Bon Odori Pictures
Bon Odori Details
Bon Odori History

Bon Odori - Japanese Dance Festival - Listen to the Music Click here!

The booming beat of Seattle Matsuri Taiko

A Seattle summer tradition for dancers and audience alike

Obon is a homecoming for many

A rich history of more than 100 years

Bon Odori crosses all generations

Seattle’s Mayor Nickles came out to support the community

Everyone loves our newest dance, Zenkoku Ondo

2006 Seattle Bon Odori

A Seafair Community event

For more 70 years, this annual event has attracted thousands of festival goers who help celebrate our summer tradition through song, dance and traditional Japanese foods. The highlight of the festival is the colorful folk dancing that takes place in the street where young and old come together to celebrate the Japanese and Buddhist traditions of remembering and thanking one's ancestors. The folk dancers, dressed in brightly colored traditional Japanese kimonos, yukatas and happi coats, dance to traditional songs that are accompanied to the beat of a large taiko drum. Everyone is invited to join in the dancing. In past years, the number of people who have joined in the dancing, outnumbered those watching.

Practices sessions, for those who would like to become familiar with the dances, are provided during the two weeks preceding the event in the Temple’s gym. Practice dates/times are listed below.

2006 Festival Details-

Saturday, July 15, 2006

4:00 PM – Food booths, exhibits, cultural demonstrations open
5:30 PM – Obon Service in the Temple
6:00 PM – Dancing begins, Deems in the Beer Garden
10:00 PM – Dancing ends

Sunday, July 16, 2006

3:00 PM – Food booths, exhibits, cultural demonstrations open
4:30 PM – Obon Service in the Temple
5:00 PM – Dancing begins, Emerald City Jazz Ensemble in the Beer Garden
8:00 PM – Dancing ends

Seattle Buddhist Temple
1427 S. Main Street
Seattle, WA98144
For detailed directions: See Map Quest

Bon Odori dance practice
Thesesessions are lead by trained dance instructors in the SeattleBuddhistTemple’sgym from 7:30 – 9:00 PM on the following days:
Thursday, June 29Friday, June 30
Wednesday, July 5Thursday, July 6Friday, July 7
Monday, July 10Tuesday, July 11

Event highlights

  • Taiko drum performances on both days before the dancing and during intermission in the street,
    with scheduled shows by Kaze Daiko, One World Taikoand Seattle Matsuri Taiko
  • Martial Arts demonstrationson both days before the dancing in the gym, with scheduled demonstrations by Budokan Judo and Seattle Kendo Kai
  • Japanese cultural and Buddhist artifact displays
  • Beer & SakeGarden with live Jazz on both days, with scheduled performances by Deems and Emerald City Jazz Ensemble
  • Japanese Odori (folk dancing), everyone is welcome to join in - No experience or special attire required

Food Items:

  • Chicken Teriyaki Bento (grilled teriyaki chicken, rice & salad)
  • Niku Donburi (beef bowl with rice)
  • Yakisoba with chicken
  • Somen (cold wheat noodleswith broth)
  • Teriyaki Hamburgers Hotdogs
  • Yaki Nigiri (grilled rice ball)
  • Kori (flavored shaved ice)
  • BeerGarden (beer, plum wine, cold or warm sake), proof of age required

Odori (dance) schedule **Sunday sequence will vary due to reduced time frame**

Mi Kokoro Ondo
Tokyo Ondo (towel)
Oyama Ondo
Omikoshi Ondo (uchiwa)
Hokkai Bon Bushi (uchiwa)
Yakyu Ken Odori
Hiroshima Ondo
Isson Ippin (castanets)
Shiawase Samba
Zenkoku Ondo (lantern)
Tanko Bushi
Soran Bushi
Goshu Ondo

Other links
SeaFair Festival- Seattle Bon Odori is a sanctioned Seafair community event’s Bon Odori will be held on Sunday July 9, 2006 - White RiverBuddhistTemple’s Bon Odori will be held on Saturday, July 22

