This list contains the origins of the names of all the roads that have ever existed within the current boundaries of the City of Nedlands.
Please tell the Local Studies Librarian (9273 3644) if you have more information.
NAME / Locality / OriginABBEY GDNS / MOUNT CLAREMONT / Derived from the London suburb of St John’s Wood.
ABERDARE RD / KARRAKATTA / Probably named after the Baron Aberdare (Clarence Napier Bruce) Barrister-at-Law Inner Temple 1911, served in W.W.1. 1914-19. Aberdare Road is shown on O.P. Perth 18/25 in 1883, so the above origin is not possible
Named after coal mining town in South Wales, a colliery in NSW or an estate once owned by Sydney-based law firm International Investment Land and Building Co Ltd. (Williams p318)
ABERDARE RD / NEDLANDS / Named after coal mining town in South Wales, a colliery in NSW or an estate once owned by Sydney-based law firm International Investment Land and Building Co Ltd. (Williams p318)
Cannot be named after Baron Aberdare (Clarence Napier Bruce) Barrister-at-Law Inner Temple 1911, served in W.W.1. 1914-19 as Aberdare Road is shown on O.P. Perth 18/25 in 1883.
ABERDARE RD / SHENTON PARK / Named after coal mining town in South Wales, a colliery in NSW or an estate once owned by Sydney-based law firm International Investment Land and Building Co Ltd. (Williams p318)
Cannot be named after Baron Aberdare (Clarence Napier Bruce) Barrister-at-Law Inner Temple 1911, served in W.W.1. 1914-19 as Aberdare Road is shown on O.P. Perth 18/25 in 1883.
ACACIA AVENUE / Closed 1953 (SRO File 5273/ND1/5)
John and Minnie Allen’s names are reflected in the first letters of Jacaranda, Mimosa, Acacia, Lilac, Lantana, Erica and Nandina Streets that were developed in the Ward of Councillor Allen as State Housing following World War I. (AE Williams p147)
ACACIA L / MOUNT CLAREMONT / Coastal Wattle - Botanical Name (AE Williams)
John and Minnie Allen’s names are reflected in the first letters of Jacaranda, Mimosa, Acacia, Lilac, Lantana, Erica and Nandina Streets that were developed in the Ward of Councillor Allen as State Housing following World War I. (AE Williams p147)
ACEROSA L / SWANBOURNE / Coastal Honey Myrtle - Botanical Name
ADAMS RD / DALKEITH / Probably after Alfred Adams, an early Claremont identity and business associate of SP Emmanuel (AE Williams) Forrest’s executor (Dee Seed)
ADELMA PL / DALKEITH / Names chosen by Surveyor PGS Hope from a list of yachts in the "West Australian" for the racing season of 1912/13 - see "Early Days" Vol. 6 pt 7 1968.
Renamed from Snook Road after yacht ELMA, the first WA 14 footer to win an Australian championship, in Sydney in 1907. (AE Williams)
Renamed from Jones Road, south of Beatrice Road (Dee Seed)
JF Peet and Harold Redman, Land Agents subdivided the area, naming streets after yachts. (The Claremont – Nedlands Observer 17 November 1956)
ADELMA RD / DALKEITH / Yachts in 1912 racing season.
AGONIS L / MOUNT CLAREMONT / Agonis is a botanical name for the Peppermint Tree which is found in nature reserves nearby.
ALDERBURY ST / Name given by Perth City Council (AE Williams)
ALEXANDER PL / DALKEITH / Probably commemorates Alexander Forrest. Portion of Alexander Road north of Philip Rd. Approved 14 August 1973 (AE Williams)
Subdivision created a dog leg in Alexander Road between Phillip Road and Watkins Road. (Council Minutes 22 May 1973)
ALFRED RD / MOUNT CLAREMONT / A very old name from early Claremont days. Alfred Smith, an old resident, has best claim (AE Williams)
ALFRED RD / SWANBOURNE / A very old name from early Claremont days. Alfred Smith, an old resident, has best claim (AE Williams)
ALLENBY RD / DALKEITH / Field-Marshall Edmund Allenby, distinguished WWI commander. (AE Williams)
ALEXANDER RD / DALKEITH / Alexander Forrest, head of Perth business syndicate that bought 145.5 acres of Swan Location 85 from James Gallop II in 1896 (AE Williams)
Later came into the hands of JF Peet and Harold Redman, Land Agents who subdivided the area, naming streets after yachts. (The Claremont – Nedlands Observer 17 November 1956)
Boundary between Swan Locations 85 and 504 (Dee Seed)
ALICE ROAD / Renamed Melvista Road (AE Williams). Probably c1940 when Masons Gardens developed.
After wife of Bishop Riley (Dee Seed)
ARCHDEACON ST / NEDLANDS / T H Archdeacon was a member of the Claremont Road Board from 1915 to 1919 (AE Williams)
ARENGA CT / MOUNT CLAREMONT / Australian Palm from “Palms in Australia”.1858/49 V3 p.418. (on site of Graylands Teachers College)
ASHBRIDGE RTT / MOUNT CLAREMONT / Origin: London Street Names, this theme has previously been used in the area.
