4.50 from Paddington, 677, 677.7

100 greatest paintings, 1073

100 greatest photographs, 1305

100 greatest portraits, 1184

101 stories [by O. Henry], 1105

1066 and all that, a memorable history of England, 673

1917 campaign, 1165

1984, 1069.5, 1123.3

Abelard, Pierre, Abelard and Heloise, 419

Abelard and Heloise, the story of his misfortunes and the personal letters, 419

Abrahams, William, 905, 920, 999

Abse, Danny, 994

Academy of Ancient Music, 418 A, 433A, 462, 469A, 491.5, 501 A, 523.9

Acceptance world, 1340

Account of experiences and observations in the Marquesas, Paumotus and Gilbert Islands, 1180

Account of the discovery of Tahiti, 75, 336

Acesta, Jose de, 491

Ackermann, Rudolph (publisher), A29

Ackroyd, Peter, 1135, 1200, 1210, 1289

Across the plains and travels from Scotland to California, 1180

Actions and reactions, and a diversity of creatures, 1260

Acton, Harold, 953

Adam Bede, 1000, 1000.1

Adams, Donald, 738

Adamson, Donald, 846

Addison, Joseph, Sir Roger de Coverly, 233

Additional Ms 42130, 1313

Address book, 1219

Admiralty, Court of, Laws of Oleron, 143.5

Admiralty Court sexcentenary, June 196o, list of subscribers, 143.5

Adventure (ship), 413

Adventures of David Balfour, 1298

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, 757

Adventures of Joseph Andrews, 56, 237.5, 818

Adventures of Oliver Twist, 539, 771, 1210

Adventures of Richard Hannay, 1138

Adventures of Robin Hood, 1083

Adventures of Roderick Random, 153

Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, 115, 750

Adventures of the five children, 794

Adventures of the treasure seekers, 762

Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 1273

Adventure stories from the 'Strand', 802

Advice to young men, 549

Aelius Lampridius see Lampridius, Aelius

Aelius Spartianus see Spartianus, Aelius

Aeneid, 756

Aeschylus, Oresteia, 540

Aesop, Fables, 958

AEthelwold, Saint, 1080

African adventures, 816

After many a summer, 471

After Pushkin, 994

Age of capital 1848-1873, 1247

Age of empire 1875-1914, 1247

Age of extremes 1914-1991, 1247

Age of illumination, 1182

Age of revolution, 1133

Age of revolution 1789-1848, 1247

Age of scandal, an excursion through a minor period, 741

Agnes Grey, 262

Aiken, Joan, 428, 520, 783, 1124

A is for ox, a short history of the alpha-bet, 1319

Aitken, Gillon R., 286

Akenfield, portrait of an English village, 1120

Aksakov, Serghei, Russian gentleman, 409

Alain-Fournier, Henri, Grand Meaulnes, the land of lost content, 454

A la recherche du temps perdu, 481.5, 1027

Albrecht Dtirer, paintings, drawings and prints, 271

Alcott, Lousia May, Little women, 228

Alderson, Brian, 1245

Aldington, Richard, 74, 76, 164, 448, 688

Aldiss, Brian, 1248

Aldus Manutius, 281, 1326

Alecto Historical Editions, 1153

Alexander, John T, Catherine the Great, life and legend, 1003

Alexander VI, Pope, 178

Alexander the Great, King of Macedonia, 275, 887, 965.5

Alexandra, Czarina of Russia, 1087

Alice B. Toklas cookbook, 753

Alice's adventures in Wonderland, 162, 679

Alighieri, Dante see Dante Alighieri

Allan Quatermain, 816

Allen, George, and Unwin Ltd see George Allen and Unwin Ltd

Allen, M.J. B. (MichaelJ. B.), 954, 1123.5

Allingham, Helen, 662

Allingham, William, Diaries, 662

All quiet on the western front, 217

All's well that ends well, 188, 407

Allt, Mary, 107

Almayer's folly, 167

Almayer's folly and tales of unrest, 1089

Alphabet exhibition, 272.5

Alphabet for gourmets, 1272