Historical Highlights of the Seattle Buddhist Temple Bon OdoriInformation compiled b y the Seattle Buddhist Temple Archives Committee

1932 / The first Bon Odori for which there is factual information, was held in front of the old temple at 1020 Main St. in Seattle. It is fairly certain that it was actually held even prior to that and verification of this is being sought.
The first Bon Odori practice was lead by Mrs. Nakatani, a licensed teacher of classical Japanese dance. She had her own group of dancers, her pupils. One of her pupils, Hatsumi Tachiyama (Mrs. H Harada) took over as leader at a later time.
The temple members constructed a bandstand in the center of the street and provided music with a record player and a loud speaker.
1933 / Bon Odori was held in front of the old temple on the unpaved street for the next few years.
1934 / A taiko drum made by the temple members was added to accompany the music.
1935 / Bon Odori became a part of the annual summer Japanese Community celebration, which was held near 6th Avenue and Main Street. A platform was set up in the street where musicians played the shamisen (traditional Japanese stringed instrument, similar to a banjo) and a drum for a crowd of dancers and on-lookers. Immigrants from various parts of Japan brought many dances that were performed just as they had been for untold generations in the areas of their Japan origin.
There was a group of dancers that danced wearing “Ronin” (master-less Samurais of old) costumes.
1941 / World War II in the Pacific (war against Japan) forced most of the members of the Japanese community into detention at relocation camps. Bon Odori would not return to the Temple again until 1947, however the festival would continue on.
1943 / In August, two thousand people participated in a gigantic Bon Odori festival at the MinidokaRelocationCenter in Idaho. A huge watermelon party climaxed the Obon service.
1944 / The Bon Odori was canceled this year in respect to the men who were lost in battle during World War II.
1947 / Bon Odori was reactivated in Seattle and held in the Temple gym for Temple members only. The general public was not invited to participate.
1949 / The first public, post World War II Bon Odori was held in August in front of the present Temple at 14th and S. Main Street. Prizes were awarded for the best costumes and best dancers.
Some 2,500 persons attended the Bon Odori. There were more than 200 dancers. The Temple Boy Scouts, Troop 252, sold hotdogs and soda pop. Other refreshments sold at the festival included popcorn, punch, kori (shaved ice) and senbei (rice crackers).
1950 / In addition to the Seattle Buddhist Temple Bon Odori in July, the South Business District’s first International Carnival was held in conjunction with Seattle SeaFair in August. Among the many attractions at the Carnival was Bon Odori dancing at 6th Ave. and Main Street.
Mrs. Kiki Hagimori took charge of leading the instruction of the Bon Odori dancers. She was training 15 dance leaders, assisted by Mr. Ben Yanagimoto and Ms. Pat Kubota.
1954 / Bon Odori was first held in conjunction with the Seattle SeaFair program.
YBA (Young Buddhists Association) and the Shoyukai (later known as the YABA – Young Adult Buddhists Association) jointly purchased booths for Bon Odori. Noodles, oden, kori, tempura, hotdogs, coffee and general merchandise were sold in the booths.
1955 / Prior to 1955, Bon Odori was primarily a Shoyukai project. However, after becoming a part of the Seattle SeaFair festival, it was decided that all of the affiliated organizations of the Temple would contribute towards the project.
1957 / Crew members of the Japanese training ship, Nippon Maru were invited participate in the Bon Odori festival.
1959 / The walk-in cooler (used to store food for the Bon Odori food concessions) was completed for a cost of $3000.
1960 / Mr. Sat Ichikawa put the first Bon Odori souvenir booklet together. The booklet was sold at Bon Odori. More than 10,000 people viewed and participated in the festival.
A Japanese Tea Garden was constructed. Classical dancing and music were presented to an audience four times each evening.
