Planning should include:
Clear focused objectives for the main part and the starter
Questions / activities that develop children’s speaking, listening and using and applying skills
A range of learning styles / approaches
Progression in learning
Reference to key vocabulary
Possible APP assessment opportunities
Differentiated activities
Does the activity allow the children to meet the lesson objective (or part of it)?
What is the difference in learning between the ability groups towards achieving the lesson objective?
Is the activity appropriate to the level of the children within the different ability groups?
It can be useful to include, next to the ability group, the range of levels of the children within each group e.g.
LA (2C-2A), MA (2A-3B), HA (3B–4B)
How will the information you receive about the children’s understanding in the plenary, direct where the learning should go next?
If children do not reach, or exceed expectations, what happens next?
Success criteria
How will the children and you know that the objective has been understood and achieved?
Often in mathematics this takes the form of process success criteria, which will support the children in achieving the lesson objective e.g.
Objective – to mentally add two 2-digit numbers together such as 36 and 58
Process success criteria – step 1 – partition the two numbers into tens and ones (units) 30 + 6 50 + 8
step 2 – add together the tens numbers 30 + 50 = 80
step 3 – add together the ones (units) numbers 6 + 8 = 14
step 4 – add the two separate answers together 80 + 14 = 94
Sometimes, there isn’t a process to support children in achieving the objective, at which point a specific question may be an appropriate measure of children’s success e.g.
Objective – to know that division is the inverse of multiplication
Success criteria – explain how you could work out this: 4 x 9 = ?x 6
NB - If the children are able to answer the success criteria question when it is presented at the beginning of the lesson, then the objective and activities may not be appropriate for the children.
YEAR 1Counting and rapid recall focus –
Using and applying objective(s) -
Starter objective and activity
(class issue, prior learning, revisiting, ass’ment gathering) / Main objective, direct teaching and differentiated activity incl. deployment of TA and teacher
(use I can… statements as basis for objectives, teaching guidance for main teaching ideas, learning overview and teaching guidance for activities) / Success criteria
(process or key assessment question) / Plenary/AfL(use AfL prompts and/or Pitch and Expectations and/or Overcoming Barriers questions as stimulus for discussion)) / Evaluation(chn exceeding / not reaching expectations and next steps for these chn)
Objective / Activity
1 / Main teaching / Child initiated maths opportunities to enhance learning
Differentiated adult led activity
HA –
MA –
LA –
2 / Main teaching
Differentiated adult led activity
HA –
MA –
LA –
3 / Main teaching
Differentiated adult led activity
HA –
MA –
LA –
4 / Main teaching
Differentiated adult led activity
HA –
MA –
LA –
5 / Main teaching
Differentiated adult led activity
HA –
MA –
LA –
Continuous provision – managed mathematical opportunities (not all areas would be expected to be seen)
Water / Sand / Small worldConstruction / Malleable / Outdoor
Role play / Creative / ICT