03B Test Plan – Visual Basic.NET I

03B Test Plan

ITP 112 Visual Basic .NET I -- Mrs. Eaton -- Spring 2008

General Instructions: Same as week 1. Points: ______of 30


#5 Theater Revenue (10 points)

·  (1 point) Open the .vbprog file using Visual Studio. Look at the property panel to complete the table.
Control / Property / Value
Text box – Adult Price / Name
Text box – Adult tickets / Name
Text box – Child Price / Name
Text box – Child tickets / Name
·  (2 points) Look at the code window. Is the program documentation included at the top? If no, circle what is missing, otherwise write yes.
Programmer, Purpose, Input, Process, Output, ID
·  (1 point) What is the name of the constant used to hold the 20% used to calculate the theater net sales?______
·  (0 points) Run the application. If the application does not run, then write down the error message, otherwise write OK.
·  (2 points) With the application still running, open Word and do a screen capture of the GUI. (Alt+PrtScrn to capture a window, then paste). Save and print the Word document. List any GUI elements that are different from Figure 3-62 on page 185, otherwise write OK. Be very picky here.
·  (3 points) Using the following test data, write the answer calculated by the program. Write answer exactly as displayed by the program.
Ticket Sales / Amount
Price per Adult Ticket / $7.50
Adult Tickets Sold / 480
Price per Child Ticket / $4.50
Child Tickets Sold / 120
Revenue / Amount
Gross Adult Ticket Sales
Gross Child Ticket Sales
Total Gross Revenue
Net Adult Ticket Sales
Net Child Ticket Sales
Total Net Revenue
·  (2 points) Select File then Print from the menu bar to display the print dialog box. Print the code. Does the code calculate the revenue and format correctly?

#6 Centigrade to Fahrenheit (10 points) Design Your Own Form

·  ( 0 points) Run the application. If the application does not run, then write down the error message, otherwise write OK.
·  (3 points) With the application still running, open Word and do a screen capture of the GUI. (Alt+PrtScrn to capture a window, then paste). Save and print the Word document.
·  (2 points) Open the .vbprog file using Visual Studio. Look at the property window to complete the table.
Control / Property / Value
Form / Text
Text box – Centigrade Temperature / Name
Label – Fahrenheit Temperature / Name
Button - Convert / Name
Button - Clear / Name
Button - Exit / Name
·  (1 points) Look at the code window. Is the program documentation complete and included at the top? If no, circle what is missing, otherwise write yes. Programmer, Purpose, Input, Process, Output, ID
·  (2 points) Using the following test data, write the answer calculated by the program.
Centigrade / Fahrenheit
·  (2 points) Select File then Print from the menu bar to display the print dialog box. Print the code. Does the code calculate the Fahrenheit temperature and format correctly?

#10 Pizza Pi (10 points) Design Your Own Form

·  ( 0 points) Run the application. If the application does not run, then write down the error message, otherwise write OK.
·  (3 points) With the application still running, open Word and do a screen capture of the GUI. (Alt+PrtScrn to capture a window, then paste). Save and print the Word document.
·  (2 points) Open the .vbprog file using Visual Studio. Look at the property window to complete the table.
Control / Property / Value
Form / Text
Text box – Pizza Diameter / Name
Label – Number of Slices / Name
Button - Calculate / Name
Button - Clear / Name
Button - Exit / Name
·  (1 points) Look at the code window. Is the program documentation complete and included at the top? If no, circle what is missing, otherwise write yes. Programmer, Purpose, Input, Process, Output, ID
·  (2 points) Using the following test data, write the answer calculated by the program.
Diameter of Pizza / Number of Slices
·  (2 points) Select File then Print from the menu bar to display the print dialog box. Print the code. Does the code calculate the number of slices and format correctly?

Submission Instructions

Staple together in the following order and submit. Subtract 3 points from your total score for any item that is missing below.
·  Self-test on top for #4 Theater Revenue.
·  Your printed code for #4
·  The buddy test of your program for #4.
·  Self-test for #6 Centigrade to Fahrenheit.
·  Your printed code for #6
·  The buddy test of your program for #6.
·  Self-test for #10 Pizza Pi.
·  Your printed code for #10.
·  The buddy test of your program for #10.
·  Printed word document with the screen captures of the VB GUIs.

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