Project Title: Your history!
Exhibit title: WE BElizeans
Number of task / Task description / Time to be submitted / Grading criteriaTask # 1
Portrait ofperson /
- Take a picture of an elderly person and send it to the email of the teacher.
- Along with the following information: A. Name of the person. B. Date of Birth. C. Address. D. A historic event the person experienced (provide a short explanation).
E picture: 3 pts
Name of person: 1 pt
DOB the person: 1pt
Address: 1 pt
*Historic event lived and short description of it: 4 pts
-what, when, where, why
Task # 2
Report on the event /
- Based on the historic event identified by the person you are to write a report based on the following:
Paragraph 1: Provide a short introduction to the nature of the event and a background to it,mention the questions to be answered. In it answer What, Where, When, why.
- What were the causes to the event? Or a1. How did the persons see the event?
- What were the effects of it?
- What were the turning points in the development of the historic event
Remember that each paragraph is at least 5 sentences.
Use at least 1 primary source. / Cycle 4. 1st time we meet.
Draft 1 due / Grading criteria: total points: 25 points!
Introduction: 5 points
-Topic sentence stating the event; 1 pt
- Answer what, where, when, why: 4 points.
-Mention the questions to be answered: 1 pt.
Body: 16 pts.
- Identify multiple (at least three) causes and explain each. (6 points)
a1. Identify three ways on how the persons understood and understand the event. ( 6 points)
- Identify and describe at least 3 effects of the historic event on people/country/society. (6 points)
- Explain two small activities that changed or determined the outcome of the event and describe how it determined a new path of development. (6 points).
-summarizes the event: 2 pts
-mentions the importance of the event: 2 points.
Task # 3
Write a set of questions that you want to ask the elderly person /
- Write a letter asking the permission from the person to use the interview as part of you project.
- Write at least 5 structural questions.
- Letter is formal: 3 pts
2. 5 open ended questions that relate to the topic: 5 pts.
Task #4
Interview the person /
- Using your questions have a conversation with the elderly person.
-Question and answers are written and submitted: 5 points.