Associated Students of Mills College

Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Monday, January 24, 2011

GSB 118

I.  Roll Call (8:00PM)

○  i. Amelia Lopez, ASMC President

○  ii. T Gage, ASMC Vice President

○  iii. Lakshmi Poti, Executive Accountant

○  iv. Rebecca Freeman, Internal Affairs Chair

○  v. Modesta Tamayo, Academic Chair

○  vi. Isabel Cortes, Judicial Chair

○  vii. Kalisi Kupu, Publicity Chair

○  viii. Courtney Young-Law, Advisor (Absent)

○  vix. Jasmine Abele, Historian

II.  Approval of Agenda -

A.  add photo opt as B. under business

III.  Open Forum

IV.  Welcome/ Icebreaker

V.  Business (8:14)

A.  Transition for Academic/Publicity

i.  Rebecca is the new Internal Affairs Chair

ii.  Modesta is the new Academic Chair

iii.  Kalisi is the new Publicity Chair

B.  Photo Opt.

i.  ASMC will work towards getting pictures on the website

ii.  Kurt is approved to take the photographs

iii.  $75 will be allocated for a thank you gift

iv.  Time allocated to getting photo’s taken (the next full board meeting)

C.  Full Board Retreat (8:31)

i.  Next Monday, January 31st during the time usually spent as a meeting we will have a retreat.

ii.  Oh the Places We’ll Go (We will have a theme to represent us creating goals for the semester.)

a.  There will be thematic snacks and activities.

D.  New Room! (GSB 118!)

i.  We were originally suppose to meet in GSB 118 last semester, but it was booked for a class. Reason for having GSB 118 is because it is set up like congress and most government conferences.

ii.  Reason against: GSB 118 is less interpersonal and it is hard to see fellow meetings.

iii.  Reason against: GSB 118 is that there is no way to see everyone simultaneously like our previous space.

iv.  Reason against: GSB 118 is that people who are soft spoken may speak less in the space, because of the structure.Our previous space had more cohesion.

v.  Reason against our previous space GSB 110 is that it was too small and will not be able to accommodate our growing student government.

vi.  The full board meeting will be in GSB 118 for next week, but ASMC will meet in another space in the near future.

E.  Committees-

i.  Financial Committee lost nearly all of it’s members from last semester. Until new members are recruited Publicity Committee will help with Special Funding Request until the positions are filled.

ii.  Academic Committee has positions that it is important that they are filled. Students in these positions attend faculty division meetings and are a direct student voice on academic policy at Mills.

F.  Board Reports

i.  Reports for this semester have been made and submitted.

a.  QUESTION: Can ASMC make the Board of Trustees more accessible to students?

G.  Community Meeting (February 7th, 2011, 4:00PM - 6:00PM in Student Union)

i.  It’s mandatory for all of ASMC to attend.

H.  Jean Quan Reception (We intended to attend, but did not have time after discussion)

VI.  Announcements

A.  Fem Dem’s are doing a Women in Power event where many influential will attend and speak. Feb. 15 in GSB Gathering Hall

B.  February is Black History Month (BWC is giving away free cake)

C.  Sock Hop next Friday

VII. Adjournment (9:21)