Altamirano, Ignacio Manuel, El Zarco the bandit, 107

Amateur emigrant and the Silverado squatters, 698

Ambassadors, 1292

Ambroise, Third crusade, 116, 148.7

Amelia, 818

Americaensche Zee-Roovers, 309

America in the making, glimpses of America before independence, 416.1

American senator, 777

American short stories, 905, 920, 999

Amis, John, 1134

Amory, Mark, 663

Amy Foster, 1005

Analysis of the hunting field, A29

Anatomy of melancholy, 1246

Ancient kingdoms of Peru, 1045, 1045.3

Andersen, Hans Christian, Complete tales, 1245. Fairy tales, 836

Andrews, Tim, 244

Anecdotes surM. la Comtesse du Barri, 87

Angelou, Maya, I know why the caged bird sings, 1034

Anglo-Saxon and medieval England, 908, 909

Anglo-Saxon elegies, 618

Anglo-Saxon England, 908, 909, 971

Animal Farm, a fairy story, 538

Anna Karenina, 374

Annals of Imperial Rome, 1335

Annan, Noel, 715

Anne Hughes: her boke, 486

Anne of Green Gables, 1169

Anthem for doomed youth, poets of the Great War, 1007

Antiquities of Athens, 510

Antony and Cleopatra, 46, 189.5, 4°7

Apocrypha, 1339

Appleyard, Bryan, 1201

Apuleius, Lucius, Transformation of Lucius, otherwise known as The golden ass, 137

Arabian love tales, 16

Arabian nights, 16, 124, 467, 991, 1154, 1164

Arabian sands, 1227

Arbiter, Petronius see Petronius Arbiter

Arc, Saint Joan of see Joan of Arc, Saint

Arce, Juan Ruiz de, 491

Aristotle, Ethics, 1141, 1168.2

Armadale, 733

Armesto, Felipe Fernandez- see Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe

Armstrong, William A., 1143

Arnim, Elizabeth von, Enchanted April, 1118

Arnold, Dr Thomas, 239, 449, 1024

Around the world in eighty days, 504

Arrianus, Flavius, Life of Alexander the Great, 275

Arrow of gold, a story between two notes, 1225

Ars amatoria, 208, 764

Artamonovs, 77

Art and illusion, a study in the psych-ology of pictorial representation, 1036

Arthur, 1078

Arthur, Max, 926

Art of love, 208, 764

Art of the book, 41.5

Asbjornsen, Peter Christen, 1049

Ashcroft, Dame Peggy, 241, 407, 423

Asher,Jane, 1043

Asher, Michael, 1048

Ashford, Daisy, Young visiters or Mr Salteenas plan, 92

Ashley, Maurice, 694

Ashley, Robert, 66, 670

Ask mamma, 70, 523.7

Aspern papers, 666

Assassins, a radical sect in Islam, 1267

Associated Booksellers, 90

Astrophel and Stella, 136

As you like it, 55, 135.5, 4°7

Atkins, Ian, 416.3

Atkins, Robert, 142, 407, 423

Atkinson, William C, 120, 150, 425

Atlas of the world, 703

At the court of the Borgia, being an account of the reign of Pope Alexander VI, 178

Atwood, Margaret, 1169

Aubert, Jacques, 925

Aubrey, John, Brief lives, a selection, 387. Worlds of John Aubrey, being a further selection of brief lives, 608

Aucassin and Nicolette, 3

Auchincloss, Louis, 777

Auden, W. H. (Wystan Hugh), Collected shorter poems 1927—1957, 1295

Augustan literature, a guide to Restoration and eighteenth century litera-ture: 1660-1789, 801

Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, Saint, Confessions, 746, 1323

Augustus Carp, Esq., 614

Aunts aren't gentlemen, 1047

Aurelius, Marcus (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus), Meditations, 1114

Austen, Jane, 247, 634. [Works], 375-381. Emma, 175, 380, 846.5. History of England, 765. Letters, 1127. Mansfield Park, 135, 377, 847. Northanger Abbey, 147, 378, 847. Persuasion, 157, 379, 847. Pride and prejudice, no, 375, 846.5, 1345. Sense and sensibility, 122, 376, 846.5. Shorter works, 189, 381, 847. Three classic novels, 846.5

