Notes for managers
Core guidance is provided within the About the Job Template in italics. The purpose of these notes is to provide managers with some further guidance on completing the template. This further information, and links to relevant webpages and downloads, is provided in blue text.
A. ACTION NOW - complete this action checklist for each About the Job
1. Complete all sections shaded green.Once you have the job description and person specification in place, give full consideration to the grading of the post in line with the agreed University grade profiles
http://www.shef.ac.uk/hr/reward/usgs/profiles .
Guidance on completing the template, examples of recent posts and general guidance on grading profiles is available at http://www.shef.ac.uk/hr/recruitment/guidance/atj
2. All prompts are in italics. Please remove them before submitting the completed About the Job.
3. Email the completed About the Job, with your Engagement Form to the approved Agency Provider you wish to use.
4. Provide the agency worker with a copy of the About the Job as part of her/his induction. This document will form the basis of their induction process.5. Should you be advised by the Agency Provider that the worker is due to reach the 12 week qualifying period it is essential you check that the activities they are undertaking still fall within the grade allocated for the work.
6. Should the work they undertake become substantially different (e.g. requiring different skills/knowledge/pay) please raise with their agency provider. This is essential to avoid any new service inappropriately contributing to the agency worker’s 12 week qualifying period. If uncertain as to what would amount to a substantially different role please seek advice from HumanResources.
Department of XXXFaculty of XXX
Post title:
Reporting to:
(Clearly indicate who the agency worker will report to and be responsible for (where relevant)).
Equivalent UoS Grade:
Equivalent UoS Point:
Main Duties and ResponsibilitiesAction: Summarise as bullet points the main duties involved in this role in order of importance, including planning and organising and any resource management responsibilities. See http://www.shef.ac.uk/hr/recruitment/guidance/atj for examples of recent posts.
· Be aware that the criteria set within the person specification will form the basis on which the Agency Provider will identify who can best meet your requirements.
· The headings and examples included below may not be appropriate for the type of work required, please amend both to suit the needs of the role.
· Please use a ‘’X’’ to mark criteria as essential or desirable, as other icons may not be viewed by some MAC users.
Criteria / Essential / DesirableQualifications and experience
List the experience and qualifications required (insert ‘or equivalent’ where relevant).
1. / § eg manual lifting
2. / § eg Proven ability to use excel
Management skills
3. / § eg Knowledge of relevant systems, policies, legislation and quality standards
4. / § eg Experience of motivating a team of staff.
Communication skills
5. / § eg Effective communication skills, both written and verbal, and report writing skills
6. / § eg Excellent customer service skills, with experience of responding efficiently and effectively to phone and email enquiries.
Team working
7. / § eg Experience of working in a team effectively
Supporting staff performance
8. / § eg Experience of reviewing individual and team progress and performance.
9. / § eg Ability to motivate high performance in others.
Problem solving and decision making
10. / § eg Ability to develop creative approaches to problem solving.
11. / § eg Ability to analyse and solve problems.
Project management
12. / § eg Ability to assess and organise resources, and plan and progress work activities.
Personal effectiveness
14. / § eg Experience of developing and maintaining a network of contacts throughout own work area.
15. / § eg Experience of adapting own skills to new circumstances.