Minutes of the Meeting held on 27th October 2015

PRESENT: Ros Charles, Loretta Cox, Shirley Durling, Hilary Hubbers, Hadley Hunter, Pauline Pescod, Molly Scopes, Aileen Stanton, Julia Stevens, Tom Winpenny

APOLOGIES: Gill and Keith Ellen

MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING were accepted as accurate


  1. It was noted with sadness that Jean could not take up the position of Chair and that Shirley was in the process of recruiting.
  2. It was agreed that a summary of each Committee Meeting would be circulated to choir members.
  3. Tom Winpenny was welcomed as new Musical Director.
  4. Aileen Stanton (Membership) and Hilary Hubbers (Minutes) were both welcomed as new Committee Members.

It was agreed that the subscriptions should be increased to £70 per term, or £200 per annum if paid in full, from January 2016, allowing for the fact that anyone in need could pay half-price. There was discussion about raising ticket prices but it was felt that this should be held in reserve. It was also suggested that ticket prices might vary – more for popular orchestral concerts and less for concerts that are cheaper to put on. It was agreed to stick with doing Vivaldi’s Gloria in March 2016 with a small orchestra as Tom’s intro as new Music Director, even though this will be costly.


Tom suggested Anthem for Queen Caroline – no soloists and small orchestra, to go with the Vivaldi Gloria, the Gloria billed second, as the main work. Second rehearsal January 2016 to be a Come and Sing of the Vivaldi Gloria.

He proposed using John Gardner: Set of 7 Songs, and Richard Rodney Bennett: Nonsense for the Summer Concert, and this had general approval, with Gardner having the top billing. The title ‘Nonsense on a Summer Evening’ seemed to be popular.


Spring term starting 14th April because Tom away on 7th April. This still means we have 10 rehearsals before the concert. Tom did wonder if we ever have rehearsals on a different day – on the odd occasion this does happen. He is also unable to take rehearsals on 5th May and 26th May 2016. On the day of the summer concert (18thJune) the afternoon rehearsal will start at 3pm since Tom cannot get there before this. It should finish by 5pm.

It was decided to take Hartley Hall from 7.30pm instead of 7pm from January 2016 to save funds, as long as this works for the tenors. It was agreed that on occasion extra tenors might be co-opted for the concert.

Tom’s fees as Musical Director have now been agreed.


There was discussion of new members to the choir and how to process their admission as choir members. All new members and returnees need to be added to the email list.

  1. LORETTA COX – TOUR SUMMER 2016 and FEEDBACK from Tour 2015

It appears that members would be happy to go for an extra day if necessary, and to pay more accordingly. The dates for the Summer Tour have now become a problem since Tom is never free the 1st or 2nd weekend in July, so the dates of trips might have to be changed, or possibly not happen in the same way at all. He said that it might just be feasible to go 1st W/E in July but this would be awkward for him. Discussion as to whether we could do a trip earlier in the year, possibly immediately after Easter.

It was suggested that for this coming year the choir might do an away day somewhere instead of a whole weekend. This was approved.


HADLEY: (a) Subscription increase

(b) Revised Concert programme

(c) Thursday Rehearsal in church29th October 2015 – Email to remind people and to wear warm clothes

(d) Summary of Committee Minutes to choir members

(e) Question of New Members was discussed


January 2016

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