“Let’s Go Green”

MS 217 Penny Harvest Philanthropy Club and Ms. Yordan-Samuel Go Green

Words to know

Organic- 1. Using only natural products and no chemicals, pesticides etc. as in organic farming. 2. Relating to living things

botany- the study of plant life. George Washington Carver was a botanist.

NYC Green Market- places in NYC where agriculturists provide locally grown produce. One Green Market is located at 14th Street and Union Square.

Objective # 1: To understand why it is important to buy organic products from local farm markets in NYC.

Students will know: Buying organic fruits cut down on pesticides polluting the planet and the gas used to transport.

Objective # 2: To understand why it is healthier to eat fruit than drink juice.

Students will know: Eating real fruit saves teeth, saves water, energy and keeps garbage from ending up in landfill sites.


Days 1 and 2

·  Pre Assessment- Using 4 Corners ask students “What is your knowledge about the following: Organic products, Green Markets?”

·  Penny Harvest Philanthropy Club makes posters “Let’s Go Green”

·  Club members give out flyers stating facts (Students will know…) based on the two objectives above to raise students consciousness

·  Students raise money to buy organic products at NYC Green Market

·  One student from each house, who donates money to support local farmers, will receive a bag of organic products. Student will be chosen via a lottery drawing.

Day 3

·  Philanthropy Club visits Union Square Green Market

·  Students learn about products, such as apples, while on tour

·  Presents a $100.00 check raised during Penny Harvest

·  Students purchase products for themselves and for the all the 4 lottery winners.

Day 4

·  Philanthropy Club facilitator, Rosa Yordan-Samuel, announces over loud speaker the four winners of the lottery drawing

·  Philanthropy Club students and 4 winners are invited to an organic food social gathering.

·  Winners will receive bag of food.

·  Post Assessment: Think-write-share

o  1. Why is it important to eat organic products and why should people eat more fruit and drink less juice?

Future Follow Up

Write a letter to yourself. Facilitator will mail it to students 2 years later. Explain in the letter how the “Let’s Go Green” experience helped you become aware of how you can help save the environment. Students are welcomed to write back to Philanthropy Club facilitator their responses after two years.


Wines, Jacquie. You Can Save The Planet. Scholastic. USA 2008

Council on the Environment Inc. www.cenyc.org (Green Market information is provided at this site)