Patient Administration System
Outpatient Diary Maintenance
Version 1.2
August 2011
ODM – VN1.2
1.General Course InformatioN
2.Information Governance
2.1.What can you do to make Information Governance a success?
3.Doctor Template <DT>
3.1.Adding a Template
3.2.Valid Options
3.3.Revising a Template
3.4.To End or Delete a Template
4.1.To Revise an Existing Session
4.2.To Add an ADHOC Clinic
11.1.Print Full details
12.1.ICT Service Desk
12.2.Out of office hours
12.3.ICT Training
13.Help with using PAS
15.Version Control/Log
ODM – VN1.2
Patient Administration System (P.A.S) Course
1.General Course InformatioN
Course TitleOutpatient diary maintenance
Method of Training Classroom
Duration3 hours
About the Course
This course will enable students to create, revise and manage the templates for their clinics.
Suitable for
Clinicians, Administration and Clerical staff (working in an Outpatient area) maintaining the templates for their clinics.
This course will enable the student to:- Create a new Consultant template
- Manage patients on a clinic prior to any changes
- Revise an existing template
- Cancel clinics
- Cancel timeslots
- Reinstate clinic timeslots
ODM – VN1.21
2.Information Governance
Information Governance (IG) sits alongside the other governance initiatives of clinical, research and corporate governance. Information Governance is to do with the way the NHS handles information about patients/clients and employees, in particular, personal and sensitive information. It provides a framework to bring together all of the requirements, standards and best practice that apply to the handling of personal information.
Information Governance includes the following standards and requirements:
- Information Quality Assurance
- NHS Codes of Conduct:
- Confidentiality
- Records Management
- Information Security
- The Data Protection Act (1998)
- The Freedom of Information Act (2000)
- Caldicott Report (1997)
2.1.What can you do to make Information Governance a success?
2.1.1.Keep personal information secure
Ensure confidential information is not unlawfully or inappropriately accessed. Comply with the Trust ICT Security Policy, Confidentiality Code of Conduct and other IG policies. There are basic best practices, such as:
- Do not share your password with others
- Ensure you "log out" once you have finished using the computer
- Do not leave manual records unattended
- Lock rooms and cupboards where personal information is stored
- Ensure information is exchanged in a secure way (e.g. encrypted e-mails, secure postal or fax methods)
2.1.2.Keep personal information confidential
Only disclose personal information to those who legitimately need to know to carry out their role. Do not discuss personal information about your patients/clients/staff in corridors, lifts or the canteen or other public or non-private areas.
2.1.3.Ensure that the information you use is obtained fairly
Inform patients/clients of the reason their information is being collected. Organisational compliance with the Data Protection Act depends on employees acting in accordance with the law. The Act states information is obtained lawfully and fairly if individuals are informed of the reason their information is required, what will generally be done with that information and who the information is likely to be shared with.
2.1.4.Make sure the information you use is accurate
Check personal information with the patient. Information quality is an important part of IG. There is little point putting procedures in place to protect personal information if the information is inaccurate.
2.1.5.Only use information for the purpose for which it was given
Use the information in an ethical way. Personal information which was given for one purpose e.g.
hospital treatment, should not be used for a totally separate purpose e.g. research, unless the patient consents to the new purpose.
2.1.6.Share personal information appropriately and lawfully
Obtain patient consent before sharing their information with others e.g. referral to another agency such as, social services.
2.1.7.Comply with the law
The Trust has policies and procedures in place which comply with the law and do not breach patient/client rights. If you comply with these policies and procedures you are unlikely to break the law.
For further Information Governance training refer to:
Written by PHT Information Governance Manager, Sept 2010
ODM – VN1.21
3.Doctor Template <DT>
This function has several options. You may add new templates, revise, list or delete existing templates.
3.1.Adding a Template
If you are building new templates the Doctor Codes and Clinic Codes must be added to PAS. Please contact PAS Applications, QAH (7700) Ext 6112.
You are advised to make a manual plan of the new template. This will help you stay focussed when creating the template and is a useful record to keep on file.
