We recommend that all SDLT form users update their OyezForms program to the latest version,V8.06H. For more information and an update please visit No login required. Alternatively, contact Support on Tel: 020 7556 3201.

EFIS No.27/2005



SDLT1-Land Transaction Return

SDLT2-Land Registration Return - Additional vendor/purchaser details

SDLT3-Land Transaction Return - Additional details about the land

41G(Trust)-Trust Details

64_8-Authorising your agent

R85-Getting your interest without tax taken off

Pursuant to EFIS 12 & 13/2005 when we advised you of the proposed implementation of 2-D barcodes on form SDLT1,

we are pleased to provide you with this amended version of SDLT1 which has now been approved by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).

The 2D barcode allows HMRC to rapidly process data from SDLT1 received whilst improving data integrity and minimising processing delays. Please note that all the information shown on the form is contained within the 2D Barcode which is shown on the bottom of the printed form. If you make manual additions afterwards these will not be scanned by the system which may cause the form to generate an enquiry letter SDLT8 or a penalty notice.

If HMRC do not receive the SDLT return or any payment of the SDLT due within 30 days of the effective date of the transaction (the filing date) but within three months of the filing date, a £100 penalty will automatically be levied. In all other cases, a £200 penalty will be automatically charged.

Although the SDLT forms can be used immediately upon receipt, HMRC has decided that all phase 1 substitute forms will continue to be processed until the 1st July 2005. This is a change to the previous date of the 1st June 2005.

All Land Transaction Returns should be sent to:

By Post:By DX:By Legal Post:

Inland Revenue - Stamp TaxesRapid Data Capture Centre(for Solicitors in Scotland only)
Comben HouseDX725593 - Bootle 9LP18 - Edinburgh 2

Farriers Way
Merseyside L30 4RN

Whilst Oyez Legal Software is an approved supplier of the SDLT forms, no liability is assumed or accepted for the manner or content of the forms when completed and submitted to HMRC.

Practitioners are strongly advised to follow the guidance available on the HM Revenue and Customs website at to avoid incurring any penalties for the incorrect completion and filing of these forms.

Please also find attached the SDLT2 and SDLT3 which have also been revised by HMRC.

In addition, HMRC have updated 41G(Trust), which is enclosed for your immediate use.

We have also added forms 64_8 and R85 to our Inheritance Tax/Inland Revenue range due to requests from our customers. These forms are available for your immediate use.

Finally, on an unrelated matter, forms IHTD10, IHTD12 and IHT200(All) have had minor amendments and are also available for your immediate use.


The version ensures that 2-D barcodes appear on Phase 2 forms. Please note that Windows 98+, or NT4 SP6+ is required. For further information please visit

Due to strict Inland Revenue validation requirements, please note the following points regarding V8.06H:

1. Form macros will be enabled at ALL times (Phase 2 SDLT forms only)

2. It will no longer be possible to view form macro code (As Above)

3. It will no longer be possible to save forms to User or Custom libraries (As Above)

4. Will attempt to overwrite Duplex print setting and print Simplex (As Above)

To obtain an upgrade, please visit or contact Support on Tel: 020 7556 3201 or email mailto:


Oyez are pleased to announce that all future EFIS updates will be available on CD. If you would like to

receive future EFIS updates on CD then please email with your

company details, or alternatively contact Support on Tel: 020 7556 3201.


By choosing to download your EFIS from our websiteyou can save both time and money. Users of the site also benefit from 24 hours access to the additional features only available to To access the site you will need you account number and password (defaulted to your postcode). All customers that cancel disk updates will benefit from a 12 months price fee and any disk update charges will be instantly waived. Login for further details.

Importing Forms – Version 8 (32Bit software for Windows 98/NT4/2000/XP)

  1. Start the OyezForms software (if you are running a networked copy of the software only one user should have the software open at this point).
  2. Insert the floppy disk into your floppy drive.
  3. Select Admin and then Import new forms…
  4. The Import new forms dialog box will appear and a list of the forms contained on the floppy disk will be displayed.
  5. Click Select All and then Import.
  6. Once complete you will be asked if there are any more forms to import. If no click No.

If Yes; insert the next disk and click Ok.

  1. The screen will refresh to display a new list of forms. Follow step 5 again.
  2. Once all the disk(s) have all been imported click No.

If you have any problems please contact Oyez Legal Software on 020 7556 3201