St. Bonaventure College & High School

F. 6 – 7 History Syllabus (2003-2004)

Aims & Objectives

1.To give students a clear concept regarding the nature of history:

a)It is contemplation based upon sources which really happened in the past.

b)It is a mode of thinking, an inquiry of happenings of human events and a problem-raising activity.

2. To help students develop a wide range of historical skills listed as follows:

a)understanding and using historical language and concepts.

b)gaining a sense of chronology and change.

c)strengthening the capacity for imagination.

d)finding and collecting information.

e)taking a preliminary look at information.

f)understanding and evaluating evidence.

g)analyzing and interpreting evidence.

h)synthesizing and communicating.

  1. To help students cope with the Advanced Level History Examination of the University of Hong Kong.
  1. To make use of IT to enhance the effectiveness of history teaching.

Methods & Evaluation

1.Students are advised to cultivate the habits of wide and intensive reading of primary and secondary sources so that they can analyze historical facts and perceive historical issues from different perspectives to cope with the DBQs.

2.They are also required to present the assigned topics in class, lead group discussions and write essays. Teacher-students interactions are essential and can be done through IT.

3.Tests will be given to ensure that students are in steady progress. A three-hour examination will be held at the end of each term.

  1. VCDs and guidelines or notes depending on the nature of the topics to be taught will be provided.
  1. Teachers should help students to use internet to search for relevant and helpful information/materials to widen their scope of knowledge and communication between teacher and students can be conducted outside classroom.


1.Paper I: The internal developments (including social, cultural, intellectual, economic and political aspects) and foreign relations of the Modern Western World, circa 1800-1939

2. Paper II: The internal developments (including social, cultural, intellectual, economic and political aspects) and foreign relations of the Modern China and Japan, circa 1800-1920

Time Allocation

10 periods per 6-day cycle for both papers I and II of F6 and F.7


Paper I: Europe since Napoleon (By D. Thompson, Penguin)

西洋現代史 上、下冊 (楊卓林、謝偉良編著 偉文)

Paper II:The Rise of Modern China (by C.Y. Hsu, O.U.R)

The Modern History of Japan (by W.B. Beasley, Weidenfeld & Nicolson)

中國近代史 上、下冊 徐中約 中大


European History

Europe since Waterloo (by R. Ergang, 940 Erg*)

European History, 1789-1970 (by G.M.D. Howat, 940 How)

A Practical Guide to Modern European History, 1789-1950 (by R.R Sellman, 940.2 Sel)

Modern European History (by H.L. Peacock, 940.27 Pea)

Europe 1815-1945 (by Anthony Wood, 940.28 Woo)

The Age of Revolution, 1789-1848 (by E.~. Hobsbawn, 940.27 Hob)

Reaction and Revolution, 1814-1832 (by FB. Artz, 909.094081 Art)

Political and social Upheaval, 1832-1852 (by W.L. Langer 909.09481 Lan)

Realism and Nationalism, 1852-1871 (by R.C. Binkley, 909.094081 Bin)

Europe between Revolutions, 1815-1848 (by]. Droz, 940.28 Dro)

Europe Reshaped: 1848-1878 (by ].A.S. Granville, 940.284 Gre)

A History of Modern France: vol.1-3 (by A. Cobban, 944.03 Cob)

An Introduction to 19th century France (by). Lough, 944.046 Lou)

France, 1814-1940 (by ).P.T. Bury, 944.082 Bur)

The Course of German History (by A.].P. Taylor; 943 Tay)

Basic History of Modern Russia (by H. Rohu, 947.084 Roh)

Encyclopedia of World History (by W.L. Langer; 903 Lan)

The Young Historian (by N.H. Brasher; 907.202 Bra)

How to study History (by N. Cantor and R. Schneider)

The Penguin Dictionary of English and European History, 1485-1789 (by E.N. Williams, Penguin)

Dictionary of Modern History, 1789-1945 (by A.W. Palmer; Penguin)

The Longman Handbook of Modern European History, 1763-1985 (by C. Cook &]. Stevenson, Longman)

Aspects of European History, 1789-1970 (by S. Lee, Long man)

Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries, 1789-1950 (by A. Grant & H. Temperley, Longman)

There are also available six audio learning tapes purchased from England and stored in the A VA room.

18th century France: the role of nobility, financiers, the bourgeoisie and the peasantry.

France from 1814 to 1848: internal development.

Metternich: his role in the early half of the 19th century.

