Redcliffe Leagues Padres Baseball Club Volunteer Recognition Program Overview


Redcliffe Leagues Padres Baseball Club (Padres) owes much of its success over the years due to the support of its volunteer base. By now, many of you are aware that Padres has a Volunteer Recognition Program for the upcoming 2016 / 2017 season. The Program was introduced for several reasons, and this document is to explain these reasons, and hopefully answer some of your questions so that everyone has a better understanding of the Program.

Padres must either maintain sufficient volunteers to properly manage the running of the club, or be forced to outsource roles at a much higher cost to the club, which will ultimately lead to significant increases in playing fees. With various facilities of the club; including indoor batting cages, 4 diamonds, lights and more, the demand for volunteers is essential to success. As such, the committee has decided to implement this Program in an attempt to encourage a greater number of members to become involved with the running of the club, and in so doing,create a more efficient support system for now and the future.

Please take the time to read the remainder of this document and, after doing so, if you have any other questions, please contact the committee.

Program Objective

In order to run an effective and efficient club, Padres has to ensure that many varied tasks are covered. These include, but are not limited to, the management and operation of:

  • Grounds maintenance
  • Grant submissions

  • Canteen
  • Sponsorships

  • Member registration
  • Finances

  • Uniforms
  • Trophies

  • Coaching
  • Club and other events

  • Umpiring
  • Membership drives

  • Scoring
  • Working bees

  • Equipment coordination
  • Field preparation

  • Team coordination
  • Fundraising

A dedicated bandof volunteers has managed these tasks for many years, however, with the reality of modernday life reducing many people’s available time, Padres have implemented the Volunteer Recognition Program to encourage more people to volunteer and spread the load.

The main objectives of the Program include:

  1. Encouraging a larger number of volunteers to become involved in the running of theclub, thereby, effectively tapping into the skills and talents of the club’s mostvaluable asset; its people.
  1. Reducing the time required for each volunteer by dividing the tasks required to run the club into a largernumber of more manageable jobs. As well as lowering the individual workload, thisalso spreads the knowledge of running the club to a broader base to ensure that the club can continue in the future.
  1. Providing those who do not wish to volunteer a guilt-free mechanism to contribute tothe club without investing their time. The committee understands that due to timeconstraints and other reasons, some people are not able to invest any time in the club.

Volunteer Pass

In the 2016 / 2017 season, as part of the Volunteer Recognition Program, Padres have introduced a Volunteer Pass. The pass has been set at $100 per player. This means that if you decide to not volunteer your time, you can, guilt free, by paying the Volunteer Pass. Each member has the opportunity to decide if they pay the Pass or volunteer for a role with the club.

Volunteer Roles

Volunteer roles have been allocated to five (5) different bands, based on the approximate estimated workload attached to each role. Each band has been given a minimum dollar value. This value will be paid to members who are successful in securing a volunteer role. It is important to understand that these rewards and the Volunteer Pass arenot attempting to pay the volunteer for all of their time invested….they could never do that. Therewardssimply represent the club saying “thank you” to the volunteer for their efforts.

Details for the five (5) bands are attached and can also be found on the club website. Should you be interested to take up a volunteer role for the 2016 / 2017 season, pleasesubmit an application form via the online Volunteer Registration Form on the club’s website or contact the Secretary.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the club just attempting to make money from its members?

Absolutely not! The club aims to refund all funds received from the Volunteer Passes back tothose members who volunteer their time. Delivering a wide base of support and initiative fromwithin the club will ultimately lead to optimal management of the club. Should members not beable to commit to volunteering their time, they can be “guilt-free” in knowing their Volunteer Pass has helped contribute to those services that they were not able to support.

The club has run successfully for many years – why change?

The Volunteer Program aims to provide incentive for more members to volunteer their timewhich will reduce the workload on all, and in so doing, will recognise the increasing timepressures of its members which are now a reality for many in a modern lifestyle. A broader base of support alsoprotects the knowledge base within the club.

What Volunteer work is available?

There is a wide range of options. Members are invited to select an area of support that suitstheir skills and availability and complete their preference by filling out an online application form on the website.

The fees are too high now and I cannot afford to join anymore.

The committee are aware of pressures on family budgets and the intention is to keep fees aslow as possible. Indeed if members can contribute time this will keep fees as low as possible as it will avoid Padres having to hire external service providers.

How will we be rebated?

In order to complete the necessary audit trail and for simplicity, Volunteer Passes and Rewards will be transferred to the volunteer, paid via a transfer, by the end of December.

Other clubs won't do this, will that cause members to just move to other clubs?

Most of the baseball clubs on the north side of Brisbane, and even some on the south side and on the Gold Coast have implemented similar Programs.

What if there are no roles left to fill?

There is always work that needs doing and the committee is confident that there will beenough roles to fill the demand.

I am too busy and haven't the time to volunteer.

That is fine and the club appreciates that not everyone has the ability to help. This is why the Volunteer Pass is perfect, as it allows a member without the time to volunteera chance to contribute to the running of the club. It is a more equitable arrangement for all members andis a better and fairer way to run the affairs of a non-for-profit organisation.

How much is a Volunteer Pass worth?

