Names of our representatives:
Names and addresses of representatives of this charity organisation:
- Name:
Job Title:
Telephone Number:
- Name:
Job Title:
Telephone Number:
- Name:
Job Title:
Telephone Number:
Please return to:
Care Coordination Association, c/o Jaswinder Basi, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, CPA Office, Duncan MacMillan House, Porchester Road, Mapperley, NottinghamNG3 6AA
Or email to
Care Coordination Association
(formerly the Care Programme Approach Association)
for Registered
The Care Coordination Association (CCA)
The CCA (formerly the Care Programme Approach Association) was established in 1993 on an informal basis to support the implementation, operation, and development of the Care Programme Approach (CPA). Membership grew considerably, which led to the need for more formal arrangements in 1996 with funding from the Department of Health. Today the CCA is an association of health, social care, third sector, forensic, and academic organisations that come together to support improvements in standards and services for patients/service users, their families and carers across theUK. The Association is endorsed by the Department of Health in their document ‘Modernising the CPA’; and membership is recommended in the CPA Audit pack. The Association is funded through annual subscriptions from member organisations and is a not for profit organisation.
The Purposes of the Association
- Act as a learned society promoting and supporting professional practice by developing collecting, analysing and disseminating information on the CPA / CTP to its members.
- Promote and support the delivery of quality mental health and learning disability care.
- Lend support to all those involved in the operation of the CPA / CTP.
- Develop and share good professional standards and practice in mental health and learning disability.
- Seek to influence national policy, strategy and activity, as well as regional and local processes and protocols.
- Develop and influence the provision of high quality relevant professional training to all.
The Benefits of Membership
- A quality mark for membership, evidencing your organisation’s commitment to
good practice
- Access to the annual good practice awards scheme, giving a quality mark to winners and those highly commended in areas such as every day hero, best student, innovative practice
- Access to a knowledgeable, experienced and award-winning group of members, operating since 1996, who support excellence in care, evidence-based practice, and positive outcomes, with a network query system. This includes a national membership email circulation for any member to ask questions and seek information to support policy and practice development
- Practice Development days that can be accessed by any member of your organisation such as a care planning master class
- Two national events each year (one free, the other at significantly reduced cost), which include speakers from CQC, NHS England, Welsh Assembly Government and advice from leading legal practices
- A good practice website with a members-only area which includes training resources, good practice guides, audit tools, a blog, twitter etc.
- Support for wellbeing and recovery through initiatives such as the service user and carer art and photographic competition
- Access to publications, including the national Care Standards Handbook and Writing Good Care Plans: a good practice guide, at reduced rates (the handbook is usually £5.00, but is £2.50 to members)
- An electronic copy of the newsletter ‘A New Approach’ for your whole organisation
- Missing Persons process and contact information to allow circulation of national notifications
- Early notification of new developments, policies and news through email and Twitter
Membership of the Association
The CCA is an association of health, social care, third sector, forensic, and academic organisations that come together to support improvements in standards and services for patients/service users, their families and carers across the UK. The Association reserves the right to refuse membership.
The Association is funded through annual subscriptions from member organisations and the cost is reviewed annually. Membership runs from April to March. Each member joining the Association can nominate up to three representatives, additional representatives can be nominated for an extra fee.
For more information about the CC Association, please contact the Chair:
Telephone: 07747036812 / 0115 969 1300
Email: Website:
Application to join the Care Coordination Association
To join, please complete this form and send it to the Chair with a cheque payable to The Care Coordination Association for £350.00. Please note that this fee entitles a registered charity to have three named representatives. An additional fee of £75.00 per person is required for extra representatives. If you would prefer an invoice, please contact the CCA Lead Officer.
Name of registered charity:
Address of registered charity:
Telephone No:
Email No:
Registered Charity No:
The above registered charity would like to apply to join The Care Coordination Association, and enclose a cheque for £350.00 subscription for the year April to March (£262.50 from July, £175.00 from October, £87.50 from December).