April 16, 2013

7:00 p.m.

Mayor Randy Barrett called the regular monthly meeting of the Winfield City Council to order on April 16, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at Winfield City Hall, 1 Main Street, Winfield, WV.


Members Attending: Randy Barrett, Mayor; Charles Keefer, Charles Eshenaur, Pat Woodrum, Joe Rumbaugh and Dana Campbell, members; Jackie Hunter, Recorder.

Staff Present. Gloria Chapman, City Clerk/Treasurer and John Hodges, Public Works Director; Tim LaFon, City Counsel; and Police Chief, John Perrine.

Public: Sam Barnett of Riverdale Est. requested that Council investigate the possibility of contacting Parks and Recreation to obtain a sprinkler type water park for Winfield youth. He also expressed interest in having city officials being elected for a four-year term rather than a two-year term because it was hard to complete some projects in two years.

Dick Whitney questioned the status of an invoice that had been turned in by the Cemetery Committee. The Mayor informed that the invoice in question had been voted down.

Gary Collins, of 50 Riverdale, petitioned Council to amend Ordinance 361.03 A-2 to prevent cars from parking across the street from a driveway. Chief Perrine agreed that in some cases when cars parked across the street from a driveway, that it was difficult to back a car out of that driveway. The Mayor said he would have Tim LaFon look into the legalities and bring it to the agenda for next month.

Approval of Minutes. The Minutes of the March 12, 2013 regular meeting were approved after correcting Page 4 under McClanahan Construction’s proposal to read “could” in place of “would”. Hearing no objections, the Minutes of the March 19, 2013 Special meeting were approved.

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Minutes Winfield City Council

April 16, 2013


Bills Paid. The bills paid for the month of March 2013 in the amount of

$ 116,970.88 was approved without objections.

General Fund Financial Statements. The financial statement for the month of March 2013 was approved as presented.

Coal Severance Fund Financial Statement. The Coal Severance financial statement for the month of March 2013 was approved as presented.


Police and Municipal Staff Report.

Police Chief John Perrine reported that the School Resource Officer, Mike Kordusky has been attending 153 Basic Police Recruit Training at The West Virginia Police Academy in Dunbar since March 2013. He will graduate in July of 2013 and Chief Perrine stated that during the interim, he and other Winfield Police officers would have an active role in all three-city schools.

Chief Perrine also read his own letter of resignation stating that if the Mayor was not re-elected, he would be resigning. The letter added that if Mayor Barrett was re-elected and wanted the Chief to continue to serve, he would be glad to do so.

Mayor Barrett reported that the property at 19 Second Street had been purchased with the intentions of building a new municipal building on the property. The City paid $ 87,100.00, and the closing would be on April 19th. He stated that he had requested Jessie Parker to look over the property and surrounding streets and asked that he produce a rendering of a proposed City Hall. Jessie reported that Valley and Garfield Streets should be widened in certain areas and that Second Street in front of the proposed City Hall also should be widened. He estimated that street repairs would be approximately $ 250,000 to $ 300,000, and Mayor pointed out that we planned to repave these streets anyway. Jesse stated that the new municipal building would cost approximately $200-$300 a square foot to construct. The Mayor stated that the small section of Second Street should be widened under any circumstance, and that Tim LaFon had the names of residents on Second Street who needed notified.

Mayor Barrett stated that he hoped to report next month on the demolition costs to tear down the house at 19 Second Street.

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Minutes Winfield City Council

April 16, 2013

Reports (cont’d)

The Mayor reported that last month, the Building Commission had voted to spend an extra $40,000 to add to the $90,000 left over from the previous Sidewalk Project to extend the sidewalk from the Middle School to Brittany Pointe. This month they voted to

spend $ 63,700 to extend the sidewalk beyond the Dairy Freeze, rather than wait for a grant which is time consuming and would raise the cost due to inflation. Due to this, the Mayor felt that the money spent might be about the same as an 80-20 cost share.

Wastewater System/Treatment Plant Report:

John Hodges reported that ammonia levels were improving and down to 20.6, but that they were still too high. Mayor Barrett stated that the City had received a letter from the Department of Environmental Protection stating that we had ten days to make corrective action. He said that Chapman Engineering was composing a letter to send to the DEP stating that we were in the process of moving forward with a new plant, and he hoped this would give us some working room.


Third Reading Ordinance 2012-2013-5 Text Amendment to revise Article 1309-1 Improvements at Subdivides Expense. Dana Campbell moved to hold Third Reading and adoption of Ordinance 2012-2013-5 Text Amendment to revise Article 1309-1 Improvements at Subdividers Expense. Motion carried.

Benches at City Hall and Police Station. The Mayor presented two examples of benches and trash receptacles that had been researched earlier. Charles Eshenaur moved to purchase two 6 ft. benches and one receptacle from the Belson Company at $690 per bench and $349 for the receptacle. Motion carried.


Laying of Levy. Charles Eshenaur moved to set the Levy rate for 2013-2014 at $12.37 per $100. Motion carried.

Approval of Election Workers, Salary Rate and Set Recount Bond

Charles Eshenaur moved to accept Election Workers as presented. Motion carried. Charles Eshenaur then moved that Election Training should be compensated at $25.00. Motion carried.

Dana Campbell moved to compensate Early Voting workers at $7.25/hr. and Election Day workers at $150. Motion carried.

Dana Campbell moved to set a recount bond of $300. Motion carried.

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Minutes Winfield City Council

April16, 2013

American Flags for 817 Poles. Charles Eshenaur moved to purchase 36 flags at $33.75 each. Motion carried.

Spring Clean up. Joe Rumbaugh moved to hold Spring Clean-up on May 18th and May 19th. Motion carried.

New Sign for City Park. Since the City does not own the park, Council did not approve buying a sign.

Police Department Sponsor Cub Scout Bike Rodeo. Chief Perrine stated that he had been approached by Cub Scout Pack 208 to have a bike safety class. He noted that the class would include bike safety and bike registration to identify bikes that had been stolen. The Chief said that everyone could attend the class and asked Council to donate toward the effort. Since it was uncertain how much the class would cost, Charles Eshenaur moved to donate funds to the Rodeo not to exceed $1500. Motion carried.

GOOD OF THE ORDER. Mayor Barrett read a report from Chief Perrine on the law enforcement drill that was held at the old Methodist Church on Valley Street.

Reports were given about trees obscuring vision onto Route 817 from Riverdale and Scott Lane. Joe Rumbaugh mentioned a deep hole in the road when pulling out of Scott Lane. The Mayor reported that trees that had been obscuring vision on Cash Lane had been cut.

Charles Eshenaur expressed concern over the old Methodist Church becoming a fire hazard.


Charles Keefer moved that the meeting be adjourned at 8:30 p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting.


Randy L Barrett, Mayor Jackie Hunter, Recorder