Multiple Measures3
Educator Performance Rating System4
Educator Plans5
EIP Domains6-11
EIP Forms:
A – Self-Assessment12-13
B – Multiple Measures Year Plan14
C – Peer Observation Application15
D – Pre-Observation Conference16
E – Home Visiting Observation Tool 17
F – Natural Environment Observation 18-21
G – Post Observation Reflection Form22
H – Formal Observation Summary23
I – Informal Observation Summary23
J – Mid Year Conference Summary24
K – EIP Guiding Questions by Domain25-29
L – EIP Teacher Evaluation30-31
M – Self Directed Growth Plan32
N - Directed Growth/Improvement Plan33
Domain 1. Planning and Preparationa. Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy
b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Child Development and Individual Children
c. Developing Family Outcomes for IFSPs
d. Demonstrating Knowledge and Resources
e. Teacher is Responsible for Meeting All Timelines and Maintaining Compliance in Accordance to Early Start Mandates / Domain 2. Natural Environments
a. Teacher Creates an Environment of Respect with Parents/Caregivers
b. Teacher Provides Opportunities to Interact With Other Parents of Students With Special Needs
c. Teacher Provides Information About Resources Available in a Variety of Media Accessible to Families
d. Teacher Explains Parent’s Rights and Provides Opportunities for Parents to Participate in Education and Training Activities that Provide Information on the Service System Process
Domain 4. Professional Responsibilities
a. Reflecting on Teaching
b. Communicating with Families
c. Growing and Developing Professionally
d. Demonstrates Cultural Competence
e. Coordination of Services with Partnering Agencies / Domain 3. Instruction
a. Teacher Utilizes Inquiry and Listening Skills to Empower Parents to Identify Their Individual Family Needs, and Desired Outcomes for Their Child.
b. Demonstrates Developmentally Appropriate, Play Based Practices and Techniques to Parents/Caregivers to Enhance Their Child’s Development
c. Uses Multi-Disciplinary Assessments to Plan for Elements of IFSP Development
EIP Teacher Self-Assessment Form
Name / Supervisor / Date DevelopedThe purpose of the Self-Assessment is to allow educators to reflect on their practice, identifying their own professional strengths and areas of development. Your Self-Assessment will lead directly into your Integrated Professional Learning System Goals. Before completing the Self-Assessment, review any prior evaluations (especially last year’s) including feedback from your prior evaluation, parent survey’s, and other local data. The areas of strengths and areas of development should be aligned with competencies in the EIP Teacher Rubrics.
Using the Charlotte Danielson’s aligned teaching rubrics for EIP teachers, for each domain identify at least one competency as strength and at least one as an area for development. Using previous evaluations and any other relevant information, provide a rationale for why you chose these competencies.
Summary of Each Domain
Domain 1. Planning and Preparationa. Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy
b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Child Development and Individual Children
c. Developing Family Outcomes for IFSPs
d. Demonstrating Knowledge and Resources
e. Teacher is Responsible for Meeting All Timelines and Maintaining Compliance in Accordance to Early Start Mandates / Domain 2. Natural Environments
a. Teacher Creates an Environment of Respect with Parents/Caregivers
b. Teacher Provides Opportunities to Interact With Other Parents of Students With Special Needs
c. Teacher Provides Information About Resources Available in a Variety of Media Accessible to Families
d. Teacher Explains Parent’s Rights and Provides Opportunities for Parents to Participate in Education and Training Activities that Provide Information on the Service System Process
Domain 4. Professional Responsibilities
a. Reflecting on Teaching
b. Communicating with Families
c. Growing and Developing Professionally
d. Demonstrates Cultural Competence
e. Coordination of Services with Partnering Agencies / Domain 3. Instruction
a. Teacher Utilizes Inquiry and Listening Skills to Empower Parents to Identify Their Individual Family Needs, and Desired Outcomes for Their Child.
