8th Grade Library
Research Skills
Syllabus 2017-18
Instructor: Ms. Batz, Library Media Specialist
Media Literacy and Research Skills classes will meet during period 1and will be 9 weeks in length (45 days).
Course Overview: This courses main emphasis is on the research process from problem identification, location and evaluation of information sources, to synthesis into a new product reflecting what has been learned.
Technology in the Classroom: We will be using various learning platforms and web 2.0 tools, including Prezi, Glogster, Access PA and Power Library, emaze, Animoto, Student Publishing, etc. Students are expected to abide by the Student Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), found in the student handbook. Any student caught using the Internet for inappropriate purposes, may lose Internet privileges, which could impact their grade.
Instructionwill include:
- Library orientation and use of the on-line catalog (OPAC)
- Netiquette and Internet Safety
- Research Skills
- Use of Power Library Databases and physical reference materials
- Internet – Discussion of Search Engines and Web Site Evaluation
- Discussion of Plagiarism and copyright
- MLA Bibliography
Course Requirements: Students will be required to complete handouts, pretests, and formal assessments based on the instruction topics listed above. These topics will culminate in a final research project/presentation, which will incorporate all of the Media Literacy and Research Skills students learned in this course. Students must complete their final research project/presentation before or by the due date (1 week before end of course: ______), with a passing grade of 80% or above. This project counts for 25% of your final grade. Failure to complete the final project or procure a passing grade, may result in a failing grade for the course.
The grading scale:
O -Outstanding
S+ -Above Avergae
S- -Satisfactory
S- -Needs Improvement
U -Unsatisfactory/ Failing
The majority of the grade will be based on class/group completion of in-class assignments and observations. All assignments will be based on points. Your earned points/points possible equals your percentage. The report card will show O, S, U, F. This grade will impact honor roll status.
General Classroom Guidelines:
- Respect yourself, your classmates, and your teacher at all times.
- Do not interfere with the learning process.
- You must be in your seat and ready to learn when the bell rings.
- Cell phones may be used for some lessons and activities. Unless stated otherwise, they should remain out of sight.
Students will be expected to work independently and as a team, depending on the lesson. Students should demonstrate good class participation, teamwork, and communication skills in all aspects of instruction. Participation/Teamwork counts towards your grade.
Academic Dishonesty & Plagiarism:
Student papers will be randomly checked for plagiarism, and to make sure students are submitting their own original work. For most projects, students will be required to provide sources for their work, whether the sources are websites, books, videos, etc. Students are required to site all sources they used, but to only use those sources that they cite, and correctly paraphrase the material. Any student that is commits academic dishonesty or plagiarism will be subject to disciplinary action and possible failure of the course. For more information on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism, refer to your student handbook.
Library Use
- Books may be borrowed for 14 days.
- Books not renewed or returned on time will be fined $.05 a day (per item).
- The Library will be open from 7:45 am (or when lights are on) until 3:15 pm (or when lights are off).
- If there is a class in the library, students may enter quietly, sign in, and find something productive to do without being disruptive.
- Additionally, if any student needs to use the library outside of those hours, see Ms. Batz, the librarian to set up an appointment.