Construction Materials Engineering & Testing Section (CMET) ExCo Phone Conference

December 13, 2012 Meeting Minutes

Participants:Greg Schmidt (Geotest) – Chair;Jim Kuhn (Atlantic Testing); Steve Bowser (Bowser Morner); Steve Elliott (Material Testing Consultants); Mike Hart (A2LA); Doug Leonard (L-A-B); Scott McCasland (Atlantic Testing); Dave Savage (CMEC); Jerry Weathers (ACIL); Milt Bush (ACIL CEO); Richard Bright (ACIL COO);Tony Anderson (ACIL SEO)

1.0Call to order:

Mr. Schmidtcalled the conference call to order at 2:03 p.m.EST


Mr. Anderson read the roll call.


Mr. Anderson read the Antitrust Statement and members acknowledged they understood their obligations under the statement.

4.Review of previous meeting Minutes and Notes:

4.1Review of Minutes of New York, Annual meeting, 10-6-12

Motion to approve: Mr. McCasland

Seconded: Mr. Bowser

Approved unanimously

4.2Review of Notes of November 8, 2012 teleconference meeting

Motion to approve: Mr. Kuhn

Seconded: Mr. McCasland

Approved unanimously

5.Policies and Practices (P2) Conference – Topics and Speakers:

After discussion the following speakers were suggested for the CMET agenda at P2.

  • Invite Representative fromNETTCPfor discussion on personnel certification
  • Invite Mike Rafalowski and his successor from FHWA
  • Invite Representative from FAA
  • Invite a representative (Alfred Crawley) from Army Corps of Engineers
  • Invite Steve Lenker of AASHTO

Action:Mr. Bowser to reach out to Army Corps to invite Alfred Crawley

Action: Mr. Leonard to contact Mike Rafalowski and invite him and his successor.

Action: Mr. McCasland to contact Brian Johnson to invite the AASHTO people

Action: Mr. Schmidt to look up the FAA representative from last years P2 and invite again.

Action: Mr. Kuhn to invite the NETTCP representative.

6. Personnel Certification:

Mr. Kuhn reported that the NETTCPannual meeting is coming up next Tuesday and he would inform them that Jerry Weathers was now on board and also to invite them to P2.

Action: Separate conference call between Mr. Weathers, Mr. Kuhn, Mr. Bush & Mr. Bright to be scheduled the first week of January to bring Mr. Weathers up to speed.

Action: Mr. Kuhn to send copies of NETTCPtraining manuals and other pertinent documentation to Mr. Weathers.

7.NACLA – Update from Recent NACLA Board Meeting:

Mr. Leonard reported that he was about halfway in paraphrasing down the revision of 1875. He hoped to have it finished by the end of January. He went on to report on the NACLA board meeting in Florida. Mike Rafalowski of FHWA and his successor,Jeff Withee attended the board meeting. These days there is much more buy in from the States regarding recognized accreditation bodies and accreditation to sector specific programs like the NACLA CMET program, which recognizes ABs for this scope.


Mr. Bright reported on his membership activities and asked for any leads to be sent to him or Mr. Anderson. He has been following up on CMET vendors, but needs more corporate leads for the CMET section. Dues invoices for 2013 have already been sent out and members are encouraged to pay their dues.

Mr. Anderson brought up the issue of quorum requirements for the CMET. The voting members of the ExCo are Mr. Schmidt, Mr. Kuhn or Mr. McCasland, Mr. Elliot and Mr. Smith. Mr. Leonard is a non voting member of the ExCo. The quorum requirements are 3 voting members.

9.Next Conference Call: January 10, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. EST

10.Adjournment:2:35 p.m. EST


CMET Minutes121312