South Central Navy Nurse Corps Association (SCNNCA)
SCNNCA received its charter from the NNCA in 2000. Unique in the NNCA, weare composed predominantly of reserve nurse corps officers and retirees, as there are very few active duty postings in our geographic region (Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico,and Arkansas). Weareseeking allretirees, reserve, active duty and former Nurse Corps officers to join us inenjoyingSCNNCAactivities and friendshipin our region.
Membership / Meetings:SCNNCA is open to all retired, reserve, active duty, andhonorably dischargedNavy Nurse Corps officers. It is arequirement that all chapter membersare also currentmembers of NNCA.Wenormally have chapter membership and officer elections each Spring; however, this year we are having our annual meeting at our SCNNCA's Meehan Symposiumon Friday, October 24,2014. Our Meehan Symposium isbeing held in conjunction with the FH 21/Dallas/OHSU/EMF DallasCommand Reunion & BBQon October 25that NAS Joint Reserve Base FTW.Read the attachment for more information on theseeducational and fun activities. Because of our large geographic area, some meetingsmay beheld online. We currently have approximately50 members.
Chapter Dues:SCNNCA membership dues are complimentary for all those living in our area whoregister as NNCA members on the NNCA.ORGsite. When filling out your Profile Page, please be sure to designate your Chapter as SCNNCA. We are thrilled to have you as a member!
Chapter Mission/Projects:The mission of SCNNCA is to foster friendship, affinity, rapport and cordial relations among former, retired, active and reserve Navy Nurse Corps officers. We promote social activities;sponsorContinuing Education offerings(SCNNCAisa California Board of Nursing Certified CEU Provider); and, raisemoney for the NNCA ScholarshipFund and wounded warrior types of organizations.
- CNE Event: On Friday, October 24th, the South Central Navy Nurse Corps Association chapter will sponsor a continuing medical education symposium. Cost is $60 (pay at the door). Contact Anne McCarty @ .
- Reunion Event: On Saturday, October 25th, a reunion of current and former members of the expeditionary medical unit that has been associated with NAS Dallas or JRB Ft Worth since 1986 will be held at the picnic ground adjacent to the Navy Lodge. Gathering time is 1400, and a barbecue meal will be served at 1500. Cost is approximately $15 (please bring correct change). Families are welcome, but we need to know how many you will bring! Contact David Maserang @ .
SCNNCA Meehan Symposium Information
Continuing Education Meehan Symposium: CAPT Mike Beimer, NC, the Meehan Symposium Chairmanthis year. The Friday, October 24, 2014 Symposium begins at 0730 and ends at 1630.
Topics and Speakers are:
- BUMED Update, RDML Tina Alvarado, NC, Director of the NNC
- Ebola and Other Hemorrhagic Diseases, RDML David Maserang, MSC, RET
- Mobilization, Afghanistan & Landstuhl, CDR Cathy Lovelace, NC
- Carbs!, RADM John Cotton, MC, RET
- Selection Boards, CAPT Alison Eagleton, NC
- Disaster Care, CAPT Mike Beimer, NC, RET
- Civilian Preparedness Using Deployable Medical Systems, Texas State Health Emergency Management Task Force.
You should expect an 8 contact hour CEU offering, lunch, and a CEU certificate available that day forthose completing the course. The cost for the symposium will be $60 which includes lunch; you may pay by cash or check (make out to SCNNCA) at the door. We will make this symposium available for all NC, MC, MSC, DC, and HMs who would like to attend so give this information to your Navy Medicine friends.A Registration form is available below and will be attached to all chapter emails from the chapter site. Also, be sure and stay for the FH21/Dallas/OHSU/EMF Dallas Command Reunion and BBQthe next day at the MWR area near the Navy Lodge!
SECURITY – As you can imagine, security at JRB has increased significantly. If you DO NOT have a Military or Federal Government identification card, we must have the following information no later than October 7th. Please email this information to me at.
- Full legal name (as reflected on your id – driver’s license)
- Gender
- Driver's License / I D number
- DL / ID State
We are sorry that we have to inconvenience you or your guests; but, everyone without that current military ID who is in the vehicle must have their information to security or they will not admit them to the base. They need the time to do security verifications on all those not having a military IDs. In addition, we will need to know which event you plan to attend, or if you plan to attend both of them.
Our conference room is unavailable due to operational needs but we will have another on-base site. We will post on the chapter page and Facebook page as well as the FH21 Facebook page the new site information; base maps will be provided with the base entry guard to direct you to the weekend activities. If you need to ask additional questions or want to volunteer to help at the symposium, please email me at .
SCNNCA Meehan Symposium Registration
October 24, 2014 NAS JRB FTW – A base map with activities information will be available at the Base Entry Gate. Please email this completed registration to
Cost of the symposium is $60 which includes lunch
8 Contact Hour CE Certificate uponcompletion.
Pay by cash or check (make out to SCNNCA) at the door.
Printed Name and Title:
Mobile: ______
Home: ______
Email Address: ______
Member NNCA Yes______No ______
Member SCNNCA Yes______No______