Full name of University / Kansas State University
Number of Utrecht Network students you can accept during 2015/16.
Indicate total number of semesters. / 4 semesters
Contact person for incoming students
name, title, full address, phone, fax, email / Doug MacMillan
Study Abroad Advisor & Incoming Exchange Student Coordinator
Study Abroad Office
Kansas State University
304 Fairchild Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
Tel: 785-532-5992
Fax: 785-532-6550
Contact person for outgoing students
name, title, full address, phone, fax, email / Brent Holliday
Study Abroad Advisor
Study Abroad Office
Kansas State University
304 Fairchild Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
Tel: 785-532-5992
Fax: 785-532-6550
General University Website / http://www.k-state.edu/
International Office/Website for Incoming Students / Incoming Exchange Students: http://www.k-state.edu/studyabroad/incoming_students/
International Pre-Arrival: http://www.k-state.edu/oip/prearrival/
Areas of study open to undergraduate exchange students
list explicitly / Architecture
Life & Physical Sciences
Social Sciences
Human Ecology
Aviation Technology
To view the most up-to-date online undergraduate course catalog:
Are graduate areas open for exchange? / Yes
Areas of study open to graduate exchange students
list explicitly / All graduate programs, with the exception of Veterinary Medicine, are open to exchange students. Undergraduate exchange students are able to take graduate level courses on a case-by-case basis.
Can advanced undergraduate students take graduate level courses? / Yes
Can graduate student take undergraduate level courses? / Yes
Areas of study restricted to prior bilateral agreements between exchange departments or faculties / Veterinary Medicine – available on a case-by-case basis.
Areas of study not available to exchange students / Veterinary Medicine – available on a case-by-case basis.
Websites for course offerings / http://courses.k-state.edu/
Are summer courses available as exchange (non fee-paying)?
If so, please provide summer school website. / Yes, if available.
Orientation session(s) for incoming students
Is it mandatory, indicate dates and costs / One week prior to the beginning of each semester. Additional cost is for housing during that week (currently $35 per night on campus) http://www.k-state.edu/isss/orientation/
Academic Calendar
Please list exact dates / http://www.k-state.edu/cgi-bin/eventview/registrar/academic
Exchange student specific calendar:
Examination period(s) / Final week of each semester - see http://www.k-state.edu/studyabroad/incoming_students/calendar.html
If there is a break between the academic course calendar and exams, can arrangements be made so the student may take exams early?
(i.e. semester ends in December and exams are late January). / N/A
Application deadline for each term / Undergraduate Priority Deadline (it may be possible to accept applications after this date, but consideration of application is not guaranteed)
Fall Semester: May 1
Spring Semester: October 1
Graduate Priority Deadline (applications may be submitted after this date, but should be submitted as soon as possible after nomination is accepted).
Fall Semester: January 1
Spring Semester: August 1
Application website.
If paper only, please write “paper only.” / Transcript, affidavit of financial support and bank statements MUST be mailed. The rest of the application may be emailed/filled out online,
How does the application and admissions process differ for undergraduate versus graduates? / Graduate students are required to complete the graduate application, and submit an English Language proficiency score (see website for details). The Graduate application process takes longer.
Course registration deadline / Dates listed are tentative; please check the website for official. Contact Study Abroad Office for pre-registration options.
Fall Semester: early September
Spring Semester: early February
Do students register for classes in advance or upon arrival? / X In Advance (when possible)
X Upon Arrival (if not done in advance)
Language Requirements / Nomination letter from partner verifying English abilities for Undergraduate, language exam for Graduate
Language test certificate required?
If so, which and when: before admission or upon arrival? / No for UG, Yes for Graduate
Preparatory language course for incoming students?
Indicate dates and costs / English Language Program: 4 weeks in the summer (optional, not included in exchange, to be paid by student)
Are there any special advising or registrations concerns that students should be aware of? Are services available to assist in registration or course selection? / Undergraduate degrees in Europe are not always considered equal to Undergraduate degrees in the U.S. Therefore, Graduate students from Utrecht network partners may be encouraged to apply as an Undergraduate at KSU, then request special permission to take some Graduate level courses.
In most cases, students can pre-enroll before arrival, with the assistance of an Academic Advisor. If students do not pre-enroll before arrival, they will be assisted with enrollment during orientation week.
Required minimum and maximum number of credits available through the exchange
For both undergraduate & graduate / Minimum UG = 12, maximum covered by exchange = 15 (additional credits are possible, but students must pay for those credits)
Minimum Graduate = 9, maximum covered by exchange = 12 (additional credits are possible, but students must pay for those credits)
Is housing assistance available? How do students apply, and is it guaranteed? / Yes, http://www.k-state.edu/oip/prearrival/housing.html. Housing is guaranteed for those who apply and complete a contract before arrival.
Housing options / University dormitories with cafeteria meal plans
University apartments (limited)
Local private apartments and houses (no assistance from University)
Housing Website and Contact Person(s) / http://housing.k-state.edu/
Contact MAUI incoming coordinator, Doug MacMillan () with questions.
Do students apply for housing with their regular application or is it separate?
Please list housing application deadline. / Separate, http://www.k-state.edu/oip/prearrival/housing.htm.
Is housing available between breaks in term? / Yes, but for an additional cost.
Is there a campus meal plan? / Yes, students who live in the university dormitories are required to purchase a campus meal plan. Students living in the university apartments may choose to purchase a campus meal plan. http://housing.k-state.edu/dining/
Total cost estimates per month in US Dollars
(broken down below) / Total SEMESTER estimate - $6,000
-Housing / On-Campus: http://housing.k-state.edu/reshalls/index.php
Off-Campus: Housing costs will vary if student chooses to live off-campus. Approximately: $400 - $500 for housing per month (less expensive housing is sometimes found, but not guaranteed)
-Meals / On-Campus: http://housing.k-state.edu/dining/
Off-Campus: $100 - $200 for meals per month
-Books / On average, $300 per semester
-Local Transportation / http://www.k-state.edu/isss/resourceslinks/Transportation.html
-Health Insurance / Around $515 a semester.
(please indicate and specify any mandatory additional fees) / Personal expenses usually run around $250 - $300 per month depending on each student’s style of living. This could be more or less depending of travel.
Is comparable health insurance coverage from abroad allowed/not allowed?
If not, please include fees in “other” field above. / Allowed, but students must submit a waiver request form through their Kansas State University student account. http://www.k-state.edu/isss/current/healthinsurance.html
What kinds of health facilities are available at the university? / Lafene Health Center: Free use. For minor medical problems and diagnosis.
Are internships available? / Yes, internships are available through some departmental programs and are individual arranged through departments.
Are student jobs available/allowed? / Yes, student may work up to 20 hours a week on campus. U.S. Immigration rules prohibit working off campus.
Other important notes / Airport Pick-Up: Recommend flying directly into Manhattan Regional Airport (MHK), Kansas and can request a free shuttle pick-up.
If flying into Kansas City International (MCI), students can arrange for own pick up through the following companies:
a. Five Guys Shuttle: http://www.fiveguysshuttle.com/
b. KCI Roadrunner: http://www.kciroadrunner.com/
Last updated / November 20, 2014
Full Name of University