Austen-Leigh, J. E., Memoir of Jane Austen, 634

Autobiography [by Anthony Trollope], 972

Autobiography in fact and fiction, 581

Autobiography of a French Protestant, 109

Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini, 218

Aveling, Eleanor Marx, 44, 903

Ayala's angel, 633

Ayling, Stanley, 940

Ayres, Pam, 868

Ayrton, Elizabeth, Royal favourites, recipes from palace kitchens, 304

Ayrton, Michael, 160, 175.5

Aztecs, 1045, 1045.7

Babylon, 1255, 1279.3

Babylonians, 985, 1009

Bacon, Francis, Essays or counsels, civil and moral, 1099. History of the reign of King Henry the Seventh, 299

Baehr, Johann Christian Felix, 724

Bage, Robert, Hermsprong or Man as he is not, 143

Bailey, F. M. (Frederick Manson), Mission to Tashkent, 968

Bailey, Martin, 1073, it84

Bain, Iain, 485

Balancing the powers, 955

Balbi di Correggio, Francisco, Siege of Malta 1565, 206

Baldick, Robert, 460

Ballet dancers, 146

Balzac, Honore de, Cousin Pons, 536. Droll stories, 149. Eugenie Grandet, 60

Banerji, Bibhutibhushan, Father pan- chali, song of the road, 305

Banks, Russell, 735

Baramidze, Alexander Georgievich, 420

Barbarian invasions of the Roman empire, 1019, 1020, 1062, 1063, 1095, !096, 1136, 1137

Barber, Malcolm, Trial of the Templars, 1158

Barber, Peter, Queen Mary atlas, commentary, 1245.5

Barber, Richard, 387, 441, 487, 585, 608, 726, 954, 1039, 1078, 1123.5, 1252, 1327

Barbero, Alessandro, Charlemagne, father of a continent, 1320

Barchester Towers, 410, 819, 946

Barker, Christopher, Portraits of poets, 581.7

Barker, Juliet, 1134. Brontes, a life in letters, 1281

Barker, Nicolas, 584

Barker, Sebastian, 581.7

Barlow, Frank, Thomas Becket, n 10

Barnaby Rudge, 587, 808, 1290

Barnard, John, 1051

Barnard, Robert, 677, 677.7, I094

Barnes, Jonathan, 1141, 1168.2

Barnes, Julian, 1231

Barnes, William, Dorset poems, 642

Barrack-room ballads, 692

Barraclough, Geoffrey, Crucible of the middle ages, the ninth and tenth centuries in European history,

Barrett, Charlotte, 161

Barrie, J. M. (Sir James Matthew), 92. Peter Pan, 734. Peter Pan and Wendy, 1337. Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, 1211

Barrow, Sir John, Eventful history of the mutiny and piratical seizure of HMS Bounty, 393

Barrow, William, 1067

Barsetshire chronicles, 946

Barsetshire novels (series), 391, 410, 426, 440, 459, 475

Barstow, Mrs Montague see Orczy, Baroness

Barter, Richard, Siege of Delhi, mutiny memories of an old officer, 528

Bartleby, 232

Bascunan, Francisco Nunez de Pineda y see Pineda y Bascunan, Francisco Nunez de

Bashford, Sir Henry Howarth, Augustus Carp, Esq., 614

Bastille, 638

Bate, Jonathan, 891

Bates, Ernest Sutherland, in, 112, 283

Bates, H. E. (Herbert Ernest), 126

Battle for the code, 1266

Battle of life, 622

Bayeux tapestry and the Norman inva-sion, 333

Bayley, John, 905, 920. What is war and peace?, 1303

Beach ofFalesa, 126

Beagle (ship), 413, 671, n56

Beardsley, Aubrey, n 74

Beare, Geraldine, 684, 711, 802, 1113

Beaumont, Agnes, Trial of John

Bunyan & the persecution of the Puritans, 431

Beautiful and the damned, 1233

Beaux' stratagem, 347

Becker, Robert, 342.7

Becket, Thomas, 152, 1110

Beckett, Edward, 1038

Beckett, Samuel, Waitingfor Godot, 1038

Beckford, William, Vathek, 113

Bedford, Sybille, Visit to Don Otavio, 676. Bed 29 and other stories, 738

Beeching, Jack, 309

Beer, Gillian, 1000, 1000.4

Beerbohm, Max, Illustrated Zuleika Dobson, A21. Zuleika Dobson or An Oxford love story, 221, A21