The French Revolution: its origins and development.

The French Revolution: Peasants, Leaders and leadership.

Napoleon Bonaparte: internal and external rule.

*The number and code at the end of the brackets represent the call number of the book available in the School Library

Chinese sources:

西洋近代史, 1789-1914(王曾才、正中)

西洋現代史, 1914-1975(王曾才、東華)




漫畫大事記錄寶庫《五》社會主義淺介(A. Paczuska、博益)











霸權興衰史:1500至2000年的經濟變遷與軍事衝突(Paul Kennedy著、張春柏、陸乃聖譯、五南圖書)



Chinese History


The Far East (by RH. Clyde & B.F. Beers, Prentice Hall)

East Asia: the Modern transformation (by J.K. Fairbank et al, Houghton)

The Cambridge History of China (by J.K. Fairbank & K.C. Liu, Cambridge)

The Political History of China (by C.N. Li, Oxford)

China in crisis, vol 1: China's heritage and the Communist political system, (by P.T. Ho, Chicago)

A Map History of Modern China (by B. Catchople, Heinemann)

Advanced Level History China: A Handy Guide (by Hue, K.K., Golden Crown)

B) Introduction To China's Tradition

Imperial China (by F. Schurmann & 0. Schell, Pelican)

Chinese World Order (by J.K. Fairbank, Harvard)

Studies on the population of China (by P.T. Ho, Harvard)

The Chinese gentry (by C.L. Chang, Washington)

C)Canton System; Opium War; Treaty Port System

Mandarins and Merchants (by W.E. Cheong, Curzon)

Trade and Diplomacy on the China coast (by ].K. Fairbank, Stanford)

Commissioner Lin and the Opium War (by H.R Chang, Cambridge)

British Trade and the Opening of China (by M. Greenberg, Monthly Review Press)

D) Mid-l9th Century Rebellions

Strangers at the gate (by F Wakeman, California)

Chinese sources for the Taiping Rebellion (by ].C. Cheng, HKU)

The Taiping Ideology (by Y.C. Shih, Seattle)

The Taiping Rebellion (by F. Michael & C.L. Chang, Washington)

Christian Influence upon the Ideology of the Taiping Rebellion (by E. Boardman, Madison)

The Taiping Rebellion and the western powers (by S.Y. Teng, Oxford)

New Light on the History of the Taiping Rebellion (by S.Y. Teng, Harvard)

The Communists and Chinese Peasant Rebellions (by ].R Harrison, Atheneum)

Rebellion and its enemies in Late Imperial China (by R Kuhn, Cambridge)

The Nien Army and their guerrilla warfare (by S.Y. Teng, Paris)

The Nien Rebellion (by S.T. Chiang, Seattle)

The Moslem Rebellion in Northwest China (by W.D. Chu, Hague)

Peasant Revolts in China (by J. Chesneaus, Thames & Hudson)

Taiping T'ien-kuo shih-kao (by E.K. Lo, Poon Wen)

Li Hung-chang and the Huai Army (by S. Spector, Seattle)

Huai-chun chih (by E.M. Wang, Shanghai)

Rebellion and 19th century China (by A. Feuerwerker, Michigan)

E)Self-Strengthening Movement

The Last Stand of Chinese conservatism (by M.C. Wright, Stanford)

Yang-wu yun-tung(by A.S. Mou, Shanghai)

China's early industrialization (by A. Feuerwerker, Cambridge)

Western enterprise in late Qing China (by E. LeFevour, Cambridge)

F)Reform Movement of the Late 1890s

Western influence and the Chinese Reform Movement (by K.W. So, Wisconsin)

Liang Ch'i-ch'ao and the mind of Modern China (by ).R. Levenson, Cambridge)

China's response to the West (by S.Y. Teng & ).K. Fairbank, Cambridge)

The Reform Movement in China (by M.E. Cameron, Stanford)

Intellectual Trends in the Qing period (by C.C. Liang, Cambridge)

G)Boxer Uprising And 1911 Revolution

The Boxer Uprising (by V.C. Purcell, Cambridge)

Cultures in collision (by W.]. Duiker, Presidio)

China in Revolution (by M.C. Wright, Yale)

Revolutionary leaders of Modern China (by C.T. Hsueh, Oxford)

Republican China (by F. Schurmann & 0. Schell, Pelican)

Chinese intellectuals and the Revolution of 1911 (by M. Gasster; Seattle)

Primitive revolutionaries of China (by Davis Fei-ling, Heinemann)

