“Dollar Tree” (FL)
1:00 Resident (MR)
Council Meeting
2:00 Ice Cream
Social(DR) / 9:30 Story Time(AR
9:30 EmbraceMovement
10:00 Art with Pam
2:00 Fun Buck Store
Go Red for Women Day Wear Red today! / 10:00 Lets Make Valentine Cards for our friends (MR)
1:00 Putt Putt Golf (MR)
2:00 Singing w/ Liz
10:00 Church Service Charles Busby (MR)
2:30 Matinee (MR)
“Greatest Super Bowl Moments”
Super Bowl Sunday! / 9:30 Black Water Middle School Visits
Reading to us!
1:15 Manly Manicure
2:00 Fancy Fingers (MR) / 9:30 St James Church Communion
10:00 Wii Bowling (MR
11:00 Lunch Bunch
Salt Water Grill (MR)
2:30 Scrapbooking (MR) / 9:30 Sit & Stretch
10:00 Sing W/Susan (DR)
1:00 Bible Study
W/ Lamar (MR)
2:00 Bird Bingo (MR) / 9:30 Shopping Trip
2:00 Chocolate Extravaganza (DR)
3:30 Therapy Dog Eureka Visits
6:15 Amazing Grace
Ministry (MR) / 10:00 The Miller Family Gospel Hour
1:00 Embrace Grief Support Group (MR)
2:00 Olympic Snow
Ball Toss (DR) 8PM Opening Ch.#10
Ceremony 2018
Olympic Games / 10:00 Sit & Stretch
10:30 Cherry Hill Baptist Church Visit (MR)
1:00 Card Games (MR)
2:30 Sonshine Band (DR)
10:00 Church Service Charles Busby (MR)
2:30 Matinee(MR)
“Cool Runnings” / 9:30 Sit & Stretch (MR
10:00 Bible Study
with Mason (MR)
2:00 Jerry the Blues Man(MR) / 9:30 St James Communion
9:30 Roger &Friends
11:00 Lunch Bunch
1st Baptist Church
2:00 Gospel Lady
4:30Pancake Supper
/ 9:30 Blood
Pressure Checks
10:00 Valentine (DR) Children’s Program
1:00 Bible Study
w/Kevin (MR)
2:00 “Love” Ice Cream Social (DR) / 9:30 Shopping
Dollar General (FL)
1:00 Wild Birds
Presentation (MR)
2:00 Music w/Liz (DR
4pm Book Mobile
6:00 Riverside Baptist Church (MR / 9:15 Children Visit
9:30 Embrace
Movement (MR)
10:00 Bean Bag
Baseball (DR)
2:00 Olympic Wheel
Chair Obstacle
Course (DR) / 10:00 Lets make
Bird Feeders (MR)
1:30 Olympic Noodle Ball Hockey (MR)
10:00 Church Service with
Charles Busby (MR)
2:30 Matinee(MR)
“Rio Bravo” / 9:30 Sit & Stretch
10:00 Bible Study with Mason (MR)
11:00 Veterans Group Lunch Outing (MR)
2:00 History Jingo (MR) / 9:30 St James Church Communion
9:30 Olympic Snow Man Bowling (MR
11:00 Lunch Bunch
Sweetwater Baptist
2:30 Fancy Fingers (MR) / 9:30 Sit and Stretch (MR)
10:00 Bird Trivia and
Slide Show (MR)
1:00 Bible Study
with Lamar (MR)
2:00 Prize Bingo (MR) / 9:30 Shopping Trip
“Walmart” (FL)
2:00 Birthday Party w/Rock It Randy and Balloon Diva (DR) / 9:30 Sit & Stretch
10:00 Birds of a Feather Craft (MR)
2:00 Olympic Closing Ceremonies (DR) / 9:30 Phi Sigma
Sigma from CCU
visit and Play
Games (MR)
1:30 Word Game (MR)
10:00 Church Service with
Charles Busby (MR)
2:30 Matinee(MR)
“To the Arctic”
(Documentary) / 9:30 Sit & Stretch
10:00 Bible Study with Mason (MR)
1:00 Dominoes (MR)
2:00 Wheel of Fortune Game (MR) / 9:30 St James Church Communion
9:30 Wii Bowling(MR
11:00 Lunch bunch
2:00 Oregon Zoo
Video (MR) / 9:30 Sit & Stretch (MR)
10:00 Finish the Line
10:00 Therapy dog
1:00 Bible Study with Ken (MR)
2:00 Penny Bingo (MR) /
MR-Magnolia Room – AR- Azalea Room – DR-Dining Room – FL-Front Lobby- LR-Living Room Activities are subject to change