b. Demonstrates Developmentally Appropriate, Play Based Practices and Techniques to Parents/Caregivers to Enhance Their Child’s Development
c. Uses Multi-Disciplinary Assessments to Plan for Elements of IFSP Development
Teacher Self-Assessment – Professional Practice
Domain / Professional Practice Strength / Professional Practice Area for DevelopmentDomain 1
and Preparation
Domain 2
Natural Environments
Domain 3
Domain 4
Professional Responsibilities
SCOE System for Teacher Effectiveness and Growth (STEP)
Early Intervention Teacher Multiple Measures Year Plan
Teacher Name:Signature: ______
Multiple Measures & Percentage / SMART Goal & Rationale / Evidence to CollectDomain 4:
Professional Responsibilities
Teacher Selected
Domains 1-3
Program Goal
Child Outcomes That Show Growth
Formal Observations in the Child’s Natural Environment (20%) / N/A / N/A
Professional Growth Plan Year: ______
Self-Directed Growth Plan
Directed Growth Plan
Improvement Plan
Developing Educator Plan
SCOE System for Teacher Effectiveness and Professional-Growth (STEP)
Peer Observation Application
Name: Date:
- Please indicate your interests: (you may choose both)
I am interested in having a Peer-Observer. (answer #2-5)
I am interested in being a Peer-Observer. (answer all)
I am interested in being a STEP Committee member.
- Briefly describe your teaching experience including context areas/grade level assignments.
- How many years have you taught in SCOE?
- What is your current assignment and program?
- What do you hope to get out of this experience?
- Would you be able to attend the trainings?
- Do you currently have a 50% or more teaching assignment?
*Release time during the regular scheduled workday will be provided to the Peer Observer to participate in training, calibration, and collaboration time with the Evaluatee. Hours beyond the regular workday will be considered as professional development activities as defined in Article 10.7.
SCOE System for Teacher Effectiveness and Professional Growth (STEP)
Early Intervention Teachers Pre-Observation Conference
Interview Protocol: In order to provide a rating in Domain 1: Planning and Preparation, the evaluator meets with the teacher prior to the formal observation to discuss the components. The teacher demonstrates their skill in designing instruction, instructional outcomes, and assessments, as well as knowledge of content, pedagogy, individual children, and appropriate resources. The pre-conference is a time for the teacher to share the purpose of the home visit and how this will support the attainment of the parent identified “child outcomes”. The teacher should be able to answer the questions below.
- Initials of the student you will be working with: Date of Birth:
- What are some of this child’s unique challenges?
- What is/are the specific “child outcome(s)” you will be addressing during the home visit you will be observed?
- How will you engage the child and parent in the learning?
- How and when will you know that the “child outcome” has been met?
- What specific resources will you use or share with the parent during this home visit?
- Are there any cultural considerations that I should be aware of?
- Is there anything you would like me to specifically observe during the home visit? Things to watch for?
Evaluatee Signature: ______Date: ______
Evaluator Signature: ______Date: ______
SCOE System for Teacher Effectiveness and Professional Growth (STEP)
Home Visiting Observation Tool for Early Intervention Teachers
Date: / Teacher:Child: / Natural Environment:
Anecdotal Evidence
What is the teacher doing/saying? / What is the child/parent(s) doing/saying?
Questions, Comments:
SCOE System for Teacher Effectiveness and Professional Growth (STEP)
Early Intervention Teacher Natural Environment Observation Form
Name: Date:
DOMAIN #1: Planning and Preparation
Standard Components / Unsatisfactory / Basic / Proficient / Distinguished1a. Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy
1b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
1c. Developing Family Outcomes (for IFSP)
1d. Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources
1e. Teacher is Responsible for Meeting All Timelines and Maintaining Compliance with Early Start Mandates
Domain 1 TOTALS
SCOE System for Teacher Effectiveness and Professional Growth (STEP)
Early Intervention Teacher Natural Environment Observation Form
DOMAIN #2: Natural Environments
Standard Components / Unsatisfactory / Basic / Proficient / Distinguished2a. Teacher Creates an Environment of Respect and Rapport with Parents and Caregivers
2b. Teacher Provides Opportunities to Interact With Other Parents of Children With Special Needs
2c. Teacher Provides Information About Resources Available in a Variety of Media Accessible to Families
2d. Teacher Explains Parent’s Rights and Provides Opportunities for Parents to Participate in Education and Training Activities that Provide Information on the Service System Process
Domain 2 TOTALS
SCOE System for Teacher Effectiveness and Professional Growth (STEP)
Early Intervention Teacher Natural Environment Observation Form
DOMAIN #3: Instruction
Standard Components / Unsatisfactory / Basic / Proficient / Distinguished3a. Teacher Utilizes Inquiry and Listening Skills to Empower Parents to Identify Their Individual Family Needs and Desired Outcome for their Child
3b. Demonstrates Developmentally Appropriate, Play Based Practices and Techniques to Parents/Caregivers to Enhance Their Child’s Development
3c. Utilizes Multi-Disciplinary Assessments to Plan for Elements of IFSP Development
Domain 3 TOTALS
SCOE System for Teacher Effectiveness and Professional Growth (STEP)
Early Intervention Teacher Natural Environment Observation Form
DOMAIN #4: Professional Responsibilities
Standard Components / Unsatisfactory / Basic / Proficient / Distinguished4a. Reflecting on
4b. Communicating With
4c. Growing and
4d. Demonstrates
4e. Coordination of
Services With
Partnering Agencies
Domain 4 TOTALS
SCOE System for Teacher Effectiveness and
Professional Growth (STEP) Post Observation Reflection Form
Teacher: Date:
Interview Protocol for Post-Conference Reflection
(Note: Use Form G for Reflection & Completion)
- Overall did you achieve the outcomes that you planned for your home visit today?
