held on Tuesday, 30th June at Sabhal Mor Ostaig, Sleat, Isle of Skye at 7.30pm

Present: Roddy Murray,Pauline Lyle, Rob Ware, Flora Maclean, Margaret Colpus

Apologies: Archie Maccalman

Members of the Public: Peter Roberts, Rhona Mahon, Jan Clarke,Jonathan Macdonald, Una Macleod, Janet MacDonald, Val and Peter Piddock, Vena Cleland.


The Chairman welcomed the public to the meeting, thanked them for coming and introduced his fellow members of the Sleat Community Council.


The Chairman’s Report is shown as Appendix 1 at the end of this minute. The Report was agreed by the Councillors as a fair reflection of the work of the Council for the past year.


The Treasurer gave an update on the SCC accounts as follows:

Sleat Community Council

Receipts & Payments for year ending 31st March 2015


01/04/14Balance in bank£47.17

09/07/14High. Council grant (551240)£1087.59

20/11/14BGC High Council £ 250.00




30/08/14 chq.020144Sabhal Mòr hall hire£80.00

30/08/14 chq. 020145 Flora repayment deposit£80.00

07/10/14 chq. 020146 donation Aird defibrillator£100.00

02/12/14 chq. 020147 Ardvasar hall hire£16.00

02/12/14 chq.020148 Duisdeil hall hire£16.00

02/12/14 chq.020149 Sabhal Mòr meetings£40.00

03/01/15 chq. 020151 Secretaries fees£250.00



Balance in bank£802.76




13/06/15 Ardvasar hall hirechq 020151£16.00

16/06/15 Sabhal Mor meetings chq 020152£100.00

16/06/15 Community Nurses Fund 020153£250.00

16/06/15 Sleat Senior’s Lunch Club 020154£200.00



Leaving a balance of £236.76


None, the AGM was now closed.



SCC had invited PC Cameron Macrae to the meeting to update on any issues affecting Sleat and public safety/security. He reported that a theft had taken place of a collection box at Rubha Phoil and that it was believed that there were less speeding issues on the Sleat roads. PC Macrae spoke also about anti-social drinking policies being introduced by Police Scotland. PC Macrae outlined on-going telephone banking scams that are still on-going and warned people to be careful when anyone calls pretending to be from a bank or financial institution. Drink driving has now reduced since the new legislation was introduced last December. Rob Ware showed a new leaflet from Highland Council and Police Scotland about bogus doorstep crime. PC Macrae asked that all Sleat residents be vigilant and not complacent.


The Chairman’s Report highlighted past difficulties in meeting CDLT regarding the forestry project. Jan Clarke, CEO, said that she hadn’t been contacted but Roddy Murray agreed that he would forward the relevant correspondence and that a meeting would be arranged.


Lavinia Keir offered her appreciation at the work done by the team at the SCC and the meeting followed this in the usual way.


June Hamilton expressed concern at the on-going problem with speeding at the junction of the Teangue-A851 especially with the increase in traffic from RET. Roddy agreed and raised the issue of the speed limit zone around the new farm building at Toravaig. HC have said that they cannot move signs and zones. This would now be raised formally in September when the SCC returns to its normal sessions. Chris Pendlebury repeated the issue of excess water on the carriageway all the way down from Teangue to Ferrindonald. Rob Ware had spoken to PC Macrae who believed that moving the speed zone should be moved. A meeting with HC, Police Scotland and the farmer as well as the Elected Members. Janet Macdonald from Tokavaig asked if the bridge there could be repaired. Rob will photograph the location and will raise it on the next meeting with the Council on Sleat roads issues.


Rob Ware updated on the two applications which have yet to be determined by the Planning Team at HC. Emails have been sent but it appears that further information is still required by the statutory bodies from the Applicant.


Rob Ware gave a brief update on the May meeting which focused solely on the West Highlands and Islands Local Development Plan.


Roddy read out an update from Donald Macleod of FCS which was regarding the CDLT forestry project and action points for Miller Harris for the CDLT. These were a number of points but no response has been made from FCS. Roddy will send all appropriate correspondence to Jan Clarke.


Roddy Murray updated on recent events with teacher posts at the school. Due to roll numbers a post is planned to be reduced for 12 months until numbers rise. The SCC were asked to support the Parent Teacher Council on this issue.


Leader is a European fund for rural development and a new steering group has been set up to assess projects for funding. This will run from 2015 to 2021. Roddy attended the first local meeting and a call for suggestions will be made in the coming months. Roddy felt access to local services for residents and visitors is an important issue and this includes transport which is a key issue.


SLCVO are calling for nominations for young people aged between 12-25.This is an award scheme for candidates who have shown good work in the community.


Highland Council have a number consultations currently open and these include Core Paths, Aquaculture, Wind Farms and Rob Ware updated on these and where individuals and businesses can offer their views. Following the CalMac community engagement meeting in Sleat Rob Ware had written to SERCO asking if a similar exercise for their company would take place across the west coast.


