Meeting Minutes

Central Library Denton

7/10/12 12-1:15 pm

In attendance:

104 Franklin St, P.O. Box 10, Denton, MD 21629 PH: 410-479-3501 FAX: 410-479-4918

Karen Bishop, CCHD Prevention

Anthony Sifford, Community Member

Ron Russum, Alcohol Bev. Inspector

Christine Engle, Coalition Co-Chair

Jessica Selba, Parent

Rodney Cox, Denton Police Chief

Don Mulrine, Denton Town Manager

Laura Patrick, CCHD Wellness Dir./Acting Dep. Dir.

Bridgett Alison, Intern CCHD

Marina Dowdall, Caroline County Council of Arts

DaynaBuswell, WCEI/WINX

Trish Todd, Coalition Secretary, MCF

Trish Noble, CCC Adult Counselor

Linda Walls, Evaluator, Just Cause Strategies

Luis De Los Santos, Youth Member

Bill Allen, CCPS, Pupil Personnel Worker

104 Franklin St, P.O. Box 10, Denton, MD 21629 PH: 410-479-3501 FAX: 410-479-4918

-Introductions & Minute approval (motion by Trish N. & 2nd by Christine).

-Donations for families of three youth from LGA who were victims of drowning accident in Federalsburg may be sent to People for Better Housing per email sent by Karen or directly to Frampton Funeral Home. Saturday viewing 6-8 at Frampton. Funeral service 2-5 Sunday at Service Alliance Missionary on Atlanta Rd. in Seaford Delaware. 5 pm Memorial Service at LGA Friday evening 7/13/12. Counselors on hand at schools and Judy Center.

-Motion made by Christine & 2nd by Jessica for DFCC to donate $100 per child.

-YMCA and WCEI are sponsoring a 2 hr. free swim lesson. Children will be transported on YMCA buses from Caroline County locations to Easton YMCA. Other bus options may be available.

-EUDL Grant report

  • 3 compliance checks completed consisting of 31 businesses checked with 1 fail
  • Party Patrols, 5 operations around county consisting of 65 checks, 4 citations, 4 traffic violations
  • Shoulder Tap – 88 hrs consisting of 16 adult citations, 2 criminal CDS paraphernalia; 1 Suspended/revoked
  • Funds provided good enforcement

-AmeriCorps – waiting for revised application. Members should submit possible candidate names. Candidate should be computer savvy. Position is part-time 20 hrs. Looking for young adult.

-Conferences - $$ is available for trainings conferences

-Gang Awareness – looking to repeat presentation, keep dialog going and look for resources for Marydel area.

-Denton Fire House Dance – First dance held 6/10/12 and only 2 youth showed. Will not continue. Members suggested maybe time and date was an issue and maybe kids should be on planning committee.

-Social Hosting Law – Jessica and Trish N will work with Karen to draft a letter to the Commissioners or Office of Highway Safety to get a local ordinance.


Trish T – The film “Healing Neen” will be presented by the Mid-Shore Mental Health Association on August 1st 6-8pm at Eastern Shore Hospital Center in Cambridge. Note: At meeting the incorrect location was given. The movie will be shown at Dorchester Co. Library, Cambridge.

Bill – the PPW (Pupil Personnel Worker) at Caroline Co. Public Schools will be filled by Sandy Tilghman.

Laura – Becky Loukidas has retired and Laura is acting Deputy Health Officer. She will continue to do wellness.

Ron – In May did 3 compliance checks of businesses and also in Jul. TIPS training set for 7/31, 8/1, 8/4. To date over 340 people have been trained. Certification good for 4 years.

Christine – Camp New Dawn meeting tonight at Queen Anne Co. Hospice. Looking for volunteers and donations. Record number of campers last year.

Jessica – young life wants 7 high school students to go, need volunteers.

Rodney – Thanked DFCC for Drug Box now located at Denton Police Dept.

Marina – Grand Opening for Fiber Art Center Sunday. Ribbon Cutting 2-4. Attendees will get peak at community garden. Garden talk s 4th Friday of month from 12:30 to 1:00. Quilt Making 2nd Saturday 7/14 2-4.

Meeting Adjourned.

104 Franklin St, P.O. Box 10, Denton, MD 21629 PH: 410-479-3501 FAX: 410-479-4918