Equality Objectives for 2017-18
As a result of our Equality Audit, the Governing Body has agreed the following Equality Objectives:-
To continue to develop parents’ and pupils’ engagement, particularly for families eligible for pupil premium funding through the work to develop the school community’s resilience and growth mindset; to encourage more effective two-way adoption of the Home:School Agreement principles. / Ensure parents/carers are aware of the strict enforcement of the school’s attendance policy through a more effective adoption of our Home School Agreement; monitor attendance by age group to track changes; generate letters to families when a child’s attendance falls below a key level in order to highlight this with the family and offering help from the school in working with families to reduce the child’s absence.
Emphasise the importance of pupil/parent engagement, particularly for families eligible for pupil premium funding, by working with parents/carers to develop children’s thirst for knowledge, share online resources with them; greater perception of and actual participation/attendance achieved (on previous year) at curriculum-related and information-sharing parent events and by including a questions in the Pupil/Parent survey to establish an engagement baseline so that we can build on this from year to year.
Parent open mornings to be held on differing days of the week to provide parents with the opportunity to come into school to view their child’s topic work.
Invite parents to class assemblies . / Participation in curriculum related and information sharing events for parents will increase.
Increased positive response rates on growth mindset questions on pupil and parent surveys.
Top quintile attendance figures FS to Y6 will be maintained and attendance will increase to above 95% in Nursery.
Ensure the gap continues to narrow for all our children falling into cohorts defined under the school’s equality policy, that is, pupils with impairments; pupils with English as an alternative language (EAL); pupils eligible for pupil premium (PP); pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND); and most able pupils (MA) / Ensure that learning and progress of groups of pupils, particularly those who are disabled, most able, those with special educational needs, and those for whom the pupil premium provides support, are good. (RAP Evidence of achievement)
Compare with data from external sources – Analyse School Performance, and teacher assessment data
Use pupil progress meetings to identify under achievement; identifying action to be taken; targeting support ; using the support of our SENCo and Assistant SENCo
to support specific individuals and groups on our SEND register; utilising every opportunity to support Most Able pupils (RAP Achievement priorities), and looking for opportunities to protect and expand SENCo capacity for the school over time. / There is evidence of improvement and closing the gap across the cohorts of children identified in our equality policy when compared with other cohorts
ARE attainment exceeds national data for all groups in reading, writing and maths; combined average scaled score will be in line with or exceed national average. Most able are in line with or exceed national data in attainment in reading, writing and maths.
Develop in our children a greater understanding, respect and tolerance of the protected characteristics and demonstrate our commitment to British values – tolerance and individual liberty. / Using the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) provision at the school; develop opportunities for first hand experiences and links with other schools with a more culturally and religiously diverse population; monitoring progress through Governor Raising Achievement Plan (RAP); arrange further visits to places of worship other than Christian e.g. Synagogue, Sikh Temple, Hindu Temple, Mosque.
Whole school SMSC afternoons to be timetabled once per term.
One World Week activities to be organised annually. / Pupils gain first hand understanding and awareness of the diversity of the UK and global community by regularly linking via the internet with at least one school with a more diverse background and also experiencing the opportunity to meeting with the face with children from a more culturally or religiously diverse background.
Maintain SIAMS Outstanding rating.
SMSC class books to be produced containing evidence of SMSC activities
Ensure that all parents are conversant with the environment we provide at Hailey School; that through our vision, the school’s values and our commitment to British values – tolerance, democracy, rule of law and individual liberty, we support and equip our staff, pupil and parent community with the skills, awareness and resources to promote internet safety and combat cyber and all forms of bullying, derogatory language and other poor behaviour. Also that we increase the percentage of parents who are familiar with our anti-bullying policy and processes / Use pupil voice sessions to discuss behaviour in school.
Analyse responses from pupil, staff and parents questionnaires to monitor effectiveness.
Complete annual anti bullying audit.
Continued staff professional development (CPD) including WRAP and PREVENT training.
Continue to update anti-bullying and e-safety information on school website and include links to information on weekly school newsletter.
Organise whole school events during Anti Bullying week.
Increase the percentage of parents who are familiar with our anti-bullying policy and processes. / An environment at the school in which all members of the school community feel safe as evidenced by an increased percentage of parents & staff surveys with responses indicating this and also familiarity with our policies.