Water and Wastewater Services Fees Determination 2015 (Jervis Bay Territory)

Administration Ordinance 1990 (Jervis Bay Territory)

I, KARLY PIDGEON, General Manager, Jervis Bay and Indian Ocean Territories Branch, Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development make this Determination under subsection 3B (1) of the Administration Ordinance 1990 (Jervis Bay Territory).

Dated DD MMM 2015


General Manager

Jervis Bay and Indian Ocean Territories Branch

Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development

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1Name of Determination




5 Fees for water services

6Fees for wastewater services

7Multiple water connections

8Invoices and payment period

Schedule 1Annual water availability fees

Schedule 2Annual wastewater availability fees

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Annual water availability fees / Schedule 1

1Name of Determination

This Determination is the Water and Wastewater Services Fees Determination 2015 (Jervis Bay Territory).


This Determination commences on 1 July 2015.


The Water and Wastewater Services Fees Determination 2014 (Jervis Bay Territory) is revoked.


In this Determination:

GST has the meaning given by section 195-1 of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999.

wastewater availability fee means the price charged to have wastewater services made available.

water availability fee means the price charged to have water services made available.

water usage fee means the price charged for the number of kilolitres of water used.

5Fees for water services

(1)The annual water availability fee for a connection size is the fee mentioned in Schedule 1 for the water connection size.

(2)The water usage fee is $1.48 per kilolitre.

Note A supply of water is GST-free — see section 38.285 of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999.

6Fees for wastewater services

The annual wastewater availability fee for a connection size is the fee mentioned in Schedule 2 for the water connection size.

Note A supply of wastewater services is GST-free — see section 38-290 of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999.

7Multiple water connections

A water availability fee mentioned in Schedule 1 and a wastewater availability fee mentioned in Schedule 2 are payable for each water meter service connection.

8Invoices and payment period

(1)A single invoice for water and wastewater fees will be issued quarterly.

(2)The due date for payment of the fees is the date shown as the due date for payment on the invoice issued to the person liable to pay the fees.

Water and Wastewater Services Fees Determination 2015 (Jervis Bay Territory) / 1
Annual water availability fees / Schedule 1

Schedule 1Annual water availability fees

(section 5)

Item / Water connection size / Annual fee ($)
1 / 25 mm / 133.00
2 / 32 mm / 218.00
3 / 50 mm / 532.00
4 / 80 mm / 1360.00
5 / 100 mm or more / 2125.00

Schedule 2Annual wastewater availability fees

(section 6)

Item / Water connection size / Annual fee ($)
1 / 25 mm / 1049.00
2 / 32 mm / 1540.00
3 / 50 mm / 2281.00
4 / 80 mm / 4242.00
5 / 100 mm or more / 6059.00
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1.All legislative instruments and compilations are registered on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments kept under the Legislative Instruments Act 2003. See http://www.frli.gov.au.

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