ASQUITH ST / MOUNT CLAREMONT / Prime Minister of Great Britain 1908 to 1916 (AE Williams)
Dedicated 1957 (SRO File 5273/ND1/5)
Section between Davies Road and Stubbs Terrace renamed Camelia Avenue 2 February 1967 (Council Minutes)
BAIRD AV / NEDLANDS / HM Baird member of the Claremont Road Board from 1913 to 1915 (AE Williams)
Originally Robertson Av in 1913
BARCOO AV / NEDLANDS / An avenue on the Prinsep Estate. Name of a ship owned by the Adelaide Steamship Line; name taken from river in central Australia. (AE Williams)
BARKER AV / NEDLANDS / Original name given in Strickland Park subdivision 1913 of George Shenton’s estate Now Kinninmont Av
BARRON AV / NEDLANDS / Original name given in Strickland Park subdivision 1913 of George Shenton’s estate Now Boronia Av
BAY RD / NEDLANDS / A road leading from old Fresh Water Bay to Perth – Fremantle Road (AE Williams)
BEATRICE RD / DALKEITH / An 18 footer racing yacht owned by W Brown
Original southern boundary of Gallop’s Dalkeith Farm, no Gallop connection. Possibly named after Queen Victoria’s daughter (Dee Seed)
Beatrice Hassen (of Hassen real estate family) says it was named after her (Sedgeman pers comm.)
BEDBROOK PL / SHENTON PARK / Named after Dr. Bedbrook.
Sir George Bedbrook, associated with Quadriplegic Centre, Shenton Park. Name dates from 27 June 1977 (AE Williams)
BEDFORD ST / NEDLANDS / Sir Frederick Bedford, Governor of Western Australia from 1903 to 1909 (AE Williams)
Originally Melville St in 1913
BEECHAM RD / MOUNT CLAREMONT / Rev EL Beecham a prominent Claremont Baptist minister (AE Williams)
Dedicated 1960 (SRO File 5273/ND1/5)
BELLEVUE AV / DALKEITH / Named by Surveyor PGS Hope (AE Williams)
Named ‘God view’ because highest point on peninsular. Originally reserved for school . (Dee Seed)
BENTLEY CL / MOUNT CLAREMONT / Commemorates Directors Mental Health Services.
BESSELL AV / NEDLANDS / Probably George Bessell-Browne of WWI (AE Williams)
Dedicated 1920 (SRO File 5273/ND1/5)
Australian Commander in WW1 (Dee Seed)
BETTY ST / NEDLANDS / Formerly Elizabeth St and renamed to avoid confusion on 14 April 1977 (AE Williams)
BIARA GDNS / MOUNT CLAREMONT / Name derived from the Nyoongar language. Biara: meaning Banksia-honeysuckle.
BIRDWOOD PDE / DALKEITH / Area bounded by Wavell and Gallop Roads and Birdwood Parade was subdivided by the Lands Dept as South Nedlands Estate in 1919. The street names were chosen by the Surveyor General and commemorate Western Australian Generals and VCs. From file 4446/19.
Field Marshall Sir William Birdwood, distinguished commander of ANZACS on Gallipoli in WWI (AE Williams)
BIRKDALE ST / FLOREAT / Town in UK. Named by Perth City Council (AE Williams)
BISHOP RD / DALKEITH / Bishop COL Riley of Perth (Bishop from 1894 to 1914 then Archbishop until death in 1929) Road is on Glebe Estate once owned by the Church of England. Swan Location 907 subdivided and sold in 1895 for 80 pounds per block (AE Williams)
BLENHEIM L / MOUNT CLAREMONT / Origin: London Street Names, this theme has previously been used in the area.
BORONIA AV / NEDLANDS / Petition from residents requested change of name from Barron to Boronia Ave. Change Gazetted 24th August 1934. (871/1934V1 p.6).
Named after plant, brown Boronia being best known (AE Williams).
BOSTOCK RD / NEDLANDS / Priest of St George’s Cathedral, Perth. Road is on Glebe Estate once owned by the Church of England. Swan Location 907 subdivided and sold in 1895 for 80 pounds per block (AE Williams)
BRADSHAW AV / NEDLANDS / Original name given in Strickland Park subdivision 1913 of George Shenton’s estate Now Martin Av
BRAHEA PL / MOUNT CLAREMONT / The origin of the name is botanical, taken from an Australian palm type.
BRALLOS PASS / KARRAKATTA / Private road within the Irwin Army Barracks, Karrakatta as shown in 2003 StreetSmart Street Directory on Map371C4
BRASSEY ST / SWANBOURNE / Claremont not Nedlands
BREEZE PL / SWANBOURNE / Private road within the Seaward Village (Australian Army) as shown in 1994 StreetSmart Street Directory on Map 70D8. The name is designed to match similar civilian housing estates.
