Hamlet of Crystal Bay/Sunset Beach
Minutes of Annual General Meeting – May 19, 2013
Meeting called to order at 11:05 am by Chair Len Chmelyk. Hamlet Board members Rick Albert and Brad Gilbert also attended. Cabin owners who signed the register totaled 57.
- Introductions and Opening Remarks
- Chair introduced Councillor Evelyn Bloom, RM representative.
- Thank you to Ab Truss and Virginia Iampen for the use of their garage for meeting.
- Thank you to Ron Harris and Joanne Schlekewy for the work they do for the hamlet and its members. They do much above and beyond, and are a pleasure to work with.
- Pearl Morrison, cabin owner, is taking the minutes.
- This year our lake community lost three members: Dieter Lindner, John Dezanger and Dr. Nattress. Condolences to their families.
- Reminder that eligible voters are cabin owners, spouses and those named on title.
- Agenda
- Motion to accept agenda with the following additions: Grid road,PARCS workshop, building permits, swim lessons, volunteers. Moved by Karen Albert, seconded by Mark Schmeltzer. Carried.
- Minutes of 2012 AGM
- Motion to accept 2012 AGM minutes as posted on the RM website. Moved by Norm Perret, seconded by Virginia Iampen. Carried.
- Budget 2013
- Rick presented the Budget 2013; copies were distributed.
- Discussion: hamlet board planning to add shed-style sun shelter at public beach – will be getting quotes – discussion about location, maintenance, ability for families to book for use; administration includes mileage, picnic, printer/copier; public utility board has requested $5000.
- Motion to approve the 2013 Budget as distributed. Moved by John Morrison, seconded by Ian Carleton. Carried.
- Hamlet Board Reports
- Break ins: In June 2012 two cabins were broken into twice in 2-3 weeks, a car was stolen and many sheds were broken into. Please be vigilant and watch for people who do not belong here. Phone the RCMP if you see or hear anything suspicious.
- Boat launch: In late August 2012, because the boat launch was unusable, boaters were driving through vegetation in front of neighbouring cabins to launch, eroding vegetation with resulting terrible smell. Use of the boat launch area was up dramatically with many putting boats in and out the same day. The hamlet board got a permit to revamp the boat launch, and moved the first 4 concrete pads in front of the last two toward the lake, moved the large boulders out of the way. Work was done on Oct. 4, 2012. Two weeks ago added gravel and crushed sand and gravel over rocks. Total cost $2350.
- Willow Bay Road: Brad reported. The road was upgraded in 2012 at a total cost of $30,000. This year deadfall will be cleaned up and fresh gravel will be spread.
- Unfinished Business
- SK Environment Permits: Gord Sedgewick is no longer responsible for permits; Bev Hathaway at the Water Security Agency in Regina is now responsible. It is no longer possible to obtain a group permit as we had the last few years; now each cabin owner must apply for their own permit. Application forms are available to pick up today. The Hamlet Board will send in a map of CBSS so each cabin owner does not need to do that. Submit Vegetation Removal Application to:
- Email:
- Mail: Water Security Agency
3211 Albert St
Regina SK S4S 5W6
- Questions: contact Beverly Hathaway
- Phone: 306-787-9246
- Fax: 306-787-0024
- Website:
- Grid Road: Last year there was a motion asking the RM to complete the hard surface and to add guardrails. The RM was not willing to do so as it would be too costly. Evelyn Bloom, RM Councillor, said this has not been discussed this year; she will raise it with Council.
- New Business
- Property Taxes: Brad reported on discussions he’d had with the RM about the new property assessments. For recreation property, 70% of the assessed value is taxed. The RM has a minimum tax on land of $400, improvements are then taxed at whatever the mill rate is for the year (currently estimated to be 3.4), the education mill rate is 5.03. Both mill rates are lower than they were last year. As an example of what difference this results in, Brad’s own taxes will increase by $166 this year.
- Water Board Contribution: Already approved as part of the budget.
- Speed Bumps: Propose to try two speed bumps along LakeshoreDrive to decrease speeding in the hamlet. Kopps Kove puts them on the road May long weekend and pulls them up Labour Day weekend. Discussion about location, cost, signage. Those at the meeting were generally in favour of trying these.
- Public Beach Shelter: Discussed in the budget discussion.
- Emergency Response Plan: Spoke with RM about plan. Concerns with severe weather, and that some properties have few options (e.g., trailers, no basements). Discussion about having muster station(s), need to exercise plans so people know them, need to coordinate plan with municipality and first responders in area, learn from others. Request for those willing to work on a plan to speak to Len.
- Cabin Identification/Map: Brad spoke to need for location finding for first responders in emergencies and medical emergencies. Request for a small committee to determine how to do this. Virginia Iampen, Teri-Lynn Mackie and Karen Albert volunteered.
- Information Only
- Hamlet BBQ: Will be held Friday, August 2nd, 11 am – 1 pm at Public Beach (August long weekend). If have company, bring them. Had ~100 last year.
- Dog Issues: Last year a number of issues with strays and dogs running loose. Some went home with families; some went to Lloydminster SPCA (no charge if say from CBSS, RM of Mervin). Evelyn will check if RM has same agreement with North Battleford SPCA. RM has dog bylaw, but is onerous to use; need photos and go to court. Suggest putting up signs. Important for dog owners to clean up after dogs. Residents agreed that dogs must be under the care and control of their owners at all times.
- RV Parking: About 6-7 years ago, advised that RVs should not be parked on Lakeshore Drive for extended times (longer than 48 hours) due to safety concerns – it is difficult to see children and pets that are near road. Discussed use of boat parking area, and if someone has lot available for use, give names to Hamlet board who can notify people who are looking for parking.
- Fireworks: Last year some fireworks were being released over the bush area; major fire concern. Note that if there is a fire ban, no fireworks are allowed.
- Sign Vandalism: Signs have been removed and found in the bush, or have been damaged, leading to a need to replace them.
- RM of Mervin 100th Anniversary: Celebration on Sat. June 15 with supper and comedy show. Evelyn Bloom and the RM Office have tickets.
- PARCS Workshop: will be held on Sat. July 13, 1 pm at Dexter Hall, north end of Turtle Lake. See Len or Brad for further information.
- Building Permits: RM has changed format so that it is all done online now. Before sending to RM, give to Hamlet Board who must approve it – sending it to Hamlet Board first will save 2-3 weeks’ time. Note – the building permit must be approved before construction is begun.
- Swim Lessons: Being held at Public Beach July 15-26. Joanne Bannerman is the contact.
- Volunteers: Need volunteers to put in walkway, and buoys on public beach.
- RM website: rmofmervin.com
- It was agreed that “hot issues”, such as the concerns re dogs running loose and RVs parking on Lakeshore Drive, be posted on the Bulletin Board.
- Election of New Board Member
- Rick Albert has completed his term. Thanks to Rick for many, many years on both the Public Utility Board and Hamlet Board.
- Ab Truss nominatedMark Schmeltzer as a member of the Hamlet Board. John Morrison seconded.
- Motion that nominations cease. Moved by Ron Harris, seconded by Virginia Iampen. Carried.
- Mark Schmeltzer is the new CBSS Hamlet Board Member.
10. Adjournment: Motion that the meeting be adjourned. Moved by Rod Sellers, seconded by Cam Mackie. Adjourned at 12:30 pm.
Hamlet CBSS Minutes AGM 2013posted to rmofmervin.com 1