PS 19 PTAJudithK. Weiss School Executive Board
4318 Katonah Avenue Patricia Corso/Nnenna Franciamore–Co-President
Bronx, NY 10470 Lisa Flanagan - Vice President
718-324-1924 Mona Harris - Recording Secretary
Website: Elizabeth Ryan- Treasurer
Email: info@ps019ptacom Aisling Moriarty – Financial Secretary
October28, 2016
P.S. 19 PTA General Membership Meeting Minutes
October 26th 2016
Patricia Corso, Nnenna Franciamore, Mona Harris, Lisa Flanagan, Elizabeth Ryan, Aisling Moriarty,
see attached for general members in attendance.
Pledge of Allegiance:
Led by the Children
Call to Order:
Reading and Approving of Minutes:
Motion:To adopt September 2016 meeting minutes into record after reading aloud.
Disposition: Approved by show of hands
Principal’s Report:
- Current Register 516 Students.
- End of first marking term is 10/27
- Parent Teacher Conferences will be held November 3rd. 1-3pm and 5-8pm.
- Open School Week will be held November 14-18th
- Book Fair will take place November 14-18th.
- Sonic program for Grade 6-8 afterschool
- Story Theatre will continue only with funding.
- Funds received form Project Boost, programs to start next week.
- Halloween Parade will take place October 31st at 1:15pm
- The lost and found is already overflowing. Please put names on jackets etc. so items can be returned to students.
- Water on the 3rd floor is still turned off.
President’s Report:
- Motion:To approve Halloween pizza party for grades 5-8 on October 31st.
Disposition: Approved by show of hands
- Motion:To approve Halloween Parade costume prizes for grades k-4 on October 31st.
Disposition: Approved by show of hands
- Motion: To Purchase Paper and ink for flyers
Disposition: Approved by show of hands
- Motion: To allocate carnival money to help pay for trip during state test.
Disposition: Approved by show of hands
- Motion:To allocate carnival money to buy mats for the kindergarten classes.
Disposition: Approved by show of hands
- Picture day will take place on October 28th with retakes in January 2017.
Treasurer’s Report:
- Report was distributed at the meeting.
- Annual Donations are starting to come in.
Committee Reports:
- Fundraisers:
- Bake Sale: $524.Upcoming Dates: November 18th, December 9th. Volunteers Needed.
- Penny Social – Date set for February 11th 2017. If you know of anyone willing to donate, please contact any member of the Executive Board.
- Box Tops: $299. Continue to send in your box tops. Remember to lets us know your child’s name and class.
- 50/50 Raffle: $50. $25 won by member.
- Next SLT Meeting 11/16 at 3pm
Old Business:
New Business:
Dates to Remember:
Tuesday 2.35-3.20pm Teachers are available by appointment
11/2Executive Board Meeting 7:00pm PS19 Cafeteria
11/3Parent Teacher Conferences
11/4TACHS Test
11/8Election Day (No School for Students)
11/11Veterans Day(School Closed)
11/14-18Book Fair
11/14-18Open School Week
11/16PTA General Meeting 7:00pm PS19 Auditorium
11/18Bake Sale
11/24-25Thanksgiving Recess (School Closed)
The PS 19 PTA is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax deductible.
100% of the funds directly benefit students attending P.S. 19 Judith K. Weiss School.