A Volunteer Pass for the 2016-17 playing season is $100.

How many Volunteer Passes is a volunteer entitled to?

A volunteer will get as many passes as the positions that they get accepted for. It should be noted however, that it is the intention of the Program to get as many as volunteers as possible and not have people “doubling up”. If a volunteer holds more positions than they have players in their immediate family, the club will keep the value of the additional Passes. Examples of this are:

  1. Terry Jones is a volunteer and a player. He would get the Volunteer Pass of $100 rebated via transfer.
  1. Joe and Sue Smith each hold a position in the club but neither of them play. They have one (1) son as a playing member. They would get one (1)Volunteer Pass of $100 rebated via transfer.
  1. Tom and Jenny Brown both hold a volunteer position within the club. Tom plays and they have two (2) children playing. Tom would get a Volunteer Pass of $100 rebated via transfer.Jenny’s Volunteer Passof $100 would be rebated via transfer.
  1. Harry White has two (2) volunteer positions in the club. He does not play but has a child and grandchild playing. He would get 2 x theVolunteer Passof $100 rebated via transfer.

Is there a limit on the number of volunteer positions held?

The underlying theme of the Program is that people, where possible, would only hold one (1) volunteer position to spread the cost benefit across the most people available in the club. However, if, in the Committees opinion, a person is capable of holding more than one (1) position, a person may be awarded multiple positions.

Can a position be split?

Although not encouraged, a position can be split between two (2) people, however the Volunteer Pass and the reward must be split also.

When are the rewards issued?

The reward and Volunteer Pass of $100 will be rebated via transfer by end December.

I want to discuss this further.

The committee want all members to fully understand this process, and therefore any feedback or contribution is welcome.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please email them to .

On behalf of the club, the Management Committeewould like to thank you for reading this document and wish you good luck for the upcoming season. We hope to see you at the ballpark and let’s make it a season to remember!!!!


Padres Management Committee

Volunteer Recognition Program Bands

Band / Position / Grade / No. of Positions / Amount / Volunteer Pass
Band 1
(Min $800) / President / N/A / 1 / $ 800.00 / + $100
Vice President / N/A / 1 / $ 800.00 / + $100
Treasurer / N/A / 1 / $ 800.00 / + $100
Secretary / N/A / 1 / $ 800.00 / + $100
Baseball Operations / N/A / 1 / $ 800.00 / + $100
Band 2
(Min $400) / Registrar / N/A / 1 / $ 400.00 / + $100
Grounds Coordinator / N/A / 1 / $ 400.00 / + $100
Coaches / Senior / 4 / $ 425.00 / + $100
Scorer / A Grade / 1 / $ 400.00 / + $100
Band 3
(Min $200) / Web Master / N/A / 1 / $ 200.00 / + $100
Marketing / Media / N/A / 1 / $ 200.00 / + $100
Social/Fundraising Coordinator / N/A / 1 / $ 200.00 / + $100
Umpire Coordinator / N/A / 1 / $ 200.00 / + $100
Coaches / Masters / 1 / $ 340.00 / + $100
U20 / 1 / $ 290.00 / + $100
U16 / 2 / $ 270.00 / + $100
U14 / 3 / $ 270.00 / + $100
LL / 4 / $ 230.00 / + $100
Scorer / Senior / 4 / $ 200.00 / + $100
Masters / 1 / $ 200.00 / + $100
Band 4
(Min $100) / Minutes Secretary / N/A / 1 / $ 100.00 / + $100
Recruitment Coordinator / N/A / 1 / $ 100.00 / + $100
BNR Representative / N/A / 1 / $ 55.00 / + $100
Sponsorship / N/A / 1 / $ 100.00 / + $100
Scorers Coordinator / N/A / 1 / $ 100.00 / + $100
Coach / RB / 2 / $ 190.00 / + $100
TB / 2 / $ 190.00 / + $100
ATB Co-ordinator / ATB / 1 / $ 100.00 / + $100
Scorer / U20 / 1 / $ 100.00 / + $100
U16 / 2 / $ 100.00 / + $100
U14 / 2 / $ 100.00 / + $100
LL / 4 / $ 100.00 / + $100
Grants Officer / N/A / 1 / $ 100.00 / + $100
General Volunteer Co-ordinator / N/A / 1 / $ 100.00 / + $100
Grounds Crew / N/A / 6 / $ 100.00 / + $100
Band 5
(Min $55) / Equipment Officer / N/A / 1 / $ 55.00 / + $100
Blue Card Coordinator / N/A / 1 / $ 55.00 / + $100
Team Photo Coordinator / N/A / 1 / $ 55.00 / + $100
Trophy Coordinator / N/A / 1 / $ 55.00 / + $100
Scorers / RB / 2 / $ 55.00 / + $100
TB / 2 / $ 55.00 / + $100
Manager / Assistant Coach / U20 / 1 / $ 55.00 / + $100
U16 / 2 / $ 55.00 / + $100
U14 / 3 / $ 55.00 / + $100
LL / 4 / $ 55.00 / + $100
RB / 2 / $ 55.00 / + $100
TB / 2 / $ 55.00 / + $100
General Volunteer (minimum 10hrs) / N/A / 8 / $ 55.00 / + $100