The US and East Asia (by R.W. van Alstyne, Thames & Hudson)

Chinese sources:





























劍橋中國史:第十冊  晚清篇(上)1800-1911(J.K. Fairbank編、張玉法譯、南天書局)

劍橋中國史:第十一冊  晚清篇(下)1800-1911(J.K. Fairbank編、張玉法譯、南天書局)


霸權興衰史:1500至2000年的經濟變遷與軍事衝突(Paul Kennedy著、張春柏、陸乃聖譯、五南圖書)

Japanese History

A History of Modern ]apan(by R. Storry, Pelican)

Imperial ]apan(by]. Livingston, et al, Pantheon Books)

A Dictionary of ]apanese History (by ].M. Goedertier; Walker)

The Economic Development of China and ]apan (by C.D. Cowan, O.U.P.)

The Agrarian Origins of Modern ]apan (by T.C. Smith, Stanford)

The Meiji Restoration (by W.B. Beasley, Stanford)

The Roots of Modern ]apan (by ]ean-Pierre Lehmann, Macmillan)

First Notes on ]apanese History, 1853-1952 (by H.K. Cheung, G & E)

]apan before Perry (by C. Totman, California)

Studies in the Institutional History of early Modern ]apan (by ].W. Hall, Princeton)

Politics in Tokugawa ]apan (by C. Totman, Harvard)

The Christian century in ]apan (by C.R. Boxer, California)

Choshu in the Meiji Restoration (by A.M. Craig, Harvard)

Rise of Modern Japan (by W.G. Beasley, Weidenfeld & Nicolson)

Japan: Tradition and Transformation (by Craig R, Allen & Unwin)

Advanced Level History Japan: A Handy Guide (by Hue K.K, Golden Crown)

Chinese sources:






現代日本的崛起 簡明日本現代史,1868-1989(W.G. Beasley、葉延燊譯、金禾)





















Teaching Schedule

Form Six: Paper I (Western history, 1800-1939)

Cycle / Date / Topic / Remarks
1-2 / 3/9-
19/9 /

Introduction to the Syllabus

  1. Scope of this course of study
  2. Textbooks and reference books
  3. Study methods and techniques
  4. Distinguishing primary and secondary sources
  5. An overview of the historical trends in the periodselected
/ Discussion on the "Historicaltrends in 19th century Europe"
3 / 22/9-
29/9 /

Development and Growth of Liberalism and Nationalism in Europe

  1. Liberalism – definition, origin and development
  2. Nationalism - definition, origin and development
/ Nationalism in Europe
Test (1)
4-5 / 30/9-
17/10 / TheFrench Revolution
  1. Characteristics of the Ancien Regime
  2. Causes leading to the Revolution
  3. Course/stages
  4. General effects of it on Europe and France
/ Document study on the"Declaration of Rights of Man"
Close examination on theimpact of the French Revolutionon Europe
Test (2)
6-8 / 20/10-14/11 /

The Napoleonic Era

  1. The rise of Napoleon Bonaparte
  2. Internal reorganization of Europe
  3. Establishment of the Napoleonic Empire
  4. Disintegration of the Napoleonic Empire
/ Map showing the zenith of theNapoleonic Empire in 1810
Discussion on Napoleon as the"heir" of the French Revolution
Test (3)
9-11 / 17/11-
8/1/04 /

Reconstruction of the Order of Europe

  1. The Congress ofVienna
  2. The Congress System
  3. Situation of Europe in 1815 -- struggle between the Old Forces and the New Forces
  4. The Metternich system
/ Maps showing Europe in 1789, 1810 and l8l5 for comparison
Debate: "The Congress of Vienna created more problems than it solved."

First Term Examination (3/12-10/12)

/ One DBQ or two essay questions to be answered
12-14 / 9/1-
16/2 /

The Revolutionary Tide

  1. The Liberal Revolution of the early 1820s
  2. The Liberal and National Revolutions of 1830
  3. The 1848 Revolutions
/ Group presentation on the various aspects of the 1848 Revolutions
Map showing the places where the revolutions occurred
Test (4)

Teaching Schedule

Form Six: Paper I (Western history, 1800-1939)

