High Valley Property Owners Association
Annual Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: October 13, 2012
I. Welcome: Everyone introduced themselves. New members were welcomed.
II. Invocation: Bob Crummette led the group in an opening prayer.
III. Administrative
a. Meeting Notice posted - yes
b. Present: 16 (voting members) Proxy’s: 26 Total: 42
c. Quorum established: no, 46 were needed to make quorum
IV. Disposition/Reading the minutes from 2011; The prior President stated that a letter was missing from last year’s minutes. Meeting minutes for the 2011 Annual Meeting were accepted.
V. Finance Report: The current President went over the financial statements pointing out significant items in the statements such as increased income, charges for the rental of the Ruritan building. Payment was missed for the last 4 years. Payments are now up to date. Accounting and legal fees are a little higher due to lien work. Liens overall are up to date and ready for the tax sale. Financial Statements, are attached. The President reviewed the Additional Finance Report, (attached), stating that there are 11 more property owners now in good standing and that there are 4 owners making payments to resolve their amounts over due.
VI. Road Report: Road Chair reviewed the Road Report (attached), discussing how important it is to put a crown on the road, getting day light on the edges of the road and keeping up what we have accomplished. He wants to finish High Valley Drive. There is a little more to do. Many property owners stated that the roads look great and that they are much smoother than they were. They did state that we need to pay attention to the ditches. Crusher-run small diameter material provides a better road as it does not pop up when driving over it and it reduces the dust. Rolling it in makes a harder surface that can stand up better. Owners were very pleased with the roads. A great deal of money was spent this year getting them that way. The Vice President talked about the Volunteer Work Report, how much money it saved the association. She also mentioned the paint work and culvert markings. Culvert markings are important to the road contractor and the snow plow operator so that they know where they are. She asked for volunteers for our next volunteer road work day set for November 10th. We will meet at 6W at 8:00am and work until 12:00. Bring gloves. Look on the website for volunteer road work announcements. Volunteer road work report is attached.
VII. Donations 2012: no vote was taken to change the donations as we did not have a quorum.
a. Highland County Fire and Rescue
b. Pendleton County Fire and Rescue
VIII. Vote on special assessments: No vote was taken as we did not have a quorum. The current President stated that since there was no vote to change special assessments they would stay the same. The prior President objected stating that we would have to vote to make collection. The Board is going to research this and post the results on the web by December 10th.
a. Administration $25
b. Road maintenance $35
IX. Communications: The President talked about the Web Report, what is offered on the site. She stated that lots, several lots were for sale by owner, including lot 27 which will be posted on the website shortly. Owners stated that they liked the site and go there weekly to see what is new. They wanted more frequent postings. The Web Report is attached.
X. Nomination of new members – none were requested.
XI. Vote on Board of Directors: The Board stays the same since there was no quorum for voting.
a. Running – Nikki Wilfong Wendy Beahr
Bob Crummette Jimmie Barnes
Michele Selvage Lorriane Hasse
Joerg Schreiner
XII. Other Business
a. Meeting date 2013 will be the second Saturday in October.
b. The prior President asked about the road sign. The current President stated that it was still on the list of things to potentially accomplish.
X. Adjournment