BROADWAY / NEDLANDS / A broad way constructed by the Claremont Road Board to take trams and traffic from the old Perth – Fremantle Road to the Nedlands Baths, Nedlands Park Hotel and Nedlands Jetty in 1907 (AE Williams).
BROCKMAN AV / DALKEITH / Name chosen by Surveyor General and commemorates Western Australian Generals and Victoria Cross recipients from file 4446/19.
After Brockman family – Sir John Winthrop Hackett married Miss Deborah Brockman (AE Williams).
Hackett endowed UWA (Dee Seed)
BROCKWAY RD / KARRAKATTA / Commemorates Walter St Clair Brockway, one time Town Clerk, Engineer, Councilor and Mayor of the Town of Claremont. His association with the Council extended over 30 years (365/1938 page 47) – named proposed by the Town of Claremont, 23/10/1994 (365/1938 p.47), supported by the Town of Nedlands and applied by survey and gazettal 10/7/1946 (365/1938 p.71).
Once ran through the middle of army base (Army Museum)
BROCKWAY RD / MOUNT CLAREMONT / Commemorates Walter St Clair Brockway, one time Town Clerk, Engineer, Councilor and Mayor of the Town of Claremont. His association with the Council extended over 30 years (365/1938 page 47) – named proposed by the Town of Claremont, 23/10/1994 (365/1938 p.47), supported by the Town of Nedlands and applied by survey and gazettal 10/7/1946 (365/1938 p.71).
BROCKWAY RD / SHENTON PARK / Commemorates Walter St Clair Brockway, one time Town Clerk, Engineer, Councilor and Mayor of the Town of Claremont. His association with the Council extended over 30 years (365/1938 page 47) – named proposed by the Town of Claremont, 23/10/1994 (365/1938 p.47), supported by the Town of Nedlands and applied by survey and gazettal 10/7/1946 (365/1938 p.71).
BROMILOW GRN / MOUNT CLAREMONT / Ross Bromilow was a major contributor to the grounds development of Graylands Teachers College which was originally located on this site.
BROOKDALE ST / Euphonious name used on the Hackett Estate (AE Williams).
BROOME ST / NEDLANDS / Sir Frederick Napier Broome, Governor of Western Australia from 1883 to 1890 (AE Williams).
BROWN RD / DALKEITH / Renamed Iris Ave (Dee Seed)
BROWNE AV / DALKEITH / Abbreviated from Bessell-Browne. Name chosen by Surveyor General and commemorates Western Australian Generals and VCs. From file 4446/19.
General Bessell-Browne Australian commander of WWI (AE Williams).
BRUCE ST / NEDLANDS / Possibly named after the family of Captain John Bruce (born 25.7.1808) in Athlone, Ireland. Arrived per HASHEMY 24.10.1850. Owned the area of Nedlands around Gallop’s Dalkeith Farm (Swan loc 86, 320 acres) The estate was bought by Sir George Shenton in 1893 and transferred to the Crown in 1910. (The Bicentennial Dictionary of Western Australians pre1829-1888 Vol. 1 A-C page365).
Previously Dixon St – road linking Stirling Highway with The Avenue and Birdwood Parade. (AE Williams)
BUCK RD / DALKEITH / After noteworthy at St George’s Cathedral renamed Waratah Place (Dee Seed)
BULIMBA RD / NEDLANDS / On Prinsep Estate. Very early road extending from Claremont. Name taken from a ship owned by the Adelaide Steamship Line. (AE Williams).
BURWOOD ST / NEDLANDS / Of Sydney origin – land owned by the International Investment Land and Building Co of Sydney (AE Williams).
CAMELIA AV / MOUNT CLAREMONT / After plant popular in gardens (AE Williams).
Approved 2 February 1967 as renamed section of Asquith St from Davies Road to Stubbs Terrace (Council Minutes)
CAMERON GRN / FLOREAT / Former Professor.
CAMPSIE ST / NEDLANDS / Of Sydney origin – land owned by the International Investment Land and Building Co of Sydney (AE Williams).
CARRINGTON ST / NEDLANDS / Probably after important Carrington family in England. Lord Carrington was an associate of Edward VII (AE Williams).
Originally John Avenue between Smith Rd and Broome St
CARRINGTON ST / NEDLANDS / Renamed Gordon St between Smyth Road and Hampden Road on 15 January 1934 (Board application 19 September 1933). No reason given (AE Williams)
CARROLL ST / DALKEITH / Name chosen by Surveyor General and commemorates Western Australian Generals and VCs. From file 4446/19.
Lt William Carroll, VC of WWI. The eastern outlet of Circe Circle. (AE Williams).
CAVENDISH RISE / MOUNT CLAREMONT / Origin: London Street Names, this theme has previously been used in the area.
CHARLES L / MOUNT CLAREMONT / Derived from the London suburb of St John’s Wood.
CHINN RD / KARRAKATTA / Private road within the Irwin Army Barracks, Karrakatta as shown in 2003 StreetSmart Street Directory on Map371C4
CHINN RD / SHENTON PARK / Private road within the Irwin Army Barracks, Karrakatta as shown in 2003 StreetSmart Street Directory on Map371C4