The WSPTA Legislative Principles consist of five overarching categories: Budget, Revenue and Funding; Parent and Family Involvement; Public Education Policies; Health and Well-being of Children and Youth; and Safe and Nurturing Environments for Children and Youth. Long-term legislative principles fill the gaps in the short-term issue platform when an emerging issue arises for members to advocate on behalf of children.
Amendments to this list are considered for adoption by members at our legislative assembly. Any PTA member is encouraged to submit a principle that addresses concerns that affect children on a state-wide level.Legislativeprinciples may be amended and new principles may be submitted. Please read instructions below for the submittal process.
Any PTA member is encouraged to submit a new or amended long-term legislative principle that addresses concerns that affect children on a state-wide level.
COMPLETE SUBMITTAL FORM DUE FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2017Email completed form to
Legislative principle submitter requirements:
- Must be a current Washington State PTA member
- Submitthiscompleted Legislative Principle Proposal Formby the deadline above, to the and include all links/references so the information is verifiable
- Be available by email and phone to work with the legislative committee member assigned to review your principle to provide clarification where needed
- Be available during the legislative committee meeting to answer questions on the principle
- In the case where one or more principles submitted are of similar scope, work with others to combine principles
The legislative committee will review the proposals and make recommendations to the board of directors at its summer board meeting. A legislative committee member will work with you during this time if additional information is required. You will be notified by August 31, 2017,if your proposal will be forwarded to the members at the WSPTALegislative Assembly, October 20-21, 2017.
FOR NEW LEGISLATIVE PRINCIPLES FORWARDED TO THE MEMBERS AT LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY ONLY:To make sure your proposal is represented well atthe legislative assembly, it is recommended that you prepare the following:
- Create apresentation to be used at legislative assembly
- Submit any handouts you plan to use to the legislative committee for approval
LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (October 20-21, Hotel Murano, Tacoma):
- Attend legislative assembly (or send a representative) to present yourlegislative principle to attendees, gathering supporters for caucusing and debating during the debates.
- Present your proposal to the assembly to encourage adoption
- Weekly legislative committee phone calls will address bills and action on Top 5 issues and issues that are hot legislative topics; you are invited to participate in these calls
- As needed, help prepare testimony, testify in Olympia and recruit otherpotential advocates.
- This submission is being offered by a / an(Use only one response below.)
Local PTA
- Primary Contact: – (Fill in the appropriate information in the area below. In order for the submission to be accepted, you must fill out all the criteria in this section.)
First Name
Last Name
Membership ID#
Primary Contact PTA Name
Primary Contact PTA ID#
Primary Contact Home Street Address
Primary Contact Home City
Primary Contact Home Zip Code
Primary Contact Home Phone#
Primary Contact Mobile #
Primary Contact Email Address
- Legislative Principle Category (check one):
____Budget, Revenue and Funding
____Parent & Family Involvement
____Public Education Policies
____Health & Well-being of Children and Youth
____Safe & Nurturing Environments for Children and Youth - Type of submission (check one):
____New legislative principle. Go to Step 5.
____Revision of existing legislative principle. Go to Step 6.
- New Legislative Principle Language - Please enter your text after the introductory line (100 characters maximum).Go to step 8:
The Washington State PTA shall identify and initiate education and action on public policy that:
- Revision of Existing Legislative Principle Language - Please enter the CURRENT LANGUAGE you wish to amend:
The Washington State PTA shall identify and initiate education and action on public policy that:
- Revision of Existing Legislative Principle Language – Please enter the AMENDED LANGUAGE. Go to step 8:
The Washington State PTA shall identify and initiate education and action on public policy that:
Supporting Documentation
Please complete the following questions. Use hyperlinks where appropriate to substantiate and provide additional background information.
- What are key facts associated with this problem or the solution? Please include references and links to substantiate facts.
- Please provide a 250-word persuasive “for” statement. This statement should include the following points:
- Why this principleshould be supported by the Washington State PTA.
- What is the current problem this principle is solving?
- What is the solution to the problem?
- How will this legislation improve the lives of the children in your community and across Washington State?
- Optional, include a quotation about this principle (in less than 200 characters, including spaces) that may expand or complement the “for” statement. If this quote is from a source other than the submitter, include contact information or citation for the quotation.
- What, if any, are the potential fiscal impacts of the principle?
SKIP if the submission is amending an existing legislative principle.
- Are any legislators and/or groups or coalitions currently working on this principle?Please describe any work in progress.
SKIP if the submission is amending an existing Legislative Principle.
- Has this topic been addressed as a legislative principle, short term platform issue, or resolution in the past? (If yes, then please cite the issue and year.)
SKIP if the submission is amending an existing Legislative Principle.
- Please list state and national PTA positions, long-term principles or resolutions that align with your offered position(Please cite the position title, resolution title and the platform yearif known.).
SKIP if the submission is amending an existing Legislative Principle.
- Please enter any additional website references or information necessary to complete
your proposal.
- If there are any additional submitters, please include all their information below.
Secondary Contact First Name
Secondary Contact Last Name
Secondary Contact Membership ID#
Secondary Contact PTA Name
Secondary Contact PTA ID#
Secondary Contact Home Street Address
Secondary Contact Home City
Secondary Contact Home Zip Code
Secondary Contact Home Phone#
Secondary Contact Mobile #
Secondary Contact Email Address
If you need to add additional information, pleasecontact us at:
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