VELS (Level 3) the Play Real Game
The Play Real Game provides activities for students at Level 3 with schools implementing the program at the Year 3 or 4.
Play Real Game / Strand / Domain / Dimension / Learning focus / StandardSession 1
Playing a Role
Students are introduced to the Play Real Game and to the life/work roles they will assume and explore throughout the program / Discipline-based Learning / English / Reading / Understand, interpret, analyse, reflect upon, & enjoy written & visual print & non print texts, including imaginative & informative texts / Infer meaning from informative texts
Locate, select & record key information from texts (e.g. Role profiles & Glossary)
Speaking & listening / Recognise that speaking & listening provide opportunities to exchange information, share & explore ideas, & express opinions / Participate in discussions, conversations & presentations in small & large groups
Listen & gain meaning from factual & spoken texts (class discussions of role profiles, High 5 etc.)
Humanities / Humanities knowledge & understanding / Examine & compare different types of work & specific jobs
Explore types of human activities
Investigate human & physical characteristics of the local area / Explore different occupations and life roles and types of human activities through the Role Profiles
Distinguish between consumers & producers, & goods & services
Humanities skills / Visualise and describe location and direction using alphanumeric grids and compass points
Use atlases, maps and globes to locate places and features / Identify location use maps with alphanumeric grids & compass points
Use maps to explore a neighbourhood
Use basic mapping conventions
Inter-disciplinary Learning / Communication / Listening, viewing & responding / Listen attentively & learn to respond appropriately
Identify main message
Develop an interpretation supported by evidence / Standards not introduced till Level 4
Learning focus statements at level 3 provide advice about learning experiences to assist students towards Level 4
Thinking Processes / Reasoning, processing & inquiry / Explore aspects of their natural, constructed & social world / Collect information from a range of sources to answer questions
Play Real Game / Strand / Domain / Dimension / Learning focus / Standard
Session 2
Playing Real
Students practise map skills, make housing, transportation and other lifestyle choices, create and name their neighbourhoods / Physical, Personal & Social Learning / Interpersonal Development / Building social relationships / Interact with peers
Develop skills & strategies for getting to know & understand others in increasingly complex situations / Demonstrate respect for others & exhibit appropriate behaviour
Support each other by sharing ideas & materials, offering assistance, giving appropriate feedback & acknowledging individual difference
Working in teams / Work towards achievement of agreed goals within a timeframe
Develop awareness of their roles & responsibilities in teams
Be aware that different points of view may be valid
Reflect on the effectiveness of teams in which they participate / Cooperate with others in teams for agreed purposes
Take roles & follow guidelines established within a task
Describe & evaluate their own contribution & the team’s progress towards achievement of agreed goals
Civics & citizenship / Civic knowledge & understanding / Build understanding of Australian society / Develop understanding of communities through development of neighbourhoods and mottos
Discipline-based Learning / English / Speaking & listening / Recognise that speaking & listening provide opportunities to exchange information, share & explore ideas, & express opinions / Participate in discussions & conversations in small & large groups
Listen & gain meaning from factual & spoken texts
Humanities / Humanities knowledge & understanding / Examine & compare different types of work & specific jobs
Explore types of human activities
Investigate human & physical characteristics of a local area / Explore different occupations and life roles and types of human activities
Distinguish between needs & wants , consumers & producers, & goods & services
Humanities skills / Visualise and describe location and direction
Use atlases, maps and globes to locate places and features / Identify location use atlases, maps & globes, alphanumeric grids & compass points
Use basic mapping conventions
Inter-disciplinary Learning / Thinking Processes / Reflection, evaluation & metacognition / Recognise that others may have different opinions & understand that reasoning can be influenced by strong feelings / Provide reasons for their point of view & justify changes in their thinking
Play Real Game / Strand / Domain / Dimension / Learning focus / Standard
Session 3
Real Skills
Students work together to define the skills identified in their Role Profiles and to locate ten key skills in their neighbourhoods and their town / Physical, Personal & Social Learning / Interpersonal Development / Building social relationships / Interact with peers
Develop skills & strategies for getting to know & understand others / Support each other by sharing ideas & materials & offering assistance
Personal Learning / The individual learner / Understand the role of persistence & effort in task achievement
Prepare for lifelong learning / Develop content knowledge & understanding
Discipline-based Learning / English / Reading / Understand, interpret, critically analyse, reflect upon, & enjoy written & visual print & non print texts, including imaginative & informative texts e.g. workplace texts / Interpret the main ideas & purposes of texts
Infer meaning from informative texts
Speaking & listening / Recognise that speaking & listening provide opportunities to exchange information, share & explore ideas, & express opinions / Participate in discussions, conversations & presentations in small & large groups
Listen & gain meaning from factual & spoken texts
Humanities / Humanities knowledge & understanding / Examine & compare different types of work & specific jobs
Explore types of human activities / Explore different occupations and life roles and types of human activities
Inter-disciplinary Learning / Communication / Listening, viewing & responding / Listen attentively & learn to respond appropriately
Identify main message / Standards not introduced till Level 4
Learning focus statements at level 3 provide learning experiences to assist students towards Level 4
