Compilation of
Committee Reports
Adaptive and Special Olympics Tennis
Support the three major adaptive tennis events that are held in the state:
SO National Invitational Tennis Championships - March 10-13
SPUD Championships - June 21-22
Special Olympics Fall Games - TBD / The committee will support the National Championships with officials and volunteers. Since this event is in the first quarter, Julie Jilly will talk with the colleges that are signed up to compete in the spring collegiate tennis tournaments during this time in hopes of recruiting volunteers. In addition, Julie will contact the local CTA and request additional volunteers. / March - Julie (Volunteers)
Carey (Officials)
June - Jack and Diane (Volunteers)
Carey (Officials) / Ongoing
Create more awareness for Adaptive Tennis, USTA and the SCTPF by adaptive tennis demo events at the professional events that are held in SC. / Carey will immediately identify the pro tournaments that will be held in the state next year. Once these events are identified Sue will identify the SPecial Olympians in the areas for demos. Identification of the events should be completed by the end of January. / Carey Washington and Sue Maner / 1st Qtr - Identify Schedule
2nd & 3rd Qtr - Do Demos
Upon identifying the tournaments, the committee will find the appropriate contact at the event to get permission and set the appropriate time and date for the adaptive tennis demo event.s / Carey will do this. Tentative dates for the demo at the FCC is Wednesday, April 3rd. Jack will work with the FCC and Kevin McFarland. Jack will communicate all activities with Craig Wells, who is arranging a wheelchair demo on the same date. / Carey / 1st Qtr - Identify Schedule
2nd & 3rd Qtr - Do Demos
Plan adaptive tennis demo events and secure appropriate approvals for SPUD during the second quarter / Contact Citadel, CCC, Furman / Jack and Diane / 1st Qtr - January 26 and then ongoing
Plan adaptive tennis demo events and secure appropriate approvals for the SO Fall Games during the 3rd quarter. / 3rd Qtr
Plan and hold a demo at the PTR Symposium in May. Develop a mailing list of pros from around the state that are interested in adaptive tennis. / May - determine date / Jack and Diane / 1st Qtr - determine date
2nd Qtr - do demo
Continue work with the Greenville School District and the Spartanburg School of Deaf and Blind. Expand the awareness of this special program through articles on / Ongoing / Skeeter Powell / 1st Qtr - article to sctennis
Host 3 to 5 small fun days at tennis clubs around the state. This supports our goal of awareness, volunteerism, and education of the USTA and SCTPF. / Establish sites and dates / Jack and Diane / Ongoing
Continue to hold special practices and fun events with universities. / Diane and Jack will work on this and try to if there are further opportunities with the "Tennis on Campus Progam". Try to develop at least one new program in 2013 with a Tennis on Campus Progam.
Improve use of technology to create more and better communication. / Work with Marketing and Communications Committee to expand the promotion of adaptive tennis events and to gain new volunteers to help support programs. Get at least one article per quarter on the website about adaptive tennis.
Develop a plan to secure equipment to support adaptive tennis programs throughout the state. / 1. Develop a list of equipment needed for an adaptive tennis program.
2. Price estimate of what equipment will costs and determine the best sources to buy equipment. Consult other committees regarding sourcing.
Increase school programs and identify what is necessary for a multipe school unified fun day in late 2013 or sometime in 2014. / Unified One Day Tourneys / Martha Cartin / TBD
Periodically review website for information pertinent to your areas. / Work with the staff web coordinator. / Twice per year
Coordinate with the next incoming chair to discuss the goals you had the last year. / Meet with incoming chair before annual meeting. / Chair / December 1, 2013
Additional information concerning accomplishments for the current quarter:
First Quarter:
Although we didn't have any major goals during the first two months the team has done a lot of work in preparation for the Special Olympics National Games in Hilton Head and the Family Circle Cup Demo.
Special Olympics National Games
- Carey has confirmed the USTA Officals
- Sue has handled registration, hotels, meals, etc.
- Julie has arranged volunteers
- athletes have trained
Family Circle Cup
- Jack and Diane have arranged the demo for the afternoon of April 3rd
- Jack and Diane have arranged for the special athletes "Rockin Racquets"
- Jack and Diane had a fun day with the Citadel Tennis Team
- 15 athletes and a lot of fun
pictures were sent in to USTA southern and an article was on the website
Majority of the committee will be in h head next week so we will discuss the rest of the year/assignments, etc
Second Quarter:
natl games in Hilton head.
150 athletes from 6 states
Great success
Fam cir
Demo for sp Oly
The Chs rockin rackets and Chs swamp foxes tennis groups did a demo of sp pop abilities
Martha Cartin 's school ( pleasant hill middle) held a unified dubs and skills tournament.
Jack had a sp Oly demo at Ptr symposium. Athletes from hh and Beaufort demonstrated their skills
Moss creek held a pro / am fund raiser for local sp Oly tennis programs. Raised over $10,000. Fun event
Skeeter continues to do a great job with the school for deaf/ blind.