Cycle / Date / Topic / Remarks
15-19 / 17/2-
13/4 /

The Unification Movements, 1848-70

  1. The Italian Unification
  2. Conditions for Italian unity (1815-49)
  3. Leadership: the role of Cavour, Mazzini and Garibaldi
  4. Process/stages
  5. Effects
2The German Unification
2.1Conditions for German unity (1815-52)
2.2Leadership: the role of Bismarck
2.3Effects on Europe and Germany
3Significance of the two unification movements on Europe
/ Maps showing the steps of Italian and German unification movements
Assessment on the role of Cavour and Bismarck in the Italian and German unification respectively
Comparison of the two unification movements

Mid-Term Test (22/3-26/3)

/ Two Essay Questions to be answered
20-22 / 14/4-
7/5 /

Eastern Question

1.Origin and nature
2.The Greek War of Independence (1821-32)
3.The Mehemet Ali Crisis (1831-40)
4.The Crimean War (1854-56)
/ Analysis on relationship between nationalism and imperialism
Debate on the culprit of the Crimean War
Test (5)
23-26 / 10/5-
11/6 /

A Survey of the French History

  1. The Second Republic
  2. The Second Empire
  3. The Third Republic
/ Discussion on Louis Napoleon as "Napoleon the Little""
Test (6)
27 / 15/6-
16/6 /

Revision of the F.6 Syllabus

/ Analysis of the past papers

Final Examination (17/6-29/6)

/ Four three hour questions to be answered

Form Six: Paper II (Modern Asian history, China, 1800-1920)

Cycle / Date / Topic / Remarks
1-2 / 3/9 –
19/9 /

Introduction to the Syllabus

  1. Scope of this course of study
  2. Textbooks and reference books
  3. Study methods and techniques
/ Analysis of AL exam questions
Sample scripts provided to show the requirements of AL questions
3-6 / 22/9 –
27/10 / Introduction to the Qing History by the early 19th century
  1. Decline of the Qing Empire
  2. Chinese World Order: Sinocentrism and tribute system
  3. Early Anglo-Chinese confrontations
/ Examination of the early Sino-Western relations system
Introduction of the theory of dynastic cycle
Test (1)

Form Six: Paper II (Modern Asian history, China, 1800-1920)

Cycle / Date / Topic / Remarks
7-9 / 28/10 –
28/11 /

The Two Opium Wars (1839-1860)

1. Nature of the First and Second Opium Wars
2. Significance of the First and the Second Treaty Settlements / Group presentation on different theories of the First Opium War
Essay on the nature of the two wars
Document Study: The 1836 Court Debate
Test (2)

First Term Examination (3/12-10/12)

/ One DBQ or two essay questions to be answered
10-13 / 1/12 –
6/2/04 /

The Mid-19th Century Rebellions

  1. Different interpretations of Chinese past peasant rebellions
  2. Nature of the Taiping movement:: leadership, ideology and socio-economic programmes
  3. Other mid-19th century rebellions: the Nian Rebellion, the Moslem Rebellions in Yunnan and the Northwest
/  Debate: "The Taiping movement was a revolution."
 Comparison between the Taipings and other mid-l9th century rebels
Projects on the study of rebellions

Mid-Term Test (22/3-2/4)

/ Two Essay Questions to be answered
14-23 / 9/2 –
17/5 /

Chinese Efforts to Reform and Modernize

  1. Tongzhi Restoration (1862 - 74)
  1. Background: the Hsien-feng Crises
  2. Reform Programmes and their nature: “Last stand of Chinese conservatism”
2. Kang Youwei and the Hundred Days' Reform
3. An appraisal of the Late Qing Reform
4. Different interpretations on China's limited success in industrialization and modernization / Group report on different reforms of the Tongzhi Restoration
Group report on different reform ideas of the reformists of the late 19th century
Examination of the relationship between reform and traditions in China's modernization
Test (3)
Projects on the study of reform efforts
24 / 18/5 -
25/5 /

The Boxer Uprising

  1. Nature of the Boxer movement
  2. Causes of the outbreak of the movement
/ Debate: "The Qing Court should be held responsible for the Boxer Catastrophe.”
25-27 / 26/5 -
16/6 /

The 1911 Revolution and the May-Fourth Movement

  1. The Constitutional movement and the republican movement
  2. Role of Dr. Sun Yixian in the 1911 Revolution
  3. Nature of the May-Fourth
  4. Directions of New Youth after May-Fourth
/ Document Study on the debate between the constitutionalists and the republicans
Projects on the study of China’s road to modernisation

Final Examination (17/6-29/6)

/ Four three hour questions to be answered

Form Seven: Paper I (Western history, 1800-1939)