Beerbohm Tree, Sir Herbert see Tree, Sir Herbert Beerbohm

Behn, Aphra, Lucky chance, 347. Rover, 347. Two tales, the royal slave and the fair jilt, 54

Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, 370

Bel, Jean le see Le Bel, Jean

Bel-Ami, 80

Bell, Nancy R. E. see Danvers, N.

Bell, Quentin, 348

Bell, Walter George, Great Fire of London in 1666, 1142. Great plague in London, 1081

Bell and Hyman (publisher), 507.7, 1143

Belloc, Hilaire, 333. Cautionary tales and other verses, 904

Belton estate, 701

Benedictional of Saint JEthelwold, 1080

Benito Cerino, 232

Benjamin Franklin, his life as he wrote it, 637

Bennett, Alan, 809. Lady in the van, and three stories, 1332

Bennett, Arnold, Old wives' tale, 1176

Bennett, Chester, 131

Benson, E. F. (Edward Frederic), Mapp and Lucia novels, 793

Bentley, Nicolas, 415. History of the circus, 425.7

Beowulf, 331, 954, 1123.5

Berg, Maxine, 1059

Bergerac, Cyrano de, Voyages to the moon and the sun, 688

Bergon, Frank, 1028

Berlin diaries 1940-1945, 682

Berlioz, Hector, Life of love and music, 600

Bernard, Bruce, 627, A22. Queen of heaven, 626.5

Bertrams, 759

Best after-dinner stories, 1140

Bestiary, 726

Best of Blandings, 1203

Best of Dorothy Parker, 830

Best of Roald Dahl, 1103

Best of the raconteurs, 1021

Bethge, Eberhard, 1031

Betjeman, John, Betjeman's Britain, 982. Selected poems, 1205

Betjeman's Britain, 982

Betrothed, 272

Between the acts, 348

Bewick, Thomas, 464. My life, 485

Beyle, Henri see Stendahl

BFG, 1103

Bible designed to be read as literature, in (volume I), 112 (volume II), 283

Bible. Psalms, 52

Bible. Song of songs, 235, 322.5

Bibliotheque Nationale, 223

Bielenberg, Christabel, 682

Bierce, Ambrose, Devil's dictionary, 1159

Big sleep, 640

Billington, Rachel, 679

Billy Budd, 232

Binchy, Maeve, 743

Bingham, Hiram, Lost city of the Incas, the story of Machu Picchu and its builders, 1215

Bingham, Madeleine, Making of Kew, 371.7

Binyon, Laurence, in, 112, 283

Bird, Isabella, Lady's life in the Rocky Mountains, 612

Bird paintings of Henry Jones, 398.5

Bird poems, 464

Birkett, Sir Norman, later Lord, 40, 47, 138, 363, 748

Birkin, Andrew, 734

Birley, A. R. (Anthony Richard), 1236

Birth, life and acts of King Arthur, 1174

Birth of Britain, 1133

Birth of the middle ages 395—814, 951

Black, Jeremy, 1064

Black book of the Admiralty, 143.5

Black death, 876

Blacker Kerr, Alexander see King-Hall, Magdalen

Black mischief, 476, 983

Blackmore, R. D. (Richard Doddridge) , Lorna Doone, a romance of Exmoor, 1003

Black Prince (Edward), 441

Blair, Peter Hunter, Anglo-Saxon England, 908, 909, 971

Blake, Lord (Robert), 554.5, 995

Blake, Peter, 1234

Blake, Quentin, 839, 877, 943, 1259

Blake, Robert see Blake, Lord

Blake, William, 183. Songs of inno-cence and experience, 736

Blanch, Lesley, 196, 447

Blatter aus meinem Portefeuille, im laufe des Feldzuges 1812 in Russland an Ort und Stellegezeichnet, 264

