Nevada Academic ContentStandards- Resource Page
The resources below havebeencreated to assist teachers'understandingand to aid instruction ofthis standard.
CollegeandCareer Readiness (CCR) Anchor Standard / Standard: RI.4.7-Interpret information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively(e.g., in charts, graphs, diagrams, time lines, animations, or interactive elements on Web pages) andexplain how theinformation contributes to an understandingof thetext in which itappears.R.CCR.7 Integrateand evaluatecontent presented in diversemedia and formats, includingvisually
and quantitatively,as well as in words. / Questions to FocusLearning
Howdo differenttext features impact theunderstandingof thetext?Howisanalysisof information altered bythe presentation of text in different text structures?
Text features contributeto an understandingof thetext in which itappears.
Student FriendlyObjectives
I can identifyinformationaltext features (charts,graphs, diagrams, timelines, animations, or interactive elements on
Web pages).
Iknow thepurpose of each text features (charts,graphs, diagrams, timelines, animations, or interactive elements on
Web pages).
I can readcharts,graphs,diagrams, timelines, legends, etc.
Reasoning Targets
I can interpret information from charts,graphs, diagrams, timelines, animations, or interactive elements on Web pages.
I can compare and contrast information from charts, graphs, diagrams, timelines, animations, or interactive elements on Web pages.
I can evaluatewhyinformation is includedor not included in informational text.
I can explain how information contributes or improves understandingof thetext.
animationscompare contrast elements features Internet interpret
non-fiction representations (charts, legends, etc.) Web
GraphicFeatures for Fourth Grade—This websiteprovides an overview oftext features.
Lesson Title: Traveling Terrain:Comprehending Nonfiction Text on theWeb—Thislesson teaches students how to use nonfiction text features on aweb page, searchforspecificinformationon atopic, andgeneralizeinformation related to their research topic. This lesson can betaught with awebsitepertainingto thepresent areaof studystudents areengagingin duringclass.
Nonfiction Rap—This YouTubeVideo offersan engaginglook at nonfiction text features forstudents.
Text Features within aBiographyVideo—This video teaches students howto usetext features to understand and interpret a biography.
Text FeatureTreasureHunt—This PDFcould beusedfordirect instruction or as a formative assessment to seeif students can identifythevarious text features in atext. Thehandout could be extended to havestudents identifythe purposeof each featureas well.
Text Mapping—In this lesson, theteacher photocopies atext and glues theentiretext togetherin onelong
scroll. Students then usedifferentcolored highlighters to identifythe various text features in thetext (i.e. captions are yellow,etc.). Theteacherthen closes the lesson byhavingstudents shareout what theylearned abouttext features. Theteacher records students’ responsesand usesthem to form an anchor chart that is used the rest of theyear.
UsingScienceTexts to Teach theOrganizationalFeatures of Nonfiction—In this lesson, students will identifyand understand the purposeof thenonfiction text features and applytheirunderstandingto createatwo-pagespread on theirresearch topic.
UsingTextFeatures—This websiteprovides links to onlinevideo tutorials and other supports on textfeatures.
Vertical Progression
RI.K.7-With promptingand support, describetherelationship between illustrations and the text inwhich theyappear
(e.g., what person, place,thing, or ideain thetextan illustration depicts). RI.1.7 -Usethe illustrations and details in atext to describeits keyideas.
RI.2.7 -Explain how specific images (e.g., adiagram showinghowamachineworks)contributeto and clarifyatext. RI.3.7 -Useinformationgained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs)and the words in atext to demonstrate understandingof thetext (e.g., where, when, why,and how keyevents occur).
RI.5.7 -Draw on information from multipleprint or digital sources, demonstratingtheabilityto locate an answer to a question quicklyor to solveaproblem efficiently.
RI.6.7 -Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g.,visually, quantitatively)as wellas in words to develop acoherent understandingof atopic orissue.
RI.7.7 -Compareandcontrast a text to an audio, video, ormultimediaversion of thetext, analyzingeach medium's portrayal of thesubject (e.g., how thedeliveryofaspeechaffects theimpact of thewords).
RI.8.7 -Evaluatetheadvantages anddisadvantages of usingdifferent mediums (e.g., print or digitaltext, video, multimedia)to present aparticular topic oridea.
RI.9-10.7-Analyzevarious accounts ofasubjecttold in differentmediums (e.g., aperson's lifestoryin both print and multimedia), determiningwhich details are emphasized in each account.
RI.11-12.7-Integrate and evaluatemultiple sources of information presented in different media orformats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as wellas in words in order to address a question orsolveaproblem.
The aboveinformation and more can be accessedfor freeon the Wiki-Teacherwebsite. Direct link forthis standard: RI.4.7