Future events:
Planning / finalizing spud event. Still in need for volunteers. Please contact jack if you know of any. . Looks like we will have 60 athletes from 5 states.
June 7 th. ion club in mt p is hosting a fashion show ( tour tennis clothing) w/ proceeds going to local sp Oly tennis programs.
Third Quarter:
Fourth Quarter:
Adult Competition
Initiate one day tournaments. / 1. Offer incentives to facilities.
2. Establish in Columbia and Summerville Area
3. Establish in Rock Hill, Lexington, Charleston West of the Ashley, and Greenville.
4. Establish in Myrtle Beach, Hilton Head, and Mt. Pleasant. / Matt, Eugenia, Susie / March 2013
June 2013
September 2013
Coordinate with Marketing and Communications Committee. / Develop a promotional package for one day tournaments. / Ray, Alfons / Year Round
Send out 2014 Sanction Packets. / All / June 30, 2013
Finalize 2014 Adult Tournament Schedule / All / September 1, 2013
Create a sub-group to work with league committee to find tactics and strategies to help minimize impact of leagues on tournaments. / Find ways to leverage league success to build tournaments (i.e. team tournaments based off league teams, league mixer one day tournaments, etc.) / Susie, Korrie, Carlos / Formation Date: March 2013
Reporting Date of May 15, 2013
Create a process to recognize top players in each division at the end of the ranking year / Coordinate with staff and the Marketing and Communications Committee to develop a recognition program for top players. / Alfons, Eugenia / October 2013
Create a sub-group to poll and study needs of tournament directors / Consult with staff to review what has already been done. / Ray, Kent, Korrie / Formation Date: February 2013
Reporting Date: October 31, 2013
Launch a "Why Play Tournaments" marketing campaign / Eugenia, Carlos / June 2013
Is this realistic?
Periodically review website for information pertinent to your areas. / Work with the staff web coordinator. / All / Twice per year
Coordinate with the next incoming chair to discuss the goals you had the last year. / Meet with incoming chair before annual meeting. / Chair / December 1, 2013
Additional information concerning accomplishments for the current quarter:
First Quarter:
The following action items are "In-Progress:"
Initiate 1-day tournaments; Develop Promotional Package for 1-Day Tourneys; Send out 2014 Sanction Packets; Create a process to recognize top players in each division at end of ranking year;
Second Quarter:
The following action items are "In-Progress:"
*Coordinate with marketing and communications committee.
* Create a sub-group to work with league committee to find tactics and strategies to help minimize impact of leagues on tournaments.
*Create a process to recognize top players in each division at the end of the ranking year
*Launch a "Why Play Tournaments" marketing campaign
Third Quarter:
Fourth Quarter:
Review policies and procedures for possible improvements and changes. / Prepare for review at March 27 meeting. / Committee / May 31, 2013
Continue to improve on means to promote and solicit more nominations. / Discuss at March 27 meeting and implement ideas after June 19 meeting.
Review efforts made the previous year and determine whether improvements are needed. / Committee / June 30, 2013
Evaluate nominations and select all USTA SC and Southern awards. / Prepare at August 14 meeting and make selections at September 22 meeting. / Committee / October 1, 2013
Provide more press coverage of award winners. / Discuss at September meeting and implement thereafter.
Communicate with the Marketing and Communications Committee to maximize promotional activities. / Committee and staff / December 15, 2013
Periodically review website for information pertinent to your areas. / Work with the staff web coordinator. / Chair / Twice per year
Coordinate with the next incoming chair to discuss the goals you had the last year. / Meet with incoming chair before annual meeting. / Chair / December 1, 2013
Additional information concerning accomplishments for the current quarter:
First Quarter:
The committee finalized its action plan for 2013 and will meet by teleconference on March 27 to work on the first two items.
Second Quarter:
The committee met by teleconference on March 27 and discussed ways to solicit nominations, including email blasts, sending out promotional flyers and asking tournament directors, our TSR and Board members to make nominations. Each committee member is also responsible for promoting nominations in assigned categories and this activity has begun. The committee will meet again by teleconference on June 19.
Third Quarter:
Fourth Quarter:
Budget and Audit
Conduct periodic in-process review of the USTA SC budget and recommend adjustments as necessary. / Schedule meeting with Graham late Jan. / James McKissick / ongoing
Ensure that an audit of USTA SC is performed. Scott & Co CPA will perform it again this year. / Under contract with Scott & Co / Graham/James / June 30, 2013
Perform a mid year review and adjustment of the 2013 budget. / Budget committee meeting all day / James / June 30, 2013
Ensure that any exceptions noted in the audit are fully and properly addressed. / Wait for Completed Audit / James/Graham / September 30, 2013
Prepare the USTA SC budget for 2014. / Budget committee meeting / James / November 30, 2013
Periodically review website for information pertinent to your areas. / Work with the staff web coordinator. / Graham/James / Twice per year
Coordinate with the next incoming chair to discuss the goals you had the last year. / Meet with incoming chair before annual meeting. / James / December 1, 2013
Determine new payout methodology for Patrons Foundation / Appoint someone that is not directly tied to Patrons to spearhead this effort / James / March 15
Additional information concerning accomplishments for the current quarter:
First Quarter:
Although the committee has not met as a whole, the chair has met with Graham to review financials from last year, check reconciliation for the first two months of this year, compare and track the budget based on actual dollars received/spent
Second Quarter:
The committee met May 10 via a conference call and completed the mid-year budget review/adjustment process. The trial audit has been received from the auditor and looks good so it will be presented at the June board meeting. Developed a new payout strategy for the Patron's foundation and will submit that recommendation to the board also in June.