Blayney, Peter W. M., A34

Bleak House, 548, 799, 1200

Blegen, Carl W, Troy and the Trojans, 1255, 1279.1

Blessington d'Orsay, 508

Blixen, Karen, Out of Africa, 472

Blood wedding, 414

Bloomsbury guides to English literature, 801

Blount, Roy, junior, 977

Blue fairy book, 1124

Blue Nile, 1056

Blundell, Joe Whitlock, 879, 912. Immortals, London's finest statues, 948

Blunden, Edmund, De bello Germanico, 630. Undertones of war, 630

Blythe, Ronald, 882, 964. Akenfield, portrait of an English village, 1120

Boccaccio, Giovanni, Decameron, 74 (first five days), 76 (second five days), 269

Bodleian Library, 245, 726

Bodley Head (publisher), 113, 831

Boer War, 1001

Boethius, Consolation of philosophy, 935

Boland, Bridget, 523.5

Boland, Evan, 994

Bolt, Ranjit, 994

Bonaparte, Napoleon see Napoleon I, Emperor of France

Bonarroti, Michelangelo see Michelangelo

Bond, Donald Frederic, 233

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, Letters and papers from prison, 1031

Booklover's companion, 1330

Book of Common Prayer, 1209

Book of Margery Kempe, a woman's life in the middle ages, 1171

Book of Mediterranean food, 1231

Book of psalms, 52

Book of the Bayeux tapestry, 333

Book of the 100 greatest paintings, 1073

Book of the 100 greatest photographs, 1305

Book of the 100 greatest portraits, 1184

Book of the Month Club, New York, 401

Book of the thousand nights and one night, 16, 124, 467, 1154, 1164

Book of travellers' tales, 1276

Booth, Mark Haworth- see Haworth-Booth, Mark

Boston, Stewart, 678

Boswell, James, Journal of a tour to the Hebrides, 660. Life of Samuel Johnson, 252. London journal 1762-63, 546, 1302

Boswell's London journal 1762-63, 546, 1302

Bounty (ship), 393

Bourdillon, F. W. (Francis William), 3

Bourgogne, Adrien Jean Baptiste

Francois, Retreat from Moscow, 558

Bowen, Marjorie, 895

Boxiana or Sketches of ancient and modern pugilism, 398

Boy dell and Brewer (publisher), 726

Boyle, Nicholas, 1253

Boy who would not grow up, 734

Boz see Dickens, Charles

Bradbury, Malcolm, 1053, 1216

Bradbury, Sue, 414, 418.5, 500, 547, 631, 665, 692, 729, 758, 821, 859, 877, 901, 1329

Bradbury and Evans (publisher), 506.3, 506.5, 523.7, 523.8, 539-5, 581.5, A27

Bradford, Ernie, 206. Hannibal, 933, 965.6

Brancaccio di Carpino, F. see Carpino, F. Brancaccio di

Brant, Sebastian, Ship of fools, 301

Braudel, Fernand, Mediterranean and the Mediterranean world in the age of Philip II, 1032

Brave new world, 300

Bray, Barbara, 371, 1218

Bray, Warwick, 1045, 1045.3

Brenan, Gerald, South from Granada, 611

Brett, Simon, 892

Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham, Dictionary of phrase and fable, 366.3, A9

Brewer's dictionary of phrase and fable, 366.3, A9

Bride of Lammermoor, 559

Brideshead revisited, 813

Bridge of San Luis Rey, 89

Brief lives, a selection, 387, 608

Briggs, Asa, 685, 769-5, 995, 133i. England in the age of improvement 1783—1867, 976. Victorian trilogy, 860

Brighton rock, 900, 1123.7

Britannia, a history of Roman Britain, 997

British Library, 223, 274, 441, 705, 765, 877, 1080, 1132, 1183, 1245, 1245.5, 1313

British Museum, 1262, 1348

British myths & legends, 954, 1123.5

Bron, Eleanor, 980

Bronte, Anne, Agnes Grey, 262, 702. Poems, 595. Tenant of Wildfell Hall, 225, 702

