SC4HSHA Meeting 3.16.17
Pledges- Everyone
Clubs in Attendance: BC Wranglers, Caballeros, Dusty Saddles, Elite Equestrians, Horse Sense, Jr Leaders, Rough Riders, Royal Riders, Saddle Seekers, Trailblazers II
Clubs Not In Attendance: Knight Riders
Secretary’s Report: Sara J-Emails sent out to members who have reached probationary status & those near. Jay S. motion to accept the minutes, Dale F. second. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Jeff G-
Checking Account
Beginning / Balance / As of 2/15/17 / $3,828.31Deposits / None
Previously / Approved
2/16/17 / 2549 / NRHA / Fair Bit Check Gauge / $25.95
2/16/17 / 2550 / Ridgeway & Assoc / Surety Bond Insurance / $257.00
2/16/17 / 2551 / Samantha Owen / Print Open Show Bill / $53.58
3/16/17 / 2552 / SCAS / Oct, Nov, Dec 2016 Gas Bill / $106.10
3/16/17 / 2553 / OSU Extension / 4 Rule Books for Fair / $24.00
3/16/17 / 2554 / Laura Hernandez / Ed. Day Food & Award Ship / $38.92
Ending / Balance / As of 3/13/17 / $3,322.76
Savings Account earned $0.37 interest to bring balance in savings to $17,007.00
To be approved: Sara Justice for updated Horse bowl reference, $111.49. $74 to USPS for post office box. Jeff Grell for up to $120.00 for new checks & deposit slips because of bank change. Cathy M. asked if Huntington is giving checks out. Sam O. states we can use the checks we have until they run out. Carla K. states her club got free checks from Huntington. Debbie H. motion to pay the bills, accept the report, try to get the 50 free checks, and order new checks since 50 won’t be enough. Lynn S. second. Motion passed.
Vice President’s Report- Kevin Y.- Kevin Y stated that he will attempt to maintain order if necessary by giving a warning, and if a second instance happens, then asking someone to leave the meeting.
Extension Report- Sara J.- Jackie K.’s daughter gave birth to a baby boy recently and she is unable to attend the meeting tonight. She thanks everyone who attended the leadership meeting at Extension and for turning in enrollment forms. She has also stated she will support an academy program for lesson horses, but needs the rules to be clarified by the rules committee. Debbie H. asked about what an academy horse is. Dee C. explained that it is a horse used in a lesson program, and it would allow non-siblings to share a horse. Sara J. stated this may encourage growth in the program and help people who could not afford a lease or barns that cannot pull a horse from a lesson program. Carla K. states we have allowed non-siblings with grievance. Debbie H. stated that once the rules are approved this year we can’t change them until next year. Next rules meeting to discuss this will be March 28, 2017 at the Panera on Howe Rd at 7pm. Debbie H. states that it must be addressed to determine project since it is non siblings.
Fair Board Report- Debbie H.- All horses are in Barn 10. Debbie H. asked if people had already signed up for Level 1. Amanda D. said 1 from Horse Sense, Other clubs said they had them too. Amanda D. asked about putting a binder in the kitchen with all the certificates. Debbie H. will check in to it.
Committee Reports
Awards- Sara J./Amanda D.- Thank you to Sam O. & Carla K. for counting ribbons for us. We will be placing an order soon from Olympic Enterprises, which is giving us a 20% discount this year and 15% in perpetuity. He also placed ads in the ad book and sponsored classes. They are in Canton and willing to deliver to the fairgrounds as well. Thank you to Tricia Robertson, one of our 4H members, for finding this company. We are still collecting trophies.
Competitive Trail- Dee C.- Contacted someone from the Cuyahoga Valley national park. She has to fill out the application, but thinks they will waive the fee. Mandy G. asked what the usual fee was; Dee C. said $250.
Academics- Dee C.- Horse Bowl teams are set, competition is April 1. Public Speaking is the next competition. Entries are Due April 14; the competition is April 29. Next Horse Bowl Practice is Saturday March 18 at 4:30 at the Boston Heights Fire Station at the corner of Old Eight & Boston Mills Rd.
Fair- Carla K.- Stalls will all be in Barn 10. She made a draft schedule, but has received good ideas so might change. Amanda D. will enter points, Cathy H. will check. They will be posted every night. Will meet with Amanda D., Cathy H., & Kevin Y. to look at the program to make sure it is calculating right. Received the bit gauge & it is in the grey cabinet. Mr Cannon from Elite Equestrians will be designing a second bit gauge that has all of the measurements. There are committee members that are willing to help with getting equipment to arenas with trucks to help set up. Wants people to help Horse Sense with dressage set up. Fun classes this year are golf ball & spoon, ribbon race, Barrels (e/w), Flags (c), Granny Panty Race Ride & Run, Red Solo Cup race (cup goes on a pole), Horse Shoe Poles (narrow poles). Bids are open for a fair photographer- send to Carla K. Needs pricing, if they can print on site, and if they can cover both rings. Debbie H. will oversee all duties. Eliminated the Ring B golf cart. There will be approximately 10 kids per tack stall, which includes minis. We did not include minis in tack stalls. Debbie H. asked how wide the poles for horse shoe poles would be; it will go back to committee. Dale F. is working on a contest class book. Keyhole is 8 feet and that might be what we use. Dale F. stated in Hourglass it was 4 foot.
