Cheriton Parish Council
May 3, 2011
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 3 May 2011 at 7.37 p.m. in the Committee Room at the Village Hall.
5.1 APOLOGIES. Cllr’s R. Corbett (Joint Vice Chairman), C. Norkett and R. Worth were received.
5.2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Cllr P. Culpin declared an interest in Case No. 11/00424/STPO, which is a planning application to crown lift and thin a yew tree, adjacent to her home boundary.
5.3 PLANNING/PUBLIC SESSION. Mr & Mrs S. Scott came to explain that a planning application has been submitted to WCC to extend the living room on their house Burnt Platt. The plans for this were circulated. Their existing approved plan to convert some of their outbuildings has had an extension of time submitted to WCC. The Chairman explained that CPC’s comments for any applications is normally no objections.
10/02483/LIS – Pear Tree Cottage, Alresford Road – Re-thatch the cottage in combed wheat reed instead of long straw – No objections from CPC – Application refused.
11/00376/HCS - Cheriton Primary School – Replace the tile hanging with horizontal cedar cladding - CPC had no objections – Awaiting WCC’s decision.
11/00418/LIS – Barn 50m South of Malt House Farm, Westfield Road – Conversion of part of barn into a two bedroom dwelling – No objections from CPC.
11/00561/FUL – Oakley, Alresford Road – Erection of replacement detached two bedroom dwelling with integral garage and carport - The lack of turning space was a concern adding that to reverse out of the drive would be dangerous, otherwise no objections from CPC – Awaiting WCC’s decision.
A letter from Mr A Budd has been received in connection with CPC’s response to their application replying that CPC was negative and irrelevant in its comments. Support for their application would have been appreciated.
The suggested names for roads for Freeman’s Yard roads were returned to WCC.
11/00424/STPO – 9, Petersfield Road - 1 Yew tree crown lift and crown thin by 10% - No comments – Though it is hoped that the tree will be dead-wooded at the same time – Awaiting WCC’s decision.
Mr S. Cross has confirmed the closure of possible names for Freeman’s Yard. Freemans Yard Lane, Hoskings Row and Youngs Way was chosen. A list of plot numbers and postcodes have been allocated to the site by WCC.
Cllr H. Verney explained that if a planning application was referred to the SDNP for a decision, the meetings are at Midhurst. Badshear Lane is to be resurfaced.
Cty. Cllr F. Hindson informed CPC that Peter Eade has replaced Chris Wilson at Highways. Generally the Parish Lengthsman year pilot (which has almost finished) had been well received. CPC’s comments were given saying that communication was lacking from both Swanmore PC and the Lengthsman: CPC would continue with the scheme if better communication could be established. The pilot would be considered by Highways and a decision to continue this would be made later in the year.
5.4 APPROVAL OF MINUTES – 05.04.11. + APM Minutes 12.04.11 These were agreed and signed by the Chairman.
5.5 MATTERS REVIEWED – 05.04.11
Letters and E. Mails have been sent to: -
HALC to express an interest in their anti-litter campaign with CPRE. CPC is on the reserve list as many councils responded to this request.
HALC to cease printing their quarterly review publication. A reply states that the advertising revenue covers the cost of this publication.
5.6 MEETING NIGHTS. It was agreed that Wednesday’s would be the meeting nights from now onwards.
5.7 RESPONSE TO THE CONSULTATION PAPER ON LOCAL BUS SERVICES. Posters re the consultation paper from HCC on Local Bus Services have been displayed and more copies of the consultation paper have been put in the shop for the public to complete. CPC completed a form during the meeting and this response will be conveyed back to HCC.
5.8 THE OPEN RIVER ON THE B3046. No news as yet.
5.9 CYCLE LOOP SIGNAGE. Further to a request to HALC solicitors with regard to the legal position as to Cycle Loop signs, the solicitors are waiting for a response from National Byways. The Chairman read out the latest letter from WCC and this stated that Cheriton would have two Cycle Loop signs removed in the centre of Cheriton.
5.10 ROAD NAMES. This project has now been completed. Brandy Mount has been selected for the road from the Flowerpots Inn down to the junction with the B3046.
Quotations have been received for replacing the posts and chains around the greens, they are as follows: -
South Coast Fencing – £4923.50 + VAT (Cost of replacing including re-galvanising existing chains for re-use.) With square posts - £6451.90 + VAT.
Prospect Fencing - £3534.88 + VAT. (As above in brackets.) With square posts £3619.36 + VAT.
White & Etherington - £3865.44 + VAT (Cost is including new chains, but no re-galvanising.) With Square posts - £4023.28 + VAT.
Prospect Fencing quotation was chosen at a cost of £3619.36 + VAT for square posts. Funding for this is to be sought from either a £25,000 in a HCC fund from the developers or grant funding.
Mrs G. Gray-Knight on behalf of The Battle of Cheriton Project Ltd has sent a letter to explain that on the weekend of 2/3rd July 2011 there is to be battle re-enactment. It was agreed to invite Mrs G. Gray-Knight to the June meeting.
The broken grit bin at The Goodens has reported to HCC’s Highways. The grit bin that had been placed in the back drive to Cheriton Cottage has been relocated to further up Hill Houses Lane.
Hambledon PC has supplied to dates for the SLR on the A272.
