Mrs. Crozier’s Course Statement & Classroom Policies Human Biology(Human Anatomy & Physiology/ BIO160)
Contact Information
Phone: (480) 812-7712
Schoolwires: (select Chandler High; click “Faculty”, click “Crozier, Jennifer”)
Course Prerequisites
Passed Biology & Chemistry with at least a “C” average
Course Description
Human Anatomyis a course designed to define anatomy & physiology anddiscuss the functional processes & systems common to all humans. The 3 essential concepts of this course are: the complementarity of structure &function, the hierarchy ofstructural organization and homeostasis.
Official Course Competencies(as outlined by CGCC)
Topics to be Discussed/Labs to be Performed
First SemesterSecond Semester
- Levels of Organization 1. Endocrine System
- Ghost Lab (1I)2. Cardiovascular System
2.Integumentary System - Mystery Blood Stain Lab (6I)
- UV Bead Lab (2I) - Cardio Fitness Lab (7I)
3.Skeletal System - Heart Dissection (3D)
- Rubber Bones Lab (3I)3. Respiratory & Lymphatic Systems
- Forensics Bone Lab (4I)4. Digestive System
4.Muscular System - pH Food Lab (8I)
5.Nervous System5. Urinary System
- Reflex Lab (5I) - Urinalysis Lab (if time allows)
- Brain & Spinal Cord Dissection (1D) - Kidney Dissection
- Eye Dissection (2D)6. Reproductive Systems
Text & Required Materials
Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology (7th edition) – Martini(ISBN: 0-13-195644-2)
Lined paper or composition notebookPens (Blue/Black)/pencilsColored pencils
Optional: highlighters, calculator, camera (labs)
Grading Scale
A (4.0) = 90-100%B (3.0) = 80-89%C (2.0) = 70-79%
D (1.0) = 60-69%F (0.0) = Below 60%
The semester grades will be calculated from the combination of test & quiz scores, lab abstracts & classwork/ homework. The following is a list of how these items are weighted:
Tests (including Final Exams)=30%Labs= 30%
Homework/Classwork =30%Quizzes =10%
Classroom Policies
Our class is a place of inquiry, learning, discovery, study fun. With this in mind, I expect my students to follow these rules:
- Respect the people (yourself, other classmates teachers Ms. Crozier), equipment furnishings of the room (this includes safety)! My expectation is that the classroom is a safe place so that questions & discussions are always welcome.
- Comes to class prepared & ready to learn by bringing ALL materials requested.
- Follow the directions the first time they are given. If you are unsure of the directions, ask me!
4.No food or drinks (except water) in class. If brought in, please leave them on the teacher's desk.
Cheating Policy:
1.No cheating!
2.According to CHS Student Handbook, CHEATING is any act of deceiving & includes, but is not limited to:
Copying another person's test answers, allowing someone else to copy test answers, copying another person's homework or Lab reports, allowing someone else to copy homework or Lab reports, using "Cheat sheets" of any kind unless allowed by Mrs. Crozier, copying portions of reports from books, encyclopedias, magazines, internet sources or other students' work without giving credit to the people who wrote the reports, copying and turning in reports other than your own work, and divulging test questions and answers to other students.
3.Any suspicion of copying/copying of work will result in a “0” for both parties (even if not participating in the copying). A phone call home will be required with suspected parties present. A referral will be written & given to the Assistant Principal in charge of discipline stating there has been an issue regarding plagiarism.
SWEEPS will take place! If you are caught in a SWEEP, report to the cafeteria for the remainder of the period & your attendance will be recorded as an UNEXCUSED ABSENCE.
1.Absences must be excused on the day (within 24 hrs) of the absence by a parent/guardian.
2.Make-up work is completely the responsibility of the student!
3.Check the Human Anatomy Make-up Work Calendar and Assignments Bin for missed assignments & due dates. Do NOT ask me about make-up work unless you have checked the calendar & do NOT interrupt classtime!
4.For every day you are out, you have one day to make up an assignment.
EXCEPTION: Lab Abstracts are due ONE week from the date they are performed regardless of absences. You MUST make up your lab & write an Abstract within that week.
5.Test or quiz make-ups must be arranged on your own time within 3 days of returning.
6.Lab/Test Make-up times: a. Office Hours (Tues & Thurs 2:30-3:15 p.m. in Rm 606) OR b. Science Learning Center (Tues & Thurs 2:15-3:30 p.m. in Rm 603).
All work should be completed so you will not fall behind, but NO CREDIT will be given.
Assignments & Due Dates
- All due dates for assignments will be posted in class & on Schoolwires should be recorded in a physical or electronic planner/calendar.
- Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period unless otherwise stated by the teacher.
2 HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT PASSES are assigned per semester. These passes may be used to earn FULL credit on an incomplete homework assignment & must be stapled to the assignment with your name on it. Assignments MUST be at least 1/2 complete to use the HomeworkPass. These passes are YOUR responsibility. If lost/stolen, they will NOT be replaced. These passes can be used any time during the semester.
* Homework Passes do NOT apply to Take-Home Quizzes, in-class assignments/presentations, essays or labs.
3. Extra help/tutoring is available during Office Hours or in Science Learning Center. Help during other times is by appointment only.
Restroom/Drink Policy
- Students may use the bathroom when they need but it is recommended that they use Passing Period to use the bathroom & get a drink instead of during class.
- You must sign out on the Hall Pass Check Out-In Sheet & take the Blue Hall Pass.
Uninvited Items
- ALL electrical items (cell phones, iPods, headsets, games) must be in SILENT mode during class time & may only be taken out & used for academic purposes during class time. Use of cell phones for any other reason will result in it being confiscated. Parents will be notified.