The Maintenance screen is the first to complete. This is where you define the Doctor Code, which date the clinic will run on, and how often.
/ Select DT/ Command / Use Superhelp (F9) to select ADD.
/ Doctor Code / Enter Doctor code, if unknown use Superhelp (F9).
/ Template / Use Superhelp (F9) to select the day of the week that the clinic will run on.
/ Frequency / User Superhelp (F9) to select the occurrence of the clinic, i.e. weekly, bi-weekly, monthly.
/ Reminder Letter / Only enter YES if you wish PAS to automatically produce reminder letters at the specific days before the session.
/ Days Before Session / Only completed if YES entered on previous field.
/ Effective Date / Enter the date that the clinic is to start.
/ Stop Date / Only enter a date if the clinic is for a limited period. Otherwise leave blank.
/ Maintenance Remark / Free text, e.g. Set Up.
/ Location Code / Enter code for where the clinic is held. Use Superhelp (F9) if unknown.
/ Enter / Yes/No.
The second screen to be completed is Maintain Session.
NOTE: It is advisable to allow at least half an hour before the first appointment so that early appointment slots can be added using Maintain Session if required. Once the Session Start Time has been entered it CANNOT be revised.
- Session CommandPress F9 and select ADD.
- Session StartEnter start time of your clinic. (See NOTE on previous page.)
- Session StopEnter the last appointment end time. (If last appointment at 1600 for 15 minutes, end time will be 1615.)
- DescAM/PM
- Clinic CodeEnter the Doctor Clinic Code. Use Superhelp (F9) if unknown).
- CommentIt is advisable not to enter any comments as this can only be revised for a maximum of 45 days, after which the original comment is reinstated.
- Allow Choose & Book<RETURN>
- EnterYES/NO
The third screen to complete is the Timeslot Command. There are several options available depending on what you need to do.
3.2.Valid Options
- Add This is where you can add one individual timeslot.
- Block AddThis is where you can add multiple timeslots at a set interval i.e. every 5 minutes for an hour and a half.
- DeleteThis is where you may delete incorrect timeslot or timeslots not needed.
- End Select this option on completion of your template.
- OpenThis is where you can re-open a ‘pending delete’ timeslot
- ReviseThis is where you may revise an existing timeslot.
Add Screen
Block Add Screen
Delete Screen
Open Screen
End Option Screen
NOTE: The END option states that you will be returnedto the Session (the field called Session Command). At Session Command you may use Superhelp (F9) to select the option to LIST the created template. At Session Start field press F9 to select your previously defined session. This is the only place, until day end that you may view the template format.
3.3.Revising a Template
REMEMBER: Changes will not be available until the following day.
When revising an existing template you are advised to run a Diary Dump Report, found in the Outpatients Report Functions Sect (OPR), so you have a full list of patients who may be affected by any changes you make. It is advisable to list the template before making changes; you will have a clear picture of the present set up and therefore will fully understand what changes are necessary. Make a note of the changes you wish to make.
NOTE: Keep a record of the effective date and any changes you have made and perhaps a record of how you did it for easy reference for next time.
3.3.1.Screen 1: Maintenance
- Select <DT
- CommandSelect REVISE, even if there are no changes to this part of the screen.
Complete any changes required. If the changes are for a limited time enter a stop date for when the changes cease.
- EnterYES/NO
3.3.2.Screen 2: Maintain Session
- Session CommandSelect REVISE, even if there are no changes to this screen.
Complete any changes required. You will not be able to change the Session Start Time, only the Session Stop Time.
- EnterYES/NO.
3.3.3.Screen 3: Maintain Timeslot
- Timeslot CommandSelect ADD/REVISE/DELETE as appropriate.
Complete any changes as required.
At the field of Session Command, you may wish to List the template to make sure all the necessary changes have been made.
3.4.To End or Delete a Template
NOTE: If a clinic is to end and patients are on the clinic past the end date, use the Appointment Block Transfer function to move the patients to their new clinics BEFORE ending the clinic.