Bronte, Charlotte, 295, 1281. Five novelettes, 297. Jane Eyre, 203, 702, 827, 828, 878, 931. Poems, 595. Professor, 276, 702. Shirley, 259, 702. Villette, 243, 702

Bronte, Emily (EmilyJane), 1281. Complete poems, 38. Poems, 595. Wuthering Heights, 191, 702, 827, 829, 878, 932

Bronte, Patrick, 1281

Brontes, a life in letters, 1281

Brook, Peter, 55, 135.5, 407

Brooke, Rupert, Poems, 9, 86.5

Brothers Karamazov, 194

Broughton, Jack, 398

Brown, Alec, 77, 149

Brown, Alexis, 309

Brown, Craig, 1002

Brown, Ivor, 81, 175.5, 4°7, 423

Brown, Michelle P., Luttrellpsalter, commentary, 1313

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 575. Sonnets from the Portuguese, 169

Browning, Robert, 575. Dramatic monologues, 689. Pied piper of Hamelin, 732

Brownings, a biography compiled from contemporary sources, 575

Browse, Lillian, 146

Bruce Lockhart, R. H. see Lockhart, R. H. Bruce (Robert Hamilton Bruce)

Bruce Lockhart, Robin see Lockhart, Robin Bruce

Bryant, Christopher, 183

Bryson, Bill, 1240

Buccaneer explorer, 775

Buccaneers of America, 309

Buchan,John, Adventures of Richard Hannay, 1138. Greenmantle, 1138. Island of sheep, 1138. Mr Standfast, 1138. Thirty-nine steps and the power-house, 1138, 1238. Three hostages, 113 8

Buddenbrooks, the decline of a family, 635

Buddha, 13 1

Budgell, Eustace, Sir Roger de Coverly, 233

Buffum, E. Gould, Gold rush, 133

Bukovsky, Vladimir, 468

Bulkeley, John, 511

Bull, George, 218, 281, 291, 651, 761, 1326. Venice, the most tri-umphant city, 469

Bullen, A. H. (Arthur Henry), 4, 749

Bulmer, William, 1197

Bunyan, John, Pilgrim's progress, 166. Trial of John Bunyan and the persecution of the Puritans, 431

Buonarroti, Michelangelo see Michelangelo

Burchard, Johann, At the court of the Borgia, 178

Burchfield, Robert W, A3 6, A3 8. English language, 1321

Burckhardt, Jacob, Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy, an essay, 1272

Burge, Stuart, 335, 407, 423

Burke, Christopher, Rise and fall of the medieval monastery, 1307

Burmese days, 1069.5

Burn, A. R. (Andrew Robert), Lyric age, the Greek world c. 750—510 BC, 1097. Persian wars, the Greeks and the defence of the west, c. 546—478 BC, 1097

Burne, Alfred H., Hundred Years War, a military history, 1279

Burnett, Frances Hodgson, Secret garden, 578, 1316

Burnett, Tim, 687

Burney, Charles, Music, men, and manners in France and Italy 1770, 274

Burney, Fanny, Fanny Burney's diary, 161

Burnt-out case, 900

Burton, Richard, 71, 154.5, 4°7> 423

Burton, Richard F, Secret pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina, 1178. Source of the Nile, 766

Burton, Robert, Anatomy of melan-choly, 1246

Butcher, William, 1066

Butler, Marilyn, 796

Buyer's market, 1340

Byatt, A. S. (Antonia Susan), 689, 1000, 1000.7

Byng, John, Viscount Torrington see Torrington, John Byng, Viscount

Byrne, Muriel Saint Clare, 523.5

Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 48. Lord Byron and some of his contem-poraries, 615