- ALL grooming materials (make-up, brushes, etc) MUST be kept out of sight or they will be confiscated and thrown away! These are considered safety hazards in a laboratory setting & are not allowed.
Lab Assignments
Lab Abstracts
All lab exercises will be discussed & graded. Twolab exercises for the year will be graded via a Lab Abstract(worth 100 pts/each; 1 investigational lab & 1 dissection lab), which will be completed & turned in one week after the lab was performed (NO EXCEPTIONS). Lab Abstract labs will be decided at the beginning of the year by a lottery-styleassignment. All Lab Abstracts MUST BE TYPEDSTAPLED. All Data Tables & Graphs MUST BE COMPUTER-GENERATED. NO hand-written Lab Abstracts will be accepted.
Clear, detailed information presented in well-developed, thoughtful, grammatically-correct paragraphs are NECESSARY & EXPECTED for success on Lab Abstracts. Lab group members are encouraged to discuss lab abstract sections & ideas before leaving class. My suggestion is to have a log of contact information for each lab group member so that you can further discuss lab exercises & writing, if necessary.
There will be multiple specimen dissections performed over the course of the year. FULL PARTICIPATION in lab exercises is mandatory for the completion of the investigation and your success & learning in this course. Therefore, you may choose from one of the following options for participation in the planned dissections:
- Fully participate by actively-engaging in the dissection of the specimen with the appropriate lab materials
- Watch the dissection of the specimen by other lab members
- Participate in a computer-based dissection and/or computer research for Lab Abstract (for RELIGIOUS or PERSONAL REASONS; please contact me before dissections to make arrangements)
Dual Enrollment Opportunity
Dual Enrollment for enrolling in & passing (with at least a “C”) this course is available through Chandler-Gilbert Community College for BIO 160. A total of 4.0 credits can be earned for BIO 160 (Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology) upon enrolling in Chandler-Gilbert Community College & paying the appropriate enrollment & tuition fees.
*Please note: BIO 160 is a one-semester college course, taught over two semesters in the high school. To receive credit for BIO 160 the ENTIRE YEAR must be completed with a C average or better. Completion of less than the full year will result in NO COLLEGE CREDIT earned*
Tuition Assistance is available to students enrolled in a CGCC dual enrollment course who demonstrate financial need. Please refer to: The student is responsible for the information outlined in the syllabus. The student is also responsible for knowing the CGCC policies in the college catalog and the student handbook. Please refer to:
CGCC Civility Policy:
The faculty of CGCC place a high value on the importance of general ethical standards of academic behavior and expect that communication between students and instructors or among students shall maintain the level of formality and mutual respect appropriate to any college teaching/learning situation. Language or behavior that is rude, abusive, profane, disruptive, or threatening will not be tolerated. Activity of this type is Academic Misconduct as defined in MCCCD Policy AR 2.3.11. Students engaging in such behavior will be removed from the course with a failing grade. Additional sanctions may be applied pursuant to AR 2.3.11.
CGCC Extra Credit Policy:
Extra Credit is not available for this class. It is the belief of CGCC that all work done for a class should receive regular credit and is more than sufficient to assess the understanding of material presented in the course.
CGCC Plagiarism Warning:
Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the use of paraphrase or direct quotation of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment. It also includes the acknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling or sharing of term papers or other academic materials. Information gathered from the Internet and not properly identified is also considered plagiarism. We expect every student to produce his/her original, independent work. Any student whose work indicates a violation of the MCCCD Academic Misconduct Policy (including cheating and plagiarism) can expect sanctions as specified in the college catalog (2.3.11), or online at the following site:
CGCC Disability Statement:
CGCC will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Notify Disability Services and Resources and your instructor of any special needs. Contact Disability Services and Resourcesat (480)857-5188.
Other thoughts...
Science is not just found in textbooks & is EVERYWHERE around us! I hope to encourage you to investigate issues or topics that are interesting to you. The more you put in to this class & into your world, the more you will receive back! Let's have a great year!
*I understand that good attendance is vital to my success that being on time is a sign of maturity shows that I value my education myself.
*I promise to respect school property, the property of classmates my teacher.
*I promise to behave in class, showing respect for myself by acting in a mature responsible manner. I understand that my behavior reflects on my family, my community, my culture myself.
*I promise to work to the best of my ability, always keeping in mind that the skills I learn are life-long values.
*I understand that I am responsible for writing 2 lab abstracts throughout the year, 1 Investigational & 1 Dissection. The labs I am responsible for writing up as an abstract are: ______& ______
Student signature Print name Date
*I will set high expectations for my son or daughter.
*I will help my son or daughter live up to the above contract.
*I will work with the teacher feel free to contact her via e-mail or telephone, if I have concerns about my son’s or daughter’s progress.
Parent/Guardian signature Print name Date
*I promise to be prepared each every day with a lesson that is geared toward making the student self-sufficient, literate, prepared for success in college a career.
*I promise to respect individual differences among students, yet treat each student equally when it comes to assigning work giving grades. Not every student will have the same assignments, but all will perform equal work to receive grades.
*I promise to contact parents/guardians at the first sign of difficulty in attendance, work habits or behavior in order to remedy the situation before the students render themselves unable to pass the class.
*I promise not to pass any student who does not deserve to pass the class, realizing that doing so is a disservice to everyone.
*I promise to allow students time to make up work be available for help during office hours, which are Tues & Thurs in Rm 606 from 2:15-3:15 p.m.
X______Jennifer Crozier______7-24-15______
Teacher signature Print name Date