Yearly, the Bon Odori festival was evolving into a bigger program. Each food concession booth had a chairperson who was out to improve his or her own booth’s offering, which contributed to the Bon Odori’s increasing success.
1961 / The Seattle Times newspaper featured an article on Bon Odori food preparations.
In the early 1960s (exact year uncertain), a promotional phonograph record was produced by Pacific Northwest Bell (telephone company of the time) called “The Sounds of the Fabulous Pacific Northwest”. The record included a bit of the sounds of Bon Odori, as well as Bing Crosby (who had roots in the N.W.) and other sounds such as ferry boats, seagulls, etc.
1963 / An article in the Seattle Post Intelligencer (newspaper) highlighted the Bon Odori festivities and some quotes from the article follow: “… in the area surrounding the roped-off street dancing section were many more exhibits of Japanese culture: a tea garden, tea ceremony, flower arrangements, native dolls, pictures and concessions with Japanese goodies for sale, Kori (chipped ice with various colored syrups in bowls) was popular with the tiny tots.” “The JapaneseBuddhistChurch was open too, and the crowds lined up almost as thickly there as they did for the ScienceCenter at the World’s Fair the previous year, inching their way to the interior.”
1964 / Some of the proceeds from Obon years 1959-1964 were donated towards the construction of the Memorial Hall. The donation amount was nearly $22 thousand dollars.
1966 / A combination plate, consisting of a prawn, a piece of fish, a skewer of oden, a small piece of teriyaki chicken, onion rings and parsley tempura was offered at the Tea Garden for $1.00. Admission to the Tea Garden was 75 cents.
Souvenir teapots were imported from Japan especially for the Bon Odori Tea Garden. A Kendo stage was set up in the new parking lot behind the temple.
Exhibits included Ikebana, sand pictures, bankei embroidery, dolls, bonsai and calligraphy.
The SeaFair Royal Court was invited.
100 posters were made to publicize the Bon Odori and a big sign was erected on top of the nursery building. Searchlights were rented, which was paid for in part by Greater Seattle and artworks were prepared for newspaper releases, TV and radio advertising.
1967 / 82 Boy Scouts from Japan participated in Bon Odori and stayed at the Temple during their tour.
Mr. Yoshito Fujii (TemplePresident) was appointed the “Lord High Commissioner of Bon Odori” in a certificate signed by SeaFair’s Neptune Rex.
1968 / Bon Odori was cancelled for safety concerns due to the potential racial tension in the Temple neighborhood.
Instead, the Temple members participated in the JACL (Japanese American Cultural League) Cultural Festival at the SeattleCenter and danced around the International Fountain on the Center grounds.
1970 / After a two-year lapse, the Bon Odori was held on the last Sunday in July in front of the Temple. Concessions were minimal, with the principle emphasis placed on the religious aspects of the occasion.
1971 / Bon Odori became larger in scope again this year. The event began with a brief Buddhist ceremony in the TempleHondo, which was opened to the public.
A two-hour TV special was produced by VIACOM Cable and September Associates on Bon Odori. Mr. John Kusakabe served as the program host and guide. He gave a brief explanation of the history and religious significance of Obon. Rinban Ouchi, Rev. Fujii, Mr. James Komura (Temple Chairman), Mrs. Kiki Hagimori (head dance instructor), members of the Kinnara Taiko drum group, as well as the odori dancers all appeared on the tape.
1973 / A new Yagura (Bon Odori center stage) was constructed under the supervision of Mr. T.R. Goto.
9,000 promotional flyers were printed and distributed by the Temple members for Bon Odori publicity.
Exhibits included Japanese antiques, ikebana (flower arrangements), dolls, bonsai and other arts & crafts.
A full-page promotion on Bon Odori was included in the SeaFair Tall Ships program.
The University of Washington held an Obon celebration that was aided by the SeattleBuddhistTemple, which provided the Yagura, Taiko drum, drummer and the dance leaders.
1974 / Sunset magazine published an article titled “It’s Obon Time” which included seven photos that were shot at our Bon Odori.
1975 / Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hata designed, printed and donated Bon Odori posters.