WCC are holding “Parish Celebrations – May to September 2012” engaging villages in sport in the build up to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. This has been forwarded to the Recreation Ground Committee and the Cricket and Tennis Club’s for their feedback.
Winchester Area Community Action (WACA) have asked CPC for ideas with their 6 minibuses, which are generally not used at night or weekends and could be. This was added to the Bus Service consultation that maybe this facility could be utilised and WACA informed that they should liaise with HCC on this subject.
The poor road surface on the A272 at New Cheriton has been reported to HCC’s Highways for their attention.
Mr P. Bruce has had an initial meeting with regard to events in 2011 on his Matterley estate. The events are as follows: -
A) 21/22 May – Steam Fair
B) 17 June – JLS concert ends at 9.45 p.m.
C) 31 July – Leukaemia Buster
D) 12/13/14 August - Boomtown Fair
E) 20/21 August British Grand Prix
A) and C) have both taken place previously in the last two years without raising concerns.
C) Timings have yet to be set, however, the closure time on Sunday 14 August is before 11 p.m.
E) This is a smaller event than in June 2006 and is not like the much larger event of September 2006.
J. Kettle – Clerk’s pay – March £279.95
J. Kettle’s expenses £26.90
Total £306.85
Gray-Knight Ltd (Agreed & Paid) £49.24
Mr P. Bridges £250.00
TOTAL £606.09
Precept (1st half) £4500.00
TOTAL £4500.00
1. The insurance is due on the 1st June 2011 and Came & Co our insurers can delay the renewal date until 1st October in exchange for a new 3-year Long Term Agreement, this give 4 months free cover and the cost of this renewal in October will be £2417.32 and CPC will benefit from a discount of 12% in this 3 year period. If CPC chooses to renewal at 1 June 2011 the premium will be £2296.45. Mr S. Scott (Treasurer V. H.) is happy with whatever CPC decides. Mr P. Greenwood (Treasurer Rec. Com) would prefer to defer until October. The breakdown is as follows: -
CPC pay 26% - 2010 paid £606.05 June 2011 £ 597.09 Oct 2011 £628.50
Rec pay 41% 2010 paid £955.55 “ “ £941.54 “ “ £991.10
V.H. Pay 33% 2010 paid £769.00 “ “ £757.82 “ “ £797.72
Total £2330.60 £2296.45 £2417.32
It was agreed to renew the insurance on the 1st June 2011 at cost of £2296.45. The percentage that the Recreation Ground and Village Hall committees pay will be requested from both parties.
2. Further to the request from Tim Butcher who requires a strimmer for the Play Area, Cllr B. Large has very kindly donated a strimmer for Mr T. Butcher to use. This will remain as CPC’s. This has been tried and tested by Mr A. Kettle who finds the strimmer to be in perfect working order. The strimmer has been given to Mr T. Butcher to use. Cllr B. Large was thanked for this donation.
3. Mr P. Raworth has very kindly completed the internal audit for CPC. CPC normally write to thank Mr P. Raworth but he has expressed that he did not want a thank you letter and will complete the 2011/12 internal audit for CPC. The Chairman signed Annual Return in readiness for return to the Audit Commission. Notices for the exercise of Electors’ Rights will be displayed on 6 May 2011 in accordance with the Audit Commissions’ directive.
4. Mr A. Kettle has noticed and replaced two broken uprights in the Play Area fence, which has incurred no cost to CPC. CPC thanked Mr A. Kettle for this repair.
5. The Clerk’s annual pay review is due. Details of the pay structure will be supplied to the Finance sub- committee for their decision.
6. Cty Cllr F. Hindson has brought to CPC’s attention that £25,000 is being made available to HCC’s Highways from Freeman’s Yard and CPC has been asked to say how this money can be spent in Cheriton. Cllr’s R. Corbett & R. Worth suggests that the posts and chains around the greens might be paid for from this and this is to be investigated with HCC. A car park will also be put forward and to ask how long CPC has to make any recommendations for use of this money.
7. WCC Open Space Fund for Cheriton is Play – Nil. Sport - £10,954.18. The Recreation Ground Committee have been made aware of this amount and are seeking to use this.
8. It was agreed to buy from HALC, eight copies of the 3rd edition of the “Good Councillors Guide”. Cost £5.
9. Cllr M. Tugwell is to attend a course for new councillors on Thursday 9 June 6 p.m. – 9.p.m. and Romsey Town hall, Romsey. Cost £25.
10. Further to a query from Mr S. Scott on CPC claiming the VAT back on fuel, it was explained that in 2000 this possibly was not part of the original agreement with the Audit Commission. The Chairman and the Clerk are to visit the Records Office to read the original documents for this.ALC have some new counncilor
a) PARISH LENGTHSMAN. An E. Mail was sent to Swanmore PC noting that one of the tasks from the last worksheet had not been completed. The May tasks have been forwarded to Swanmore PC for completion. This will be the last month of this pilot.
b) VILLAGE HALL. Nothing to report.
c) PLAY AREA/RECREATION. Nothing to report.
d) SOUTH DOWNS NATIONAL PARK. Nothing to report.
5.15 ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA AND FROM THE PUBLIC SESSION. Cycle Loop Signage. The open river on the B3046 at Riverside.
5.16 The next meeting will be on Wednesday 8 June 2011 at 7.30 p.m. in the Committee Room at the Village Hall, the meeting closed at 9.20 p.m.