Byron, John, 511

Byron, Robert, Road to Oxiana, 1025

Byzantine art and civilisation, 1182

Byzantium, 1150

C. R. B. see K. B. C.

Caesar, Julius, Roman statesman, 921, 965.5, 1309. Gallic and Civil Wars, 1334

Cairns, David, 600

Cakes and ale or The skeleton in the cupboard, 279

Calas, Jean, 789

Calas affair, a treatise on tolerance, 789

Calder, Daniel, 954, 1123.5

Calisto, 328

Call of the wild, 956

Callow, Simon, 1026, 1275

Cambridge biographical dictionary, a3 1

Cambridge cultural history of Britain, 838

Cambridge guide to the arts of Britain, 838

Cambridge University Press, 838, 1103, A31

Cameron, Allan, 1320

Cameron, Euan, 1223

Cameron, James, 498

Cameron, Norman, 139

Campaigns of Napoleon, 1109

Campbell, Bruce, Bird paintings of Henry Jones, 398.5

Campbell, Robin, 1141, 1168.5

Camus, Albert, Plague, 601

Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio

Canal), Paintings, drawings and etchings, 240

Candide, 5

Cannadine, David, 855, 909

Cannon, John, 940

Canterbury tales, 939

Can you forgive her?, 632, 768

Cape, Jonathan (publisher), A41

Capek, Karel, Tales from two pockets, 170

Capitolinus, Julius, 1236

Captain Cook's voyages 1768—1779, 906

Captain Henry Hastings, 297

Captains courageous', a story of the grand banks, 832, 844

Cap ta in's da ugh ter, 286

Carcanet (publisher), 581.7

Carcopino, Jerome, Daily life in ancient Rome, 1168

Careless husband, 347

Carey, Denis, 358, 407, 423

Carley, James, 954, 1123.5

Carlyle, Thomas, French revolution, 638

Carmen, 20

Carmen Ambrosii, 116, 148.7

Carmina Catulli, 490

Caroline of Brunswick, Queen of Britain, 435

Caroline Vernon, 297

Carp, Augustus see Bashford, Sir Henry Howarth

Carpino, F. Brancaccio di, Fight for freedom: Palermo, i860, 251

Carr, J. L. (James Lloyd), Month in the country, 964

Carr, Raymond, 523.8

Carroll, Lewis (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson), Alice's adventures in Wonderland, 162, 679. Complete & utter nonsense, 960. Complete nonsense, 960. Hunting of the snark, 404. Through the looking-glass and what Alice found there, 174, 679. Utter nonsense, 960

Carse, Duncan, 355

Carson, Rachel, Silent spring, 1037

Cary, Henry, 724

Cary, Henry Francis, 927

Cary, Joyce, Horse's mouth, 265

Casebook of Sherlock Holmes, 750

Cassell (publisher), A9

Casson, Sir Hugh, 445

Casson, Sir Lewis, 33, 202.5, 407, 423

Castaway's choice (series), 270, 282, 351, 412, 641, 679, 797, 825, 831, 858, 868, 903, 912, 922, 932, 939, 957, 973, 1023, 1027, 1134, 1169, 1197-1200, 1210, 1216, 1223, 1231, 1234, 1238, 1240-1243, 1246, 1248, 1249, 1258, 1285, 1291, 1292, 1295, 1296, 1301, 1302, 1315

Castle of Fratta, 73

Castle of Otranto, 408

Castle ofWolfenbach, 247

Castle Richmond, 784

Castles of Athlin and Dunblane, 591

Catch-22, 1216

Cathars and Catholics in a French vil-lage 1294-1324, 1218

Cathedrals of England, the north and East Anglia, 1269

Cathedrals of England, the south-east, 1271

Cathedrals of England, the west and midlands, 1270

Catherine the Great, life and legend, 1003

Catriona, 621, 1299

Catullus, Gaius Valerius, Poems, 490

Cautionary tales and other verses, 904

Cavander, Kenneth, 127

Cave, Roderick, 877

Cavendish, George, Thomas Wolsey late Cardinal, his life and death, 168, 337

Caxton, William, 1174

Cecil, Algernon, 995

Celestina, 328

Cellini, Benvenuto, Autobiography, 218

Celtic myths and legends, 1308

Celts, 1055

Century of conflict 1848-1948, 955

Century of humour, 712

Ceram, C. W, Gods, graves, and scholars, the story of archaeology, 970

Cervantes, Miguel de, Don Quixote, 158, 817, 1259

Cezanne, Paul, Cezanne by himself, 652

Cezanne by himself, 652