Cycle / Date / Topic / Remarks
1-2 / 3/9-
19/9 / A Survey of the German History in the late 19thcentury
  1. Bismarckan Germany
  2. Germany under Kaiser Wilhelm II
  3. Rise of the hegemony of Germany
/ Factors contributing to the rise of Germany will be examined
Test (1)
3-6 / 22/9-
27/10 / A Survey of the Russian History in the 19th century
  1. Situation in Russia (1815-1860)
  2. The Reign of Alexander 11(1860-1881)
  3. The Reign of Alexander 111(1881-1894)
  4. The Reign of Nicholas 11(1894-1917)
  5. Disintegration of the Russian Empire
/ Discussion on Tsar Alexander I as "Tsar the Liberator"
Test (2)
7-10 / 28/10-
2/12 / Eastern Question II
  1. The renewal of the problem in1870s
  2. The Bulgarian Revolt (1876)
  3. The Congress of Berlin (1878)
  4. The Bulgarian Crisis (1885)
  5. The Bosnian Crisis (1908)
  6. The Balkan Wars (1912-13)
  7. The Sarajevo Crisis (1914)
/ Discussion on the Eastern Question as a destablizing factor contributing to the outbreak of the First World War.
Test (3)
Mid-Term Test (3/12-10/12)
/ Two 3-hour questions to be answered
10-13 / 11/12-
6/2/04 /

The First World War

  1. Background leading to its outbreak
  2. Imperialism
  3. Alliance system
  4. Militarism
  5. Nationalism
  6. Crises preceding the war
  7. Sarajevo Assassination
  8. Consequences up to 1930s
/ Various historians' interpretations of the "War Guilt" question will be examined
Various historians' interpretations of Debate on the culprit of the First World War
Test (4)
14 / 9/2-
16/2 / The Rise of new ideologies in the 19th century
  1. Socialism and Marxism
  2. Romanticism
  3. Social Darwinism
/ Study of Karl Marx's thought
Test (5)
15 / 17/2-
24/2 /

Turning Points in the 19th century

  1. 1848 as the turning point
  2. 1870 as the turning point
/ Group report and discussion on the topics
Revision of the whole syllabus / Analysis of the past AL exam papers
Mock Examination (25/2 - 5/3)
/ Four 3-hour questions (one DBQ included) to be answered

Form Seven: Paper II (Modern Asian history, Japan, 1800-1912)

Cycle / Date / Topic / Remarks
1-2 / 3/9 –
19/9 /

Introduction to the Japanese History

  1. Understanding of some basic concepts
  2. Background study to the Tokugawa history
2.1How was the Tokugawa Bakufu founded?
2.2What was the control mechanism?
2.3What was its foreign relationship with other countries? / Construction of a time line showing the political development of Japan up to 1912
Test (1)
3-7 / 22/9 –
4/11 /

Decline of the Tokugawa Bakufu

  1. Background: political, economic, social, and intellectual factors
  2. Interval vs External Factors
  3. Collapse of the Tokugawa Bakufu (1853-68): how and why?
/ Assess the relative importance of individual factors leading to the downfall of the Tokugawa Bakufu
Examine the consequences of the opening upon the Tokugawa
Test (2)
8-12 / 5/11 –
19/1/2004 /

The Meiji Reform (1868-1912)

  1. New government: slogans, leadership, reform efforts and problems
  2. Government's role in the Meiji Reforms
  3. The Meiji modernization
  4. Assessment:
  5. nature -- full westernization or piecemeal reforms
  6. objectives -- Charter Oath
/ Find out the problems faced by the government and the solutions used in early Meiji up to 1880
Evaluate the achievements of the Meiji Reforms
Test (3)
Mid-Term Test (3/12-10/12)
/ Two 3-hour questions to be answered
13-14 / 20/1 –
16/2 /

The Meiji Diplomacy

  1. Stages of Meiji's relations with other countries
  2. Features
  3. Relations with China (1870-1895)
  4. Relations with the West (1870-1912)
3.1 Rise to a world-power status
3.2 Rise of extreme nationalism to militarism / Account for the motives and success of the Japanese
Test (4)
15 / 17/2-24/2 /

Revision of the whole syllabus

/ Analysis of the past AL exam papers
Mock Examination (25/2 - 5/3)
/ Four 3-hour questions (one DBQ included) to be answered

Designed by Miss Loo S.F. and Mr. Wong C.C.

F.6-7 History Syllabus (2003-2004)/p.1