manifestations – stages of chronic ischemia. Principles of treatment.

34. Varicose veins – etiology and pathogenesis. Most frequent localizations. Clinical picture. Methods of examination. Principles of treatment.

35. Thrombophlebitis – superficial and profound. Phlebothrombosis. Etiology, pathologic anatomy, clinical manifestations, prophylaxis and treatment. Late consequences.

36. Chronic lymphedema. Elephantiasis. Etiology, pathologic anatomy, clinical presentation and treatment.

37. Tumors –definition, theories for their pathogenesis, classification.

38. Benign tumors (malformations) – pathological and clinical characteristics. Benign tumors of epithelial origin.

39. Benign tumors of mesenchymal, neural, pigment and mixed origin.

40. Malignant tumors by glandular origin – adenocarcinoma. Pathologic forms – gross anatomy and histology. General and local symptoms. Stages. Principles of treatment.

41. Malignant diseases by mesenchymal origin – sarcomas. Types of sarcomas – pathology and clinical manifestations.

42. Traumas – definition and classification. Traumatism – types.

43. Physical trauma – definition, mechanisms of action and consequences. Influence of the different factors on the severity of trauma.

44. Blunt trauma – definition, types, pathologic and clinical characteristics.

45. Open traumatic injuries – wounds. Definition, pathologic processes. Types of wounds – classification.

46. Shotgun wounds – types, specificity, structural characteristics. Principles of treatment.

47. Wounds due to cuttings and punctures

48. Contusive and lacerative wounds

49.Bites – types and consequences. Treatment.

50.Electric injuries. Mechanisms of action, tissue destructions and processes. Local and general response.

51. Burns. Grades of local injury. General response – stages. Local and general treatment.

52. Cold injury. Pathogenesis. Grades. Clinical picture. First aid measures and treatment.

53.Wound healing – biological and biochemichal characteristics. Primary and secondary healing.

54. Wound surgical treatment. Primary treatment – aim and techniques. Sutures – indications and contraindications. Primary and secondary surgical sutures – classification.

55. Distorsio (sprain) – definition, mechanism of injury. Involvement of the muscles and tendons in this injury. Joint’s distortion trauma.

56. Joint luxation –definition, mechanism of injury. Clinical picture. First aid and principles of treatment.

57. Bone fractures – definition. Mechanism of injury and pathologic consequences. Classification. Clinical picture. First aid and principles of treatment.

58.Haemorhage – types. Local response. Clinical manifestations. Hemodynamic and hematological consequences and reactions.

59. Surgical repair of the wounds. Instruments and suture materials. Types of surgical techniques.

60. Transplantation