Fundraising- Cathy M.- Ad turn in is tonight. Firehouse or Danny Boy’s paid in gift cards again this year. She is offering them for sale. Two are worth $50 and one is $25. Would like to sell them & give money to top sellers.
Judges- Danette S.- All have been hired. They are getting patterns & returned contracts. Debbie H. asked if we sent contracts to Don R. & the announcer. She is sending them out- needs the announcer information. Also will be sending contracts to Jeff & Cathy for open show points.
Junior Leaders- Debbie H./Dee C.- It will be March 18 at Noon at Foggy Bottom Farm, 4441 Johnson Rd, Norton. This is a mandatory skills check. Jim W. stated Junior Leaders is collecting proof of purchases from Tribute feed. Please keep collecting.
Maintenance- Jay S.- Cannot do anything until barn is cleared out. Debbie H. asked if the canvas cover is going to be put up; yes, it will be looked at once the barn is cleared.
Open Show- Sam O.- Will go with the rule book for jump height. Dee C. looked in to insurance for Open Show. AIL will be used for competitive trail, PAS, & Groom & Clean. Dressage show & Open Show will go under the Open Show insurance. The only place that covers all extension wants (exhibitors, spectators, and show committee) is Equisure. Dee C. will be putting in the application. The estimated cost is approximately $160 per show. Jay S. motion to submit insurance application. Chris W. second. Motion passed. The open show facebook page will be put online. Sam O. asked for up to $20 for marketing online for open show. Kevin Y asked for discussion, no one spoke. Motion passed. The committee also discussed ways to make the entry booth less congested and run more efficiently. Next meeting is the 2nd Thursday at 8pm. Dee C. stated there are no age restrictions per the insurance; Sam O. will bring this to committee.
PAS/State Qualifying- Chris W.- Dates are June 17 & June 24. Both judges are PAS certified. Laura Meade is not able to do the steward this year. Jamie Grimm is going to be the steward for both PAS shows. She is in the process of becoming a judge. You can qualify & go in to 4 classes at state. Can now sign up for 6 classes at PAS shows. Juniors & Seniors will be split at PAS. Will start with the lower level of jumping then move up to the higher level. Chris W will send a PAS packet to Kevin Y to put on the website when it is done. Chris W. reminded people that out of county qualifiers must still pay $40 to get a belt buckle. Chris W. also offering volunteer hours at the PAS show because there is a lot of set up. Chris W. was also asked to bring back the Cheryl Edwards Project Award. It is based on sportsmanship, essay, and interview. It is done during fair. Applications will be available next meeting.
Dressage- Sara J.- Entry forms are online. Cathy M asked if they could bring a 4H card. They could. Entries open May 1.
Rotating Trophies- Sam O.- Sent out an email to people who had interest in the Mary Ellen Lowe rotation trophy. The trophy is actually the one from 1980 when Mary Ellen went to nationals in Horse Bowl with our county team. Carla K. asks that the trophy be returned to her after it is done. The only requirement is the person must be a horse bowl member. Sam O. asked if anyone wanted to donate a rotating trophy. Dee C. said yes. Sam O. will be sending emails to everyone.
Scholarship- Debbie H.- There are 20-24 potential applicants for scholarships. She would like to have 4 one thousand dollar scholarships offered to kids. Applications will be mailed to Kevin Y. to be put on the website. Sara J. asked if we should wait to see how many applicants. Debbie H. states that maybe 2 at 10 applicants, 4 at 20 applicants. Sam O. states that if the kids know there are more scholarships available, more may apply. Possibly as 1 per every 5 person. Debbie H. motion to 1 $1000 scholarship for every 5 applicants. Motion passed.
Rules- Sara J.- Jay S. motion to table reading until the academy horse division is discussed. Dale F. second. Motion passed. Rules tabled to next meeting.
Sunshine- Chris W.- Glad to see Bill J. & Jim W. at the meetings. One of our 4H Alum’s mothers passed away unexpected in her sleep. Received a donation to send a member of Rough Riders to camp.
Old Business:
Budgets- Jeff G.- Executive discussed budgets. All were approved. Please keep in mind we do not have unlimited funds. Try to spend money wisely & ask for donations. Try not to spend 100% of the budget.
New Business:
Buckeye Bonanza is from 10-3 at OSU Campus. Student Demos, Petting Zoo, OSU Equine Program puts it on. Online auction is also that day. April 15.
Carla K.- Wanted to put in the minutes of how we can improve Saddle Horse. Carla K. took away that if we focus on the positive and let go of the negative it will help the view of Saddle Horse. Try to respect each other.
Lynn S.- Equine Affaire is April 6-9.
Debbie H.- Blue Lakes has their extravaganza on April 23.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:45