- Did you depart from your plan? If so, how and why?
- Was there anything you would change or do differently in regards to this home visit?
- Will you plan to reinforce some of the information you went over with the parent, if so what will that look like?
- Describe any techniques you demonstrated with the child for the parent?
- What will be your plan of approach for your next visit? List any resources you plan to share or supports you plan to provide as next steps.
SCOE System for Teacher Effectiveness and Professional Growth (STEP)
Post Observation Evaluator’s Summary
Framework for Teaching / Unsatisfactory / Basic / Proficient / DistinguishedDomain 1: Planning and Preparation
Domain 2: Natural Environments
Domain 3:
Comments from Evaluator
Home Visit Purpose Summary:Observations:
Evaluatee Signature: ______Date: ______
Evaluator Signature: ______Date: ______
SCOE System for Teacher Evaluation and
Professional Growth (STEP)Mid-Year Conference Form
Evidence Collected / Mid-Year Self Reflection / Degree of Achievement(complete during conference)
Domain #4: Professional Responsibilities
Domain #1-3: Teacher Selected
Program Goal
Child Outcomes that Show Growth
Formal Home Visit Observations
Evaluator Feedback:
Evaluatee Signature: ______Date: ______
Evaluator Signature: ______Date: ______
Domain 1:PlanningandPreparation1a: Demonstratingknowledgeofcontentandpedagogy / PossibleGuidingQuestions:
- Specifically,what doyouexpectthestudenttoknowandhowdoyoumakeconnectionstothe PACore Standards?
- Whatthingsdoyouroutinelydotoextendyourcontent knowledge inthesubject/subjectsyou teach?
- Describe theprocessyouuseasyouplanyourdailylessons.
- Whatstrategiesdoyou usetocheckstudents’ priorknowledgeandpossible misconceptionsasyou begin the studyofanewconcept?
- Howdoyouadaptinstructionforthosestudentswhoneedextra timeandalternativestrategiestomaster aconcept?
- Whatenrichmentisavailableforthosewhohavemasteredtheconceptyouare teaching?
1b:Demonstrating knowledge ofstudents / Possible GuidingQuestions:
- Isthereanythingaboutyour classofstudentsIshouldknowbeforeIcomein?
- Tell meaboutyourgreatestchallenges withyourstudentsandthestrategiesyouare usingtomeet thosechallenges.
- Whatresources doyou use/needtosupportall thevariedneedsofyour students?
- Use evidence tocitesome successesyou haveachievedwithat-riskstudentsbydifferentiatingyourpractice.
- Whatresourcesare welacking inour school thatyoucouldusetoimprovestudentlearning?
1c:Developing Family Outcomes (for EIP) / Possible Guiding Questions:
- After you look at the standards you are teaching toward, how do you determine the goals you will set for your students?
- What are the most important considerations in planning your instruction?
- What options are available for students who need extra support and time to meet the instructional goals and those who may have already mastered them?
- What are you going to be listening for as you listen to students working together?
1d:Demonstratingknowledgeofresources / PossibleGuidingQuestions:- Howdoyoucommunicateandworkcooperatively withparents,counselors,industry (CTC)andothersinthecommunity, andbeyondtoaddressyour students’needs?
- Whatresources doyouvisit mostoftenwhenyouplaninstruction?
- Howdoyouhelpyour students,parents,receivesupportwhenitis
1e:Teacher is responsible for meeting all timelines and maintaining compliance with early start mandates / PossibleGuidingQuestions:
- Howdoyour lessons alignwithPACoreStandards?
- Asthedesignerofyourclassroominstruction,howdoyouplantomeettheneedsandinterests ofallofyourstudentstogive themvariedexperienceandkeepthemengaged andmotivatedtolearn?
