Team Leadership Workshop 2
The Pre Course reading is designed to recap on the Team Leadership Workshop 1, which you may have attended a few months ago. If you did not attend, don’t worry!! The main points, relevant for this next Workshop, are detailed below.
See you at the Workshop!
What is Management and Leadership?
Leader – “Where are we going?”
-Vision of where they want to be, and can communicate it enthusiastically
-Accept responsibility
-Rely on own judgement
Manager – “HOW do we get there? What do we need?”
-making things work
-Achieve their objectives by using the available resources
Action Centred Leadership
John Adair developed the concept of Action Centred Leadership. This revolved around a manager balancing 3 key facets, to be effective:-
-Achieving the task
-Developing the individual
-Building the team
Managers can sometimes focus too much on one facet. For example: developing the individual, which can lead to favouritism, or not achieving deadlines.
Achieving the task includes:-
- Defining the task
- Setting clear objectives
- Planning the time to achieve
- Allocating the work
- Reviewing achievements
Developing the individual includes:-
- Providing training
- Motivating
- Giving feedback
- Setting objectives
- Delegating
- Recognising abilities
- Dealing with personal problems
Building the team includes:-
- Setting standards
- Maintaining discipline
- Cascading communication
- Celebrating success
Motivation Theories
- Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Abraham Maslow developed his Hierarchy of Needs in the 1950’s. It’s basic premise is that we start off with our most basic needs and when that need is fulfilled, and only then, will we seek to fulfill the next level and so on.
Levels are:-
Physiological – Hunger, thirst, sleep, exercise, warmth
Safety/Security – Security , protection, shelter
Social – belongoing to a group, friendshoip, acceptance
Self Esteem – power, status, respect, recognition
Self Actualisation – Achievement, competence, reaching potential
2. Hertzberg’s Theory
Hertzberg discovered that there are aspects of work that we take for granted – Hygiene factors. These are the things that, if absent, de-motivate us, but interestingly enough, if these factors are abundant, they will not provide satisfaction. Because we take these things for granted, they are not important until they are missing.
However, Motivators are as they sound - the influencers which actually motivate us. These come directly form the work itself.
Hygiene Factors include:_
- Salary
- Working Conditions
- Working Environment
Motivators include:-
- Satisfaction of a job well done
- praise for doing well
- being trusted
- increased responsibilities
Motivation – The Team Leader’s Role
- To set clear objectives that make the work important
- To enthusiastically help staff to achieve those goals
- To recognise and reward achieveemnt
- To set stretching challenging tasks
With your syndicate partner, answer the following questions.
Leaders and Managers
1. Name 3 Leaders (1 point for each name)
2. What is a Leader? (1 point)
3. What is a manager? (1 point)
4. What are you? (1 point)
Action Centred Leadership
5. What 3 facets is action centred leadership based on? (3 points)
6. How would you describe the following Leaders in terms of action centred leadership?
a)John Major (1 point)
b) Margaret Thatcher (1 point)
7. What is the principle of Maslow’s Hierarchy? (1 point)
8. Name 4 levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy (4 points)
9. What is a Hygiene Factor? (1 point)
10. Give 2 things that are Hygiene factors.(1 point each)
11. Give 2 things that are Motivators (1 point each)
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