Which Cursillo member is guiding you through your application?





E mail & Tel no………………………......

Do you have any needs the staff should know about? Please give details of what provisions we need to make on your behalf:-

Mobility Difficulties? No /Yes Please State ......

Dietary Needs? No /Yes Please State ......

Medical Considerations? No /Yes Please State


Please contact your sponsor if you need help with transport.

Telephone number in case of emergency ......

Leicester Anglican Cursillo No 43– Launde Abbey

6.00pm Thursday 11th May 2017

5.00pm Sunday 14th may 2017


L A C # 43


Thank you for your interest in Leicester Anglican Cursillo.

Cursillo (curseeo) is an internationally acclaimed course designed to help Christians work towards a deeper, more effective, spiritual life in the community of the Church. It is not a retreat.

The weekend includes a daily Eucharist, meditations and a series of talks about the fundamentals of Christian life. Leicester Cursillo is held at Launde Abbey, from 6pm on Thursday until approximately 5pm on Sunday. It is important that you attend the whole weekend.

Leicester Cursillo community are determined that financial considerations must not prevent anyone from attending the weekend. Cursillo is one of God's gifts, available to all regardless of the ability to pay. To this end Leicester Anglican Cursillo is now largely "faith funded".

However, we do ask that, if at all possible, you make a contribution of £75 - to be sent with this application please.

Cheques made payable please to: LEICESTER ANGLICAN CURSILLO and if applicable please complete and return the enclosed Gift Aid form

Cursillo offers three days away from your everyday life, a time of laughter (and perhaps tears), of fellowship in an atmosphere of love and trust. If you would like to join us, fill in this form and return it to me at the address below. We look forward to sharing with you this wonderful experience of the Grace of God.

Yours in Christ

Jacqui Johnson. Booking Secretary.

6 Hill Court, Bushby Leicestershire. LE7 9NY.

Tel: 0116 4314889 e mail


Application Form

Please complete (All) in capital letter using black ink


Christian Name (or preferred name used if different)……………………………………………..



Postcode……………… Tel No ..…………………

Email address……………………………………………..

Birthday (just day & month) ………………………..……..

Age:18-30 31-45 46-60 60+

Marital Status……………………………………………..

Church of Worship……………………………………………..


Please ask your parish priest to sign this application to indicate

their agreement to your attendance on Cursillo. (Applicants

should be regular communicants).

Signature of Priest……………………………………………..

Address of Priest…………………………………………….. ……………………………………………..


Tel no &

Email address......

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