- Howistimeallocated towork cooperativelywithotherteacherstobesurethatyourinstructionisalignedwithstudents’ previousknowledgesothat theycanmake connections fordeeperunderstanding?
- Whatsupport isavailablefor thestudentswhomay notmasteraconceptthefirst timeitistaught?
- Describetheprocessanddesignofyour lessonplans. How doyou planwithyourcolleagues, observeotherteachers’lessonsorcooperativelystudylessonstomaximize student achievementandreflect onyourpractice?
- Howdoyou meet theneedsandinterests ofyourstudents,keepingthemengagedand motivated?
Domain2:TheClassroomEnvironment2a:Teacher creates an environment of respect and rapport with parents and caregivers / PossibleGuidingQuestions:
- Howdoyoumodelrespectfulbehaviorforyourstudents?
- Whatbarrierstoappropriatebehaviordoyouencounterandwhathaveyoudoneto minimizethem?
- Howdoyoucultivatecommunicationandrapportwithandamongallofyourstudents?
2b:Teacher provides opportunities to interact with other parents of children with special needs / PossibleGuidingQuestions:
- Inwhatwayshaveyouestablishedacultureforlearninginyourclassroom?
- Studentengagementisaboutthenatureoftheworkandwhodoesit. Inwhatwaysdo youencourageyourstudentstobeactiveparticipants?
- Inadditiontotheplannedlesson,howhaveyoucreatedanenvironmentinwhichstudentscanpursueknowledgeoftheirowninterests?
2c:Teacher provides information about resources available in a variety of media accessible to families / PossibleGuidingQuestions:
- Whatritualsandroutineshaveyouencouragedinyourclassroomtosetatoneof respectfulbehavior?
- Howdoyouencourageyourstudentstosharerolesandresponsibilitieswithnon- instructionalroutinesforefficientclassroomoperations?
- Whencollaborativegroupingoccurs,howdoyoumanageequitablegoalsforallgroup memberstoshareinthelearningprocess?
2d:Teacher explains parent’s rights and provides opportunities for parents to participate in education and training activities that provide information on the service system process / PossibleGuidingQuestions:
- Describeyourstudentbehaviorplan/positivebehaviormanagementprogram.Isitclear, consistent,fair,appropriateandpreventive?
- Haveyourstudentssharedtheresponsibilityfordeterminingtheplan?
- Whatisthemostpersistentbehaviorprobleminyourclassroom? Whatareyour currentsolutions?
EIP Guiding Questions
Domain3:Instruction3a:Teacher utilizes inquiry and listening skills to empower parents to identify their individual family needs and desired outcome for their child / PossibleGuidingQuestions:
- Whatstrategiesdoyouusetocheckstudents’misconceptionsasyoubeginthestudyof anewconcept?
- Howdoyoumaximizestudentunderstandingthrough:
- Howdoyouencouragestudentstoshare?
- Howareyouutilizingtechnologiesinyourclassroom?
3b:Demonstrates developmentally appropriate, play based practices and techniques to parents/caregivers to enhance their child’s development / PossibleGuidingQuestions:
- Explainhowyourclassesareacombinationofmini-lessonswithopportunitiesfor studentengagement;reflectionandsharingthatgobeyondmemorizationoffacts.
- Howdoyouprovidestudentswithpracticeinbeinggoodconsumersof informationby:
3c:Utilizes multi-disciplinary assessments to plan for elements of IFSP development / PossibleGuidingQuestions:
- Inyourplanning,howdoyoudeterminegroupsofstudentswhoworkcooperatively?
- WhatkindsofthingswillIhearthatwillbeevidenceofahighlevelofrigorduringthislesson?
- Whatactivitiesareplannedtohelpstudentstoreachadifferentlevelof understanding?
Domain4:ProfessionalResponsibilities4a:Reflectingonteaching / PossibleGuidingQuestions:
- Inwhatwayshaveyoureflectedontheobservedlesson?
- Whatprofessionaldevelopmentcontributedtothestrategiesyouusedduringthe lesson?
- Inretrospect,whatwouldyoudodifferently?
- Wouldyoubewillingtoshareyoureffectivepracticeswithyourpeers?
- Inwhatwaysareyou,asateacher,helpingyourdistricttogrow?
4b:Communicating with families / PossibleGuidingQuestions:
- Describethesystemyouuseformanagingthedailyinformationyoucollectconcerning yourstudents’instructionandneeds.
