NetworkingAcademy Maintenance

Acceptable & Expected Use Policy

The Cisco® Networking Academy® Maintenance Acceptable & Expected Use Policy is meant to provide a comprehensive guideline for academies participating in this service contract. There are five major categories of information contained herein:

  • Roles,Responsibilities,and Features
  • How to SignUp
  • Technical Support Coverage
  • Software Download Rules
  • Monitoring and Back-End Validation Audits

Roles, Responsibilities,and Features

CiscoNetworkingAcademy Maintenance is a service contract for qualified academies.The contract is administered by Cisco Learning Institute and delivered through the Networking Academy Support Desk.The new service is designed to give academies access to Cisco software components such as Cisco IOS®Images that are necessary to teach the CiscoNetworkingAcademy curricula.The primary servicesor entitlements include the following:

  • Technical and program support from the Networking Academy Support Desk
  • Access to approved Cisco software used in the NetworkingAcademy program
  • Access to Cisco Connection Online (CCO) information

CiscoNetworkingAcademy Maintenance does not provide hardware support.Any hardware-related support will be the responsibility of the individual academy if Networking Academy Maintenance is the sole service contract being used for coverage.If an academy requires hardware coverage for their Cisco lab equipment, they must purchaseCisco SMARTnet coverageor equivalent maintenance services.

How to Sign Up

If an academy decides to participate in Networking Academy Maintenance, the sign-up procedure is as follows:

  • The legal main contact (LMC) for the academy should open a ticket with the Academy Support Desk.Within the ticket, the LMC should ask for the academy to be added as a participant under the Networking Academy Maintenance contract.The LMC should include the name, address, and primary phone number of the academy.
  • The Support Desk will respond to the ticket with a request for information.The LMC will need to provide the name, academy ID, e-mail address, andCCO ID for all active instructors.

Note:Every participating instructor must have as a minimum a guest account on CCO to leverage the service entitlements provided by Networking Academy Maintenance.

  • During this process, the Support Desk will also forward a request to the academy for their equipment inventory list.This will be a simple survey to collect product names and quantities (not serial numbers). The NetworkingAcademy is collecting this information to weigh the benefits of future product developments against the impact to legacy field equipment.
  • The Support Desk administrator will review and validate this information.At that point, the Support Desk will forward this document and the Networking Academy Maintenance Terms & Conditions to the LMC.
  • It is then the responsibility of the LMC to acknowledge that each active instructor has received, read, and agreed to the Networking Academy Maintenance Acceptable & Expected Use Policy and the Networking Academy Maintenance Terms & Conditions.Current copies of these documents are also available on Academy Connection.
  • Upon receiving this acknowledgement within the ticket, the administrator will complete the process by adding the academy and its active instructors to the maintenance contract.

Note: Activation time may vary depending on ticket volumes at the Support Deskand additional queue times created by participationrequests from academies.

  • Active academies are encouraged to use the maintenance service and its entitlements as described in this document.Cisco Learning Institute will actively manage access to this contract.Any violations of these guidelines can result in an instructor losing access to the contract or the entire academy being removed from the contract.

Technical Support Coverage

With the introduction of Networking Academy Maintenance, the Cisco Learning Institute Academy Support Deskwill also provide level-one technical support for participating academies.Instructors who encounter technical difficulties are encouraged to use the technical support services provided by the Academy Support Desk.The following steps provide a guideline for using this service:

  • An instructor who encounters a technical problem should open a ticket with the Support Desk using any mechanisms that arecurrently available for administrative service requests. For example, let's assume the instructor calls the Support Desk and expresses the need for technical support. The attendant will collect information about the issue and include it in the body of the ticket. The instructor’s contact information will also be noted
  • The attendant will then route the ticket to the technical services group and a technical contact will be assigned to the ticket.
  • After reviewing the notes, the technical contact may perform several actions:respond if they know the solution, contact the instructor for additional information, replicate the scenario in a lab to assist with the resolution, or engage the Cisco TAC to assist with the resolution.
  • After the technical contact has resolved the issue, s/he will document this resolution within the body of the ticket and notify the administrator at the Support Desk.The ticket will be routed back to the instructor, who will review the solution.If the resolution meets the instructor's needs, the ticket will be closed.

Software Download Rules

Note: Please read this section carefully

By accepting Cisco Networking Academy Maintenance, you agree to each of the following conditions:

1. Cisco reserves the right to: (a) charge you for, and you agree to pay for, software /signature file downloads to which you are not entitled, and (b) immediately suspend or terminate your access to this Website if you download software to which you are not so entitled;

2. You shall be bound by the Software End User License Agreement ("Agreement ") posted on the CCO Software Download site regarding the use of any Cisco software you download from this Website (The Software End User License Agreement governs your use of the Cisco software listed at this Website. Click the highlighted link on CCO for the full text of the Agreement, which may be updated from time to time by Cisco at its sole discretion and without notice. Cisco will post a copy of the updated version of the Cisco Software End User License Agreement, and you agree to independently and regularly review the Agreement);

3. You are only entitled to download Cisco software for the Cisco hardware chassis or device or the particular application software or signature file for which you own the applicable software license agreements;

4. You are only entitled to download Cisco software for the hardware identified in the Networking Academy Maintenance Image & Hardware Support document as necessary to teach Cisco Networking Academy Curriculum. Furthermore, the IOS images listed in this document provide a baseline recommendation necessary to perform the labs contained in the various courses. However, selecting to download alternate maintenance revisions or minor versions of the listed software is also acceptable under this coverage model.

5. Participation in CiscoNetworkingAcademy qualifies as a current and valid service contract for Cisco hardware chassis or devices for which you are downloading software and/or the software image or subscription file updates thereby covering you for the "Click to Accept" components on CCO's Software Download Site.

Monitoring and Back-End Validation Audits

In accordance with Cisco Systems, Inc. legal policy and the Networking Academy Maintenance Terms & Conditions document, CiscoNetworkingAcademy has agreed to participate in contract validation.This validation process is a back-end auditing process performed by Customer Advocacy (CA) Business Controls.The validation process involves an audit process for participants listed in the Networking Academy Maintenance contract.This audit will runinformation about acceptableNetworkingAcademy hardware and software use against download and access records to uncover any violations, such as downloading non-approved images.

At that point, CA Business Controls will issue an internal report and send it to a review team, including NetworkingAcademy management participants.The infractions will be reviewed for impact and corrective actions may be taken.

We recommend that if you have questions about your entitlement to download or use certain software componentsunder the Networking Academy Maintenance contract, you open a ticket with the Support Deskto request approval.

Kevin HamiltonPage 110/28/2018