- If new templates are needed for the patients, set them up before ending the ones no longer needed.
- If there is a maintenance on the template after the chosen end date it will not be possible to end the template before the last maintenance date. Move any patients on the clinic to be ended using <ABT>, then cancel all clinics between the chosen end date and the last date with maintenance.
The clinic can only have an effective end date AFTER any maintenance.
- Select <DT>.
- CommandUse Superhelp to select the Delete option.
Complete the Maintenance screen with the details of the clinic that you wish to delete.
- Enter YES.
ODM – VN1.21
This function is used to maintain (revise) a session for a particular date OR to ADD an ADHOC clinic for a particular day (past, present or future). This can be used to change an appointment type in a clinic for a particular day, e.g. FU to NR. These changes/additions are available for use immediately.
4.1.To Revise an Existing Session
1.Select <MS>
2.CommandSelect REVISE
3.Doctor CodeEnter code as required.
4.Session StartEnter the start time of the session.
NOTE: This cannot be found in Superhelp so determine before commencing revision.
5.Session StopSystem will default for Session Stop time.
6.Reminder LetterSystem will default for this prompt from the template.
7.LOC CodeSystem will default for this prompt from the template.
9.Session CommandSelect REVISE
10.StopIt is possible to amend the Stop time.
NOTE: It is not possible to amend the Start Time.
11.DescriptionSystem will default from the template.
13.CommentA comment for this day can be added.
Select as appropriate. See Doctor Template for instructions.
On completion of appointment slots, change the command to END.
The changes are processed immediately.
4.2.To Add an ADHOC Clinic
1.Select <MS>
3.DateEnter date for Adhoc Clinic.
NOTE: This cannot overlap with any existing sessions for this clinic title.
Continue as for Adding a Doctor Template. This Adhoc clinic is available immediately for use.
NOTE: It is possible to VIEW this template in <DT> (Doctor Template).
NOTE: On completion of appointment slots, if the F1 Exit key is used instead of END – screen will display Process Changes Option. Press F9 Superhelp:
CONTINUEContinue with defining changes – will return you to template at Session Command.
PROCESSProcess changes now – will process changes now (not for changes in <DT>).
SAVESave processing for day end – will hold Template for day end, preventing further access to Template until next day.
ODM – VN1.21
This function is used to cancel a timeslot(s) for one day of a clinic.
1.Select <CNT>
2.ClinicEnter Clinic title.
3.DateEnter date of clinic for timeslot cancellation.
4.DoctorSystem default or F9 Superhelp.
5.Session StartSystem default or F9 Superhelp.
Select timeslot(s) to be cancelled. If consecutive timeslots are to be cancelled, type 5,8.
This will include timeslots 5 + 6 + 7 + 8.
It is possible to select consecutive timeslots between two screens. Go to the last screen which includes the timeslots required for cancellation and type the timeslot numbers as above.
If timeslots for cancellation are not consecutive the process will need to be repeated.
6.Reason CodeMandatory, F9 Superhelp.
7.Reason TextMandatory, Free Text
This function is used to reinstate timeslots which have been cancelled.
1.Select <REI>
2.ClinicEnter clinic title.
3.DateEnter date of clinic for timeslot reinstatement.
4.DoctorSystem default or F9 Superhelp.
5.Session StartSystem default or F9 Superhelp.
6.Session StopSystem default.
The screen will display any timeslots that have been cancelled for that day.
Select timeslots for reinstatement. If consecutive, select as for Cancel Timeslots. If not consecutive repeat process.
ODM – VN1.21
This function is used to cancel a clinic for a particular date.
A list of patients whose appointments have been cancelled will be printed at the end of this process.
1.Select <CCL>
2.ClinicEnter clinic title for cancellation.
3.DateEnter date for cancellation.
4.DoctorDefault or F9 Superhelp.
5.Session StartDefault or F9 Superhelp.
6.Session StopDefault.
7.Reason CodeMandatory, F9 Superhelp.