Thinking Processes / Reasoning, processing & inquiry / Explore aspects of their natural, constructed & social world
Make connections between new & established ideas & their own knowledge / Use thinking strategies to organise information & concepts & solve problems
Provide reasons for their conclusions
Play Real Game / Strand / Domain / Dimension / Learning focus / Standard
Session 4
Real Businesses and Essential Services
Students discover businesses and essential services and locate the coordinates on their Neighbourhood Maps. They choose buildings to represent the services and businesses, colour and customise them, and place them on their Neighbourhood Maps / Physical, Personal & Social Learning / Interpersonal Development / Building social relationships / Interact with peers & adults in formal & informal contexts / Demonstrate respect for others & exhibit appropriate behaviour
Working in teams / Work towards achievement of agreed goals within a timeframe / Cooperate with others in teams for agreed purposes
Civics & citizenship / Civic knowledge & understanding / Build understanding of Australian society
Consider the meanings & values reflected in cultural celebrations & symbols / Describe the roles of government & services & the roles of some leaders & representatives
Community engagement / Learn about groups in the community & their functions
Develop knowledge about their community & the environment / Describe roles & purposes of groups in the community
Discipline-based Learning / English / Reading / Understand, interpret, critically analyse, reflect upon, & enjoy written & visual print & non print texts / Interpret the main ideas & purposes of texts
Infer meaning from informative texts
Humanities / Humanities knowledge & understanding / Examine & compare different types of work & specific jobs
Explore types of human activities
Investigate human & physical characteristics of the local area & changes over time (optional activity) / Explore different occupations and life roles and types of human activities
Distinguish between goods & services
Humanities skills / Visualise and describe location and direction
Use atlases, maps and globes to locate places and features / Identify location use atlases, maps & globes, alphanumeric grids & compass points
Use basic mapping conventions
Inter-disciplinary Learning / Communication / Listening, viewing & responding / Listen attentively & learn to respond appropriately
Identify main message / Standards not introduced till Level 4
Learning focus statements at level 3 provide learning experiences to assist students towards Level 4
Thinking Processes / Reasoning, processing & inquiry / Explore aspects of their natural, constructed & social world
Make connections between new & established ideas & their own knowledge / Use thinking strategies to organise information & concepts & solve problems
Provide reasons for their conclusions
Creativity / Participate in investigations & activities involving problem solving to encourage creative solutions / Apply creative ideas in practical ways & test possibilities of the ideas generated
Use open-ended questions & integrate available information to explore ideas
Reflection, evaluation & metacognition / Recognise that others may have different opinions & understand that reasoning can be influenced by strong feelings / Provide reasons for their point of view & justify changes in their thinking
Play Real Game / Strand / Domain / Dimension / Learning focus / Standard
Session 5
Real Hiring
Students identify the jobs connected to their businesses and essential services and list them on their Neighbourhood Maps. Through a simulated hiring process, the students all find jobs / Physical, Personal & Social Learning / Interpersonal Development / Building social relationships / Interact with peers & adults in formal & informal contexts / Demonstrate respect for others & exhibit appropriate behaviour
Working in teams / Work towards achievement of agreed goals within a timeframe
Develop awareness of their roles & responsibilities in teams
Be aware that different points of view may be valid / Cooperate with others in teams for agreed purposes
Take roles & follow guidelines established within a task
Personal Learning / The individual learner / Understand their personal characteristics & capabilities, & those they need to develop
Understand the role of persistence & effort in task achievement
Prepare for lifelong learning / Identify strategies that enhance learning
Identify learning strengths & weaknesses & learning habits
Develop content knowledge & understanding
Managing personal learning / Develop confidence in making informed decisions
Develop goal setting, time & resource management skills / Set short term achievable goals
Complete short tasks by planning & allocating time & resources
Undertake some tasks independently
Civics & citizenship / Civic knowledge & understanding / Build understanding of Australian society
Consider the meanings & values reflected in cultural celebrations & symbols / Describe the roles of government & services & the roles of some leaders & representatives
Community engagement / Learn about groups in the community & their functions
Develop knowledge about their community & the environment / Describe roles & purposes of groups in the community
Discipline-based Learning / English / Reading / Understand, interpret, critically analyse, reflect upon, & enjoy written & visual print & non print texts, including imaginative & informative texts e.g. workplace texts / Interpret the main ideas & purposes of texts
Infer meaning from informative texts
Locate, select & record key information from texts
Writing / Develop skills in writing informative texts / Order information & events
Meet the needs of audiences by including background information
Speaking & listening / Recognise that speaking & listening provide opportunities to exchange information, share & explore ideas, & express opinions
Vary speaking & listening to suit context purpose & audience / Participate in discussions, conversations & presentations in small & large groups
Listen & gain meaning from factual & spoken texts
Modify spoken texts to clarify meaning & information
Play Real Game / Strand / Domain / Dimension / Learning focus / Standard
Session 5 (cont)
Real Hiring (cont)
Students identify the jobs connected to their businesses and essential services and list them on their Neighbourhood Maps. Through a simulated hiring process, the students all find jobs / Discipline-based Learning / Humanities / Humanities knowledge & understanding / Examine & compare different types of work & specific jobs
