JUNE 2012


JUNE 27, 2012

Estrel Hotel & Convention Center

Berlin, germany

These minutes are not final until confirmed by the NMC in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the NMC and shall not be considered as such by any agency.

WEDNESDAY, june 27, 2012


1.1 Call to Order / Quorum Check

The NMC Steering Committee Meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m., 27-Jun-12.

A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:

NMC Voting Member in Attendance

Pascal / Blondet / Airbus
Richard / Blyth / Rolls-Royce
Bob / Bodemuller / Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.
Katie / Bradley / Lockheed Martin Corp.
Michael / Brandt / Alcoa
Christian / Buck / SAFRAN Group
Mark / Cathey / Spirit AeroSystems
Jeff / Conrad / Cessna Aircraft Company
Bob / Custer / AAA Plating & Inspection, Inc.
John / Haddock / BAE Systems - MAI
Eric / Jacklin / F.M. Callahan & Son Inc.
Peter / Krutoholow / Sikorsky Aircraft
Serge / Labbe / Heroux-Devtek
Daniel / Lecuru / Eurocopter
Jeff / Lott / The Boeing Company
Frank / Mariot / Triumph Group
Steve / McGinn / Honeywell Aerospace
Dave / Michaud / Fountain Plating
Colby / Nicks / Bell Helicopter
Alberto / Portal / EADS-CASA/Airbus Military
Mark / Rechtsteiner / GE Aviation
Per / Rehndell / Volvo Aero Corp.
Victor / Schonberger / Israel Aerospace Industries
Hank / Sikorski / Pratt & Whitney
Kevin / Ward / Goodrich Corporation
George / Winchester / Northrop Grumman

Other Attendees

Phil / Bamforth / Rolls-Royce
Bob / Koukol / Honeywell Aerospace
Magali / Martinez / Embraer
Ana / Ottani / Embraer
Uri / Sternberg / CAAI
Laurie / Strom / Honeywell Aerospace
Mike / Walker / Spirit AeroSystems

PRI Staff in Attendance

Jerry / Aston
Mark / Aubele
John / Barrett
Michael / Graham
Scott / Klavon
Jim / Lewis
Seema / Martin
Kellie / O'Connor
Glenn / Shultz
Jon / Steffey

1.1  Opening Comments

Pascal Blondet reviewed the meeting agenda. The Code of Ethics/Conflict of Interest was also reviewed. A motion was made to approve the February 2012 Steering Committee minutes. This motion was seconded and the minutes from the February 2012 Steering Committee meeting were approved.

2.0  Open Action Items from Previous Meeting.

There were no open action items at the time of this meeting.

3.0 Committee Status Reports

A.  Metrics Committee

Bob Bodemuller reported that the Dashboard project has been deployed, and the team will now sunset. One of topic of discussion during the Metrics Committee meeting was on-time accreditation, which has been yellow since August 2011, for various reasons. The Committee has decided to begin tracking on-time certification in the same manner as the Task Groups, excluding certificates that were granted an extension. For more details please see the attached presentation.

B.  Ethics & Appeals Committee

Kevin Ward reviewed the ethics & appeals process and reported that there is no activity at this time.

C.  Globalization & Strategy Committee

Kevin Ward reported that the former International Bodies Liaison sub-team has been refocused into a wider scope to incorporate all external communications. The Communications sub-team, to be led by Scott Klavon, is working to create a library of data on all Nadcap communications. Much of the committee meeting was dedicated to the three potential new task groups and their progress. For more details, please see the attached presentation.

D. Oversight Committee

Frank Mariot reported the Oversight Committee reviewed approximately 150 Audit Oversight reports and that the results were very favorable. The Oversight Audit team is working to observe a number of task groups during the meeting week and will wrap up and finalize during the Pittsburgh meeting in October. The Checklist Vision sub-team is nearing completion of the project, with the last three remaining task groups holding meetings with sub-team members to clarify requirements and make plans to become compliant. For more details please see the attached presentation.

E. Standardization Committee

Richard Blyth gave an update on the Standardization Committee’s activities. For more details please see the attached presentation.

4.0 Auditor Consistency: Update

Richard Blyth gave an update on the status of the Auditor Consistency Sub-Team, reviewing the different areas where the team sought to make improvements and what actions should be taken to achieve those improvements. For more details, please see the attached presentation.

A suggestion was made that perhaps the best way to ensure the changes are implemented moving forward would be to create a new operating document, similar to an Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP).

5.0 Measurement & Inspection: Update

Philip Bamforth gave a brief update on the Measurement & Inspection sub-team. The team is working to narrow the scope and focus to specific areas of interest. They are also working to standardize the process of starting a new task group. For more details, please see the attached presentation.

6.0 Board of Directors’ Feedback

Scott Klavon gave an update on the Board of Directors’ last meeting, which took place in April 2012. One topic of discussion was auditor capacity. There was a suggestion that perhaps a new metric should be created to better measure capacity. Potential metrics could include the number of audits which were delayed and/or lapsed due to auditor capacity issues.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to create a slide for the next Steering meeting on what actions are currently taken by staff to regulate auditor capacity.

For more details, please see the attached presentation.

7.0 Future Meetings

Kellie O’Connor reviewed the 2012 and 2013 Nadcap Meeting Schedule. Following the last NMC Conference Call, the NMC took a vote on whether Sorrento, Italy would be a suitable venue for the February 2014 Nadcap Meeting. Due to potential problems getting travelers to the venue (cost & logistics), PRI Staff also offered a hotel in London as an alternate location for the February 2014 meeting.

Motion made to hold the February 2014 Nadcap Meeting in London. Motion passed.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to come up with a list of major European cities and venues for potential upcoming Nadcap Meeting locations, keeping potential supplier attendance in mind (DUE DATE: 23-OCT-12).

For more details, please review the attached presentation.

8.0 Supplier Support Committee (SSC)

Eric Jacklin, SSC Chairperson, reviewed the 2011 Supplier Survey analysis.

For more details on SSC activities, please see the attached presentation.

9.0 Other Issues / New Business

·  Pascal Blondet reminded the group that NMC should continue/increase its support to SSC.

o  One suggestion to increase support and awareness was to nominate an NMC member to attend and participate in the SSC meetings. This could be one NMC Member or perhaps a rotating list of NMC representatives.

10.0 Adjournment

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting. This motion was seconded and the meeting was adjourned.

Minutes prepared by:

Kellie O’Connor

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