- Inwhatwaysdostudentshaveopportunitiestoviewandmaintaintheirassessment information?
- Howisindividualprogresssharedand/orcelebratedwithstudents?
- Howdoyouusedatatoguideyourplanningandinstruction?
4c:Growing and developing professionally / PossibleGuidingQuestions:
- Describeyourroleinourschoolasaprofessionallearningcommunity?
- Whatopportunitiesdoyouhavetoshareclassroomresearchandsuccesseswithyourcolleagues?
- Howwouldyoudescribethecontextofourschoolandouropportunitiesfor improvement?
4d:Demonstrates cultural competence / PossibleGuidingQuestions:
- Areyouamemberofanyprofessionalorganizations?
- Doyousubscribetoanyeducationalresearchjournals?
- Whatdoyouseeasurgentissuesnowinthefieldofeducation?
- Howwouldyoudescribeyourschooltoanewfamilyinthedistrict?
4e:Coordination of services with partnering agencies / PossibleGuidingQuestions:
- Whatdoyoubelievetobethecharacteristicsofanexemplaryteacher?
- Whatareyourpersonalgoalstomaintainyourprofessionalism?
SCOE’s STEP EIP Teacher Evaluation Form
Multiple Measures
Domain #4Summary of Evidence / Unsatisfactory
(1 Point) / Basic
(2 points) / Proficient
(3 points) / Distinguished
(4 points) / Total out of
4 possible points
#4 Professional Responsibilities /
Danielson Framework Domain – Summary of Evidence / Check Teacher – Selected Domain* / Unsatisfactory (1 Point) / Basic(2 Points) / Proficient
(3 Points) / Distinguished (4 Points) / Total out of 4 possible points
#1: Planning &
Preparation /
#2: Environment
#3: Instruction
Summary of Evidence / Unsatisfactory(1 point) / Basic
(2 points) / Proficient
(3 points) / Distinguished
(4 points) / Total out of 4 possible points
School/Program Goal /
Summary of Evidence / Unsatisfactory(1 point) / Basic
(2 points) / Proficient
(3 points) / Distinguished
(4 points) / Total out of 4 possible points
Child Outcomes That Show Growth /
(1 point) / Basic
(2 points) / Proficient
(3 points) / Distinguished
(4 points) / Total out of 4 Possible Points
Instruction /
Multiple Measures Summary
Professional ResponsibilitiesDomain 4 / Teacher Selected
Domains 1-3 / Program Goal / Child Outcomes That Show Growth / Home Visit Observations / Total Points for all Multiple Measures
4 points
possible / 4 points
possible / 4 points possible / 4 points
possible / 4 points
possible /
Points: / Points: / Points: / Points: / Points:
Areas of Strength:
Areas For Development:
Educator Performance Rating:
(see Handbook Page 71)
18 – 20 Distinguished
15 – 17 Proficient
11 – 14 Basic
0 – 10 Unsatisfactory / Educator Plan for Next Year:
(see Handbook Page 72)
Self-Directed Growth Plan
Directed Growth Plan
Improvement Plan
Full Evaluation
Evaluatee Signature: ______Date: ______
Evaluator Signature: ______Date: ______
Self-Directed Growth Plan End of Year Reflection
The Self-Directed Growth Plan applies to educators rated Proficient or Distinguished and is developed by the educator and mutually agreed upon with administrator. Educators with a Proficient or Distinguished Rating will be on a two-year plan. Additionally, there will be opportunities for Proficient or Distinguished teachers to opt-in for peer observation and feedback conversations. Educators who receive Distinguished Rating will receive incentives, additional opportunities, etc.Two-year plan for Self-Directed Growthentails for Year 1 all Multiple Measures. Year 2 of the Self-Directed Growth Plan may consist of:
·Continuation of Year 1 goals (with summative end of year evidence)
·Self-selected new goals (with summative end of year evidence)
Employee Name:
School Year:
- September 10th evaluatee to complete goals and submit to supervisor by September 30th.
- September 30th evaluatee and supervisor to complete planning conference.
- April 15th, evaluatee to complete Form M and share with supervisor.
- By May 1st supervisor submits final Form M to Human Resources.
My SMART Goal(s) / Applicable Domain, Standard or Competency / Evidence collected / Employee Reflection
Education Plan for next school Year: Continued Self Direct Growth Plan
Full Evaluation
Evaluatee Signature: ______Date: ______
Evaluator Signature: ______Date: ______
Directed Growth/Improvement Plan