Third Quarter:
Fourth Quarter:
2012 USTA SC Action Plan
By-laws and Policy Committee Quarterly Progress Report
Please select the status appropriate to each goal from the drop-down menus:
- Complete updated lists of approved, pending and policies needed in the future. Put policies and procedures in organized form for Committee members and Board use. (Target Date: 7/15/12)
- Draft indexing format for policy and procedure organization.This item discussed at BPC meeting on 5/31/12 and format for web site was agreed upon. (Target Date: 7/1/12)
- Draft internal financial management policy for staff. First draft to be prepared by John and Graham.(Target Date: 7/15/12)
- Follow up on information previously requested from IRS concerning corporate status. (Target Date: 7/10//12)
- Integrate 2011 action plan items with 2012 action plan; submit draft to committee for considertation. (Target Date: 7/1/12)
- Schedule group Wiggio training for committee members.(Target Date: TBD)
Please supply additional information concerning your accomplishments for the current quarter:
-First Quarter:
-Second Quarter:Committee has agreed upon an indexing system for inclusion on the web site that will make access to the By-Laws, Policies and Procedures easy to search for members. Two proposed By-Law changes were agreed upon at the May 31, 2012 BPC meeting and will be submitted to the full BOD at the June meeting. The BPC utilized the Wiggio system which allowed easy review of proposed language and changes that were needed to exsisting documents.
-Third Quarter:
-Fourth Quarter:
Community Development
Divide CTAs between committee members to create support groups for CDLM grant recipients. /
- Follow up on bi-monthly schedule to remind CTA’s of grant deadlines.
- Offer grant review help to ensure the best grant is submitted
Meet with CTA representatives (50% of board or 3 person, whichever is less). CD working closely with the Diversity Committee in these meetings. / 1. Assign committee members to specific CTAs.
2. Schedule meetings with corresponding CTAs.
This item needs to be coordinated with the Diversity & Inclusion Committee plan. / Chair - Assigner
SL - Scheduler / March 31, 2013
Report to CD committee on updated CTA goals. / The committee as a group will review bi-month CTA progress. / Committee / On going
Maintain phone communication with CTA leadership. Encourage CTAs taking advantage of program grants are available through 1/31, then again through the end of May. / Quarterly communication with CTAs with assistance leading up to grant submissions / Committee / On going
Track CTA progress with measures listed in Long Range Plan for CTAs. / Work with office to compile list of goals CTAs have for themselves. / Chair / April 31
Development of $2,000 CD Special Projects Fund to stimulate junior tennis and diversity.
(Is this what you mean?) / 1. Committee will review after meeting the CTAs.
2. Develop parameters for funding.
3. Request budget. / Committee / On going
Plan Community Tennis Development Workshop. / 1. Obtain suggested topics from CTAs during face to face meetings.
2. Review evaluations from last year's program.
3. Early notification. / Committee / March 15
Periodically review website for information pertinent to your areas. / Work with the staff web coordinator. / Chair / Twice per year
Coordinate with the next incoming chair to discuss the goals you had the last year. / Meet with incoming chair before annual meeting. / Chair / December 1, 2013
Additional information concerning accomplishments for the current quarter:
First Quarter:
Second Quarter:
Per Al Marshal this committee has been disbanded. Before this action took place we decided to sponsor programs in the hope of developing a format for outreach programs attached is one of those programs to be funded.
Third Quarter:
Fourth Quarter:
MCTA Home School Grant 2013- Tennis for LIFE
Program Overview:
MCTA will be offering a 6 week program targeting the home school children. This program will promote to have tennis as one of the sports elected to be a part of the Physical Education curriculum of the home schools in the area. We would like to expose them to the sport of tennis and instill their desire to continue with the sport after the completion of the program.
Facility/Program Dates:
Program will be held at the Rock Hill Tennis Center beginning on April 3, 2013 and run through May 8, 2013. Participants will play on Wednesdays morning for 1 hour. We will have on court instruction and provide a t-shirt to all participants.
Targeted Audience:
Targeted Audience is a group of children (6-16 years old) from our local home school associations from Rock Hill, York and Fort Mill. We are anticipating 25 participants per week.
Program Continuation:
MCTA will plan to continue this program throughout the year. We will work with the home school association and parents to promote continue tennis after the completion of the program through our JTT programs as well as QuickStart tennis clinics and specific morning clinics to home school children. We would also like to include a Mother’s Day Out tennis clinic.