8.Reason TextMandatory, Free Text.
10.DestinationEnter printer code.
NOTE: When rebooking the patient appointments remember to use function <CAB> Cancel & Rebook. This will ensure the system recognises the appointment has been rebooked as seen in <APE> Appointment Enquiry.
This function is used to reinstate a cancelled clinic.
If the patients have not yet had their appointments rebooked, they will be reinstated back onto the clinic.
1.Select <RCC>
2.ClinicEnter clinic title.
3.DateEnter date of clinic to be reinstated.
4.DoctorDefault or F9 Superhelp.
5.Session StartDefault or F9 Superhelp.
6.Session StopDefault
Screen will display the number of patients reinstated to clinic.
ODM – VN1.21
This function is used to suspend a clinic for a particular date. Patients already booked to the clinic will remain but it will prevent further booking to the clinic.
1.Select <SCL>.
2.ClinicEnter clinic title for suspension.
3.DateEnter date for suspension.
4.DoctorEnter Doctor code.
5.Session startDefault or F9 Superhelp.
6.Session stopDefault
Patient Appointments Booked – will display how many patients are booked onto the clinic.
7.Reason for SuspensionFree Text field.
8.Enter YES.
The clinic is now suspended. An enquiry in <CBK> Clinic Booking Summary will show an ‘S’ displayed next to the suspended clinic. This function is in the Outpatients (OP2 or OP3) function set.
If a decision is taken to cancel the suspended clinic, select <CCL> and proceed as for cancelling a clinic.
If a decision is taken to reinstate the clinic, select <RCC> and proceed as for reinstating a clinic.
The clinic can now be booked to as normal.
NOTE: Suspend clinic is a temporary measure. It is imperative that a final decision is made as soon as possible as to whether it is to be permanently cancelled or reinstated as patient appointments and/or patient notification may be affected.
ODM – VN1.21
This function is used to revise or add a comment on an existing template for a specific date or a range of dates, up to a maximum of 45 days.
1.Select <MSC>.
2.Doctor CodeEnter Doctor code.
3.TemplateEnter Day of Week clinic held or <RETURN> for all.
4.FrequencyEnter frequency of clinic or <RETURN> for all.
5.SessionEnter Session AM/PM/EVE or <RETURN> for all.
6.Start DateEnter date of clinic or first clinic to be revised/added.
7.End DateEnter date of clinic or last date to be revised/added.
8.New CommentEnter new comment required.
ActionEnter A to apply comment to all sessions within date parameters.
Enter S to specify individual session dates (see below).
For option codes use F9 Superhelp for guide:
AAdd new commentWill add a new comment
DDelete original session commentAll comments will be deleted
NNo ActionWill leave original comment
RRevise original session commentOption to enter a fresh comment
ODM – VN1.21
This function should be used when a new Consultant is joining the Trust. It will allow the copying of one Clinic Diaries to another (in the same speciality only) as long as the new Consultant has no existing clashing templates.
You will need the Clinic and Consultant Titles set up by the Applications Department with exactly the same appointment types available. This function will then copy the template(s) as a mirror image and transfer any patients over to the new clinics. The original Consultant Template will END from the given date.
1.Select <CLC>
2.DescriptionEnter a description of what you are doing. You may need to refer to this at a later date if, for instance, you wish to print letters when either a Batch Number or the description is needed to identify a particular Copy Clinic.
3.Source ConsultantEnter LEAVING Consultant code.
4.Target ConsultantEnter NEW Consultant code.
5.Effective DateEnter date from which transfer is to take place. Must be at least tomorrow’s date.
The LEAVING Consultant’s clinics are now listed. Enter the appropriate new Consultant clinic titles. If not all the titles are to be copied press <RETURN> to leave blank.
6.Reason CodeMandatory, F9 Superhelp.
7.Reason for CopyMandatory, Free Text.
8.Print Full DetailsYES/NO (see below).
9.DestinationPrinter code.
The templates of the Leaving Consultant will be copied and the patients will be transferred to the new clinics.