1977 / A BeerGarden was added to the Bon Odori. Part of the proceeds was donated to the Keiro nursing home.
The Seattle Times newspaper interviewed Mrs. Kiki Hagimori (head dance instructor) for an article. Kiki looked for and listens to new Japanese records to plan new dances each year. The article also recognized Mr. Ben Yanagimoto as the only male of six dance instructors. He was in charge of recording and playing the dance music at Obon.
1978 / Bon Odori dancing in traditional costumes was performed by members of the TempleCampfire group (youth organization) at the Seattle Center House to celebrate the Campfire organization’s birthday. This event occurred in spring of this year and was separate from the actual Bon Odori festival.
KIRO radio and TV did an editorial concerning the Temple’s Bon Odori festival (quotes from the editorial): “One of the things that help give our area its color, its uniqueness, is our mixture of people of various nationalities and backgrounds. One of these groups, Seattle’s Japanese community will be celebrating with a colorful festival this weekend – a 1,400 year old tradition which dates back to the early 1900’s in Seattle. It’s the Bon Odori Festival celebrating the Obon season – a time during which the people of Japanese origin reflect upon the past and show appreciation to departed loved ones for the many benefits they have inherited. It is a good time for those of us of other national origins to learn more of Japanese customs and lifestyle. The celebration includes traditional foods of the season, an invitation to visit Seattle’s BuddhistTemple, displays of Japanese floral arrangements along with bonsai trees from some of Seattle’s most valuable collections and an exquisite collection of Japanese dolls. The Bon Odori festival will be celebrated both on Saturday and Sunday on S. Main St. right here near the SeattleBuddhistTemple. We congratulate Seattle’s Japanese community on the fine jobs they do in preparing and staging this lovely festival and for the contribution they make to the community. We hope they have a great festival.”
1979 / KOMO TV televised Bon Odori on their “PM Northwest” program.
900 teriyaki chickens were prepared and sold at Obon.
1980 / Kinnara Taiko drum group was invited to and performed at Bon Odori for the next two years.
1982 / 110 visitors from Shigaken, Japan, all wearing matching happi coats joined in with the Bon Odori dancing.
Advertising hit the Seattle Transit busses. 60 exterior and 200 interior posters promoted the event.
This was the last year that the SeattleBuddhistTemple's Boy Scout Drum and Bugle Corp performed. The group disbanded this year due to the dwindling size of the Boy Scout troop.
1983 / The SeattleBuddhistTemple’s Matsuri Taiko drum group performed for the very first time.
Mylar balloons and kabuki mask tee shirts were sold. The Bon Odori design (used on the tee shirts) was donated by Mr. Frank Fujii.
The SeattleArt Museum listed Bon Odori in their Summer Programs brochure.
1985 / Barazushi (mixed sushi rice on a plate) was added to the festival menu and was a hot seller.
1987 / Exhibit area featured item made in the Relocation camps (World War II, early 1940’s).
1989 / The final appearance of the SeattleBuddhistTemple’s Color Guard (all-girl flag drill team, which was originally a part of the Boy Scout Drum and Bugle Corp).
A plaque was presented to Mr. Frank Fujii in appreciation for his poster and tee shirt designs for Bon Odori.
1990 / This was the year of the Goodwill Games in Seattle and there was a videotape produced called the “Seattle Electric Postcard” which had a section on Bon Odori showing the dancers and the Matsuri Taiko drum group.
1991 / Seattle Buddhist Temple Archives Committee displayed the history of Bon Odori from 1932 which included masks, photos, posters, tee shirts, dance accessories and newspaper clippings.
The BeerGarden was discontinued and a raffle sale was introduced.
1992 / The BeerGarden was reactivated and the raffle sale discontinued.
A larger Bon Odori historical display, including demonstrations of the Bon Odori festival food preparation, was a part of the exhibits. A sushi making demonstration was a part of this food exhibit.