PHYSICS 2016-2017


Instructor: Mr. Ben Winslow Room: E108


Voice Mail: 770-651-6290

Course description:

The Physics curriculum is designed to continue student investigations of the physical sciences that began in grades K-8 and provide students the necessary skills to be proficient in physics. This curriculum includes more abstract concepts such as interactions of matter and energy, velocity, acceleration, force, energy, momentum, and charge. Students investigate physics concepts through experience in laboratories and field work using the processes of inquiry.

Anticipated Classroom Format:

1.  Materials: You will need the following- a 3 ring binder and a scientific calculator (GRAPHING CALCULATORS ARE NOT MANDATED FOR THIS COURSE)

2.  Make up work: Students must have an excused absence to make up missed work.

**Refer to the student handbook for the CHHS policy on makeup work**

*Homework is due when you walk in the door.

*Exams/tests must be made up within 3 class days of return.

*Projects (long and short term assignments) must be turned in on the due date, even if the student is absent.

*Student Activity Days do not constitute an absence. Student work must be turned in at the appropriate time.

3.  Late Work: I do not accept work late and if it is not turned in on the due date, you do not receive any credit for the assignment.

4.  Academic Honesty: Any form of academic dishonesty/cheating will result in a zero for that particular task and a call home to parents/guardians.

5.  Evaluation:

Tests (including CDAs) 20%

Quizzes 30%

Final Exam 20%

Daily Work (class work, homework) 30%

6.  Homework: The amount of homework will be assigned will vary. In order to master the concepts covered in class, homework is given to explore and reinforce concepts as well as to preview ideas for class. Therefore, it is of no benefit to you to copy someone else’s work. No credit will be given for homework where work is NOT shown.

7.  Conduct: Any conduct that disrupts the education of others will result in disciplinary action. In addition, be sure to read and understand the laboratory safety contract. Any disruption during lab will be taken seriously as it could put the student, or other students, in a dangerous situation.

8.  Grade Reports: Grade printouts will be given out at the teachers’ discretion. All parents and students have access to Parent Portal. If parents and students are not able to access Parent Portal, please call the main office.

9.  Tardiness: You must be in your seat when the bell rings. CHHS tardy policy will be followed.

10.  Attendance: Attendance is CRITICAL. Class work grades that require participation cannot be made up. In the case of an excused absence, it is the responsibility of the student to arrange a time, within two class periods, for completing any missing graded assignments. Otherwise the grade will result in a zero.

11.  I am here to assist you in being successful. If you need extra help or need to complete makeup work, please schedule an appointment with me after school. Also, I reserve the right to revise this syllabus if I feel it will benefit the majority of my students.

12.  Resources:,,,,

13.  Performance Standards for Physics:

SP1. Students will analyze the relationships between force, mass, gravity, and the motion of objects.

SP2. Students will evaluate the significance of energy in understanding the structure of matter and the universe.

SP3. Students will evaluate the forms and transformations of energy.

SP4. Students will analyze the properties and applications of waves.

SP5. Students will evaluate relationships between electrical and magnetic forces.

SP6. The student will describe the corrections to Newtonian physics given by quantum mechanics and relativity when matter is very small, moving fast compared to the speed of light, or very large.

14.  Physics Curriculum Map (subject to change):

Nuclear Physics 5 ½ weeks

Linear Motion 6 ½ weeks

Forces 4 ½ weeks

Momentum 3 weeks

Electricity and Magnetism 6 weeks

Waves 7 weeks

**The Douglas County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin, disability or age in educational programs or activities, or employment practices.**

*** Please sign and return this page***

Student Name (Print Clearly) ______Period ______

I have read and will abide the following:

______1. Class Syllabus

______2. Laboratory Safety Contract

I understand that the following expectations in the classroom and in the laboratory are important to my safety and the success of my education. I understand the consequences of inappropriate behavior. I also understand that a successful education is a combination of the student, parent and teacher working together.


(Student signature & date) (Parent(s) signature & date)