Explore types of human activities / Explore different occupations & life roles & types of human activities
Humanities skills / Visualise & describe location & direction
Use atlases, maps & globes to locate places & features / Identify location use atlases, maps & globes, alphanumeric grids & compass points
Use basic mapping conventions
Inter-disciplinary Learning / Communication / Listening, viewing & responding / Listen attentively & respond appropriately
Explore a range of aural, written & visual communication which illustrate a variety of perspectives
Identify main message / Standards not introduced till Level 4
Learning focus statements at level 3 provide learning experiences to assist students towards Level 4
Presenting / Explore strategies used in formal & informal presentations
Order ideas to communicate / Standards not introduced till Level 4
Learning focus statements at level 3 provide learning experiences to assist students towards Level 4
Thinking Processes / Reasoning, processing & inquiry / Explore aspects of their natural, constructed & social world
Develop strategies for organising & summarising information
Make connections between new & established ideas & their own knowledge / Collect information from a range of sources to answer their own & others' questions
Use thinking strategies to organise information & solve problems
Provide reasons for their conclusions
Reflection, evaluation & metacognition / Recognise that others may have different opinions & understand that reasoning can be influenced by strong feelings / Identify strategies to organise their ideas & use appropriate language to explain their thinking
Play Real Game / Strand / Domain / Dimension / Learning focus / Standard
Session 6
Putting a Town Together
Students combine their five Neighbourhood Maps with the Town Centre Map to create a complete town. They select a town name and create welcome signs for their town. They discuss the interdependence of urban and rural communities / Physical, Personal & Social Learning / Interpersonal Development / Building social relationships / Interact with peers & adults in formal & informal contexts / Demonstrate respect for others & exhibit appropriate behaviour
Working in teams / Work towards achievement of agreed goals within a timeframe
Be aware that different points of view may be valid / Cooperate with others in teams for agreed purposes
Civics & citizenship / Civic knowledge & understanding / Build understanding of Australian society
Consider the meanings & values reflected in cultural celebrations & symbols / Describe the roles of government & services & the roles of some leaders & representatives
Community engagement / Learn about groups in the community & their functions / Describe roles & purposes of groups in the community
Discipline-based Learning / Humanities / Humanities knowledge & understanding / Examine & compare different types of work & specific jobs
Explore types of human activities
Understand the effects people have on environment & how this affects their lives / Explore different occupations & life roles & types of human activities
Distinguish between needs & wants , saving & spending, buyers & sellers (consumers & producers), & goods & services
Humanities skills / Visualise & describe location & direction
Use atlases, maps & globes to locate places & features / Identify location use atlases, maps & globes, alphanumeric grids & compass points
Use basic mapping conventions
Inter-disciplinary Learning / Thinking Processes / Reasoning, processing & inquiry / Explore aspects of their natural, constructed & social world
Make connections between new & established ideas & their own knowledge / Use thinking strategies to organise information & solve problems
Provide reasons for their conclusions
Creativity / Explore ideas creatively by engaging with new ideas & other perspectives / Apply creative ideas in practical ways & test possibilities of the ideas generated
Reflection, evaluation & metacognition / Recognise that others may have different opinions & understand that reasoning can be influenced by strong feelings / Provide reasons for their point of view & justify changes in their thinking
Play Real Game / Strand / Domain / Dimension / Learning focus / Standard
Session 7
Working World
Students explore different job search methods. Students find the remaining Role Profiles for the workers needed in their neighbourhoods. They also locate the geographic areas from which the new workers came on a map of the world (or of their state, territory or region). Students then connect these locations to their real-life town or suburb / Physical, Personal & Social Learning / Interpersonal Development / Building social relationships / Interact with peers & adults in formal & informal contexts
Develop skills in giving & accepting constructive feedback / Demonstrate respect for others & exhibit appropriate behaviour
Support each other by sharing ideas & materials, offering assistance, giving appropriate feedback & acknowledging individual difference
Working in teams / Work towards achievement of agreed goals within a timeframe
Be aware that different points of view may be valid / Cooperate with others in teams for agreed purposes
Take roles & follow guidelines established within a task
Personal Learning / The individual learner / Understand the role of persistence & effort in task achievement
Prepare for lifelong learning / Develop content knowledge & understanding
Managing personal learning / Develop confidence in making informed decisions
Develop goal setting, time & resource management skills / Set short term achievable goals
Complete short tasks by planning & allocating time & resources
Undertake some tasks independently
Civics & citizenship / Civic knowledge & understanding / Build understanding of Australian society
Consider the meanings & values reflected in cultural celebrations & symbols
Consider what they value about Australia / Develop understanding of the contributions from culturally diverse groups that make the Australian community
Community engagement / Learn about groups in the community & their functions
Develop knowledge about their community & the environment / Describe roles & purposes of groups in the community
Discipline-based Learning / English / Reading / Understand, interpret, critically analyse, reflect upon, & enjoy written & visual print & non print texts, including imaginative & informative texts e.g. workplace texts / Interpret the main ideas & purposes of texts