[transcribed by Charlou Dolan; paragraphing added for ease of reading]

The sixth Day of December Anno Domini 1639 In the name of god amen. I Elizabeth vglow of the p'ish of Marhamchurch in the County of Cornewall widdow being weake of body yet p'fect of Memory the Lord be praysed Doe make and Declare this my last will and testament in manner and forme following,

Inp'is I Commend my sole to allmighty god my body to Cristian buriall and my goods as followeth

Item I giue to the Church 1s.

Item I giue to the poore of the p'ish of Marhamchurch is [= 1 shilling] 4d.

Item I giue to Degory Lamerton my rugged Cow.

Item I giue to Thomas Lamerton his Brother the black cow.

Item I giue to Elizabeth Gift and Eles Gift Daughters to Nathaniell Gift the red Cow

Item I giue to Mary Gift All my apparell wolling and linning.

Item I giue to John Lamerton Richard Lamertone and Elizabeth Lamerton eu'ry of them one yearlilng.

Item I giue to Nathaniell Lamerton my great beede my great crocke and my Middle pann.

Item I giue to John Gift Nathaniell Gift and Barnard Gift my red nage.

Item I giue to James Vglow my little round table.

Item I giue to Elizabeth Gift the wife of Nathaniell Gift the bed p'formed which I now lyon and my best Cou'let [= coverlet].

Item I giue to Maude Higgins my servant five shillings and my old petticote

Item I giue to William Lamerton three shillings fower pence.

Item I Doe make Gabriell Gift the soonne of Nathaniell Gift my sole Executor to see this my last will and testament p'formed.

Item I giue to Thomas vglow my kinsman one old cloke and my worst cou'l[?] of and to his two Children each of them one shilling

[not signed]

In witness of bb

Richard Hore

The signe of Thomas Vglowe senior

nathaniell Gest


proved 20 Feb 1639/40