RC Administrative Strategy Group(RC-S) Meeting
May 1, 2018, 10:30-12:00, Baker MCC MPR
Beth Lydic, April Ritchie, Tia Barrett,Kari Saunier, Phil Taylor, Megan Vogel, Heather Krugman, Kelli Broughton,Sheila Schultz,Keith Leffler,Rosanna Howard
Absent: Cary Frith, Shelley Ruff
Staff: Dawn Weiser, John Day,Chad Mitchell, Amanda Davis, Julie Allison, Chris Ament, Craig Bantz
Dean’s meeting update – John
- With May 1 deadline for housing deposits, day-to-day reporting is volatile until we are a few days past May 1 date
- Budgeted new freshmen is +99 vs. last year; any variances in new freshmen may be offset by mix changes (resident vs. non-resident) or retention results
A&E Procurement Exception Process – Heather and Julie A
- A flurry of questions following campus news and emails re: Preferred Suppliers/Vendors and Exemptions
- Financeclarified several campus issues yesterday and CFAOs are handling within their units
- Campus can request a vendor be added to the preferredlist; new vendors may be added following next cycled bid process. This is not a guarantee, but rather an agreement that procurement will contact vendor to see if they would like to be considered as a preferred supplier
- Problems with Preferred Suppliers need communicated to Procurement
- Exemption form can be used now and will be required byend of rolloutin August – need CFAO signature on form; CFAO is default signer in FARM but can be delegated to one other person (only one)
- Exemptions granted will be reported to Board after rollout – possibly through A&E or Internal Audit reporting
ComDoc Issues Update – Craig B & Chris A
- Individual devices need set with their own settings for B/W vs color and duplexing
- Mac settingsrevert to theoptions of the ‘last’ print job; IT will send info sheets for setup on PCs and Macs
- Units need to order toner; OIT maintains a small emergency toner supply – contact Erica with problems
- ‘per page billing’ price varies based on size of page; this contract language has always existed
- cartridge plus coming very soon for ordering non-ComDoc printer supplies
Position Management – John
- moving toward Position Management to assist with staffing plans, ease hiring approval process and illuminate vacancies
- Phase I - position number (PN) clean-up in process by HR; new PN process being developed; ~1200 vacants
- Phase I to be completed by end of June
- CFAOs can do check of PNs during FY19 budget development; staffing plans should be PN based
- Phase II - position definition, different ‘change’ scenarios and handling guidance to be developed
Signatory Authority – Heather
- CFAO are authorized signers for Items which have been delegated through VPFA signatory authority
- Planning a summer discussion of delegation by CFAOs – delegation examples shared in OneDrive folder
- CFAO ‘out-of-office’ delegations should be copied to Dean, Deb, Julie A at minimum
Status of Partner Groups– Heather
- Combining the Payroll and Compensation partner groups – membership being assessed now
- NEW Accounting & Reporting group – co-chairs Kari Saunier and Kris Sano; send member input to Heather
- Finance suggestsmembership include varying levels of report users to address user needs
- Employee Services group will take on other tasks such as FMLA