Rob Ware and Roddy Murray are meeting with SW on 8th July and will report back in September.

The meeting closed at 2100, next SCC meeting on 1ST September at Tarskavaig Hall


Appendix 1-Chairman’s Report



Annual Report 2014-2015


The general purpose of the Community Council is to act as a voice for the local area. This will involve ascertaining the views and concerns of local people on a wide range of issues of public concern and making representations to Highland Council and other public and private organisations on matters within their sphere of influence.

The Community Council has a key role in consultation on planning and liquor licensing applications.

The following are some of the main issues dealt with during the year.


Discussions have continued with Scottish Water concerning the future of the Sleat water supply. SW now acknowledge the need to plan for the future recognising the limitations of the current catchment for the longer term. During the year they have been engaged in the installation of new filtration systems costing £1.25million at Loch Carmichael in order to improve quality and to ensure continuity of supply during bad weather. This dialogue is ongoing and meetings will take place shortly for an update.


Following representations made by the Community Councils in south Skye and Lochalsh in February 2014 Highland Council set up a Customer Services Board to review the proposed closure of 23 Service points including Kyle and Broadford. Following further strong representations by the Community Councils it has now been announced that both Kyle and Broadford will remain open providing services as before, the only change being that Broadford will in future be run by High Life Highland rather than directly by the Council. The Community Council will continue to monitor the operation of Broadford Service Point.


The CC were pleased with the decision to site the new hospital facility at Broadford. Debate continues regarding the provision of healthcare facilities in the north end of the island as a result of proposed changes to facilities at Portree. It is not anticipated that this debate will have any effect on the decision to site the new hospital at Broadford.


Concerns were expressed to the Community Council concerning the enclosure of some 500 acres of land at Ostaig for afforestation. These concerns included deer displacement, effect on private water supplies,overshadowing of properties at Kilmore and lack of consultation with the CC or any other community groups or individuals. Attempts to meet with CDLT have been unsuccessful. Representatives of Forestry Commission Scotland attended the November meeting when the community’s concerns were described to them . After some considerable delay FCS responded in May 2015 with some feedback and promises of action to follow up the areas of concern. This item is ongoing and further contact with CDLT/FCS is awaited.


The Community Council have set up the Sleat Transport Forum in order to deal with ongoing transport issues as they affect Sleat This is made up of representatives of the Community Council , Sleat Community Trust and Sabhal Mor Ostaig. Matters dealt with include representations concerning the reduction of speed limits on the A87, attendance at a seminar on north railway lines and liaison with Cal/mac on various aspects of the ferry service. Discussions are ongoing concerning the lack of up to date timetables at the various bus stops between Kyle Broadford and Sleat.

The tendering of the west coast ferry services will be of great importance to Sleat and the Forum will be active in ensuring that the needs of the community are properly represented before the contract is awarded in 2016. Community Council representatives attended a meeting with Cal/mac representatives and contact has been made with the other bidder SERCO seeking to meet them for discussion of their proposals.


Discussions took place regarding the possible refurbishment of the Sleat War Memorial. Sadly the tenant of the croft died during the year and the CC await details of the new tenant so that he or she may be approached to negotiate access. This is ongoing.


The CC has continued to monitor planning applications. An application for a fish farm was refused in August . A further application at loch Eishort has still to be decided.


The Principal Planning Officer at Highland Council gave a presentation on the proposed WHILDP at the March meeting and in order to ensure that the whole community were aware of the implications of the plan the meeting in May was dedicated to a further presentation . The purpose of the consultation is to give residents as much opportunity as possible to shape the development of Sleat in years to come and residents are encouraged to make their views known to Highland Council. The Community Council has made two submissions giving their views.


The Community Council has maintained dialogue with the Roads Department concerning bus shelters, white lining, speed limits and winter maintenance. Resources are diminishing annually and concern is expressed regarding proposed further reductions in winter maintenance for the coming winter.


There are six members at present. Claire Hannah resigned at last year’s AGM and was replaced by Janet McClure. Janet has now resigned as she has left the area. Thanks are due to both of them for their contribution and to all current members for their help ,support and dedication. The Community Council are especially grateful to Rob Ware and Flora Maclean for their hard work as Secretary and Treasurer respectively and for their various activities on behalf of the Community of Sleat.


The financial statement is attached.


Thanks to all members of the public who attend our meetings and who make such a valuable contribution to the work of the Community Council. Meetings are held in Tarskavaig, Ardvasar Duisdale and Ostaig in order to facilitate participation by local residents.


The term of office of this Council will come to an end in the Autumn with elections in November. It is hoped that as many eligible members of the community as possible will put their names forward with a view to serving on the Council. As will be seen the Council does make a difference in representing the needs of the Sleat community and has been successful in the retention and enhancement of services. This is both satisfying and rewarding and a new intake of Councillors would be welcome.